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"The community bears your signature"


A lot has changed in the community of Hebertshausen in 50 years. But there is one constant: the Free Citizens' Block.

A lot has changed in the community of Hebertshausen in 50 years.

But there is one constant: the Free Citizens' Block.

Hebertshausen - At the anniversary celebration in the village community center in Prittlbach, Reischl praised the merits of the FBB, which now has 50 members.

The mayor emphasized in particular that the citizens' block had never pursued "personal goals", but instead worked "for the benefit of the community" to this day.

Mayor highlights merits of FBB

"The community bears your handwriting," says Reischl.

He not only praised his fellow councillors, but the Free Voters in general.

These are the "tack in the buttocks of the sluggish CSU lion," continued the CSU politician, who received a lot of applause and just as many laughs from the around 70 listeners for this sentence.

The chairman of the FBB, Erich Schneider, recalled that the citizens' block had provided the first mayor for a total of 18 years.

According to Schneider, the “heyday” was under the current former mayor, Michael Kreitmeir.

Kreitmeir significantly shaped the fortunes of the community of Hebertshausen from 2002 to 2014.

Schneider listed some of the achievements of the civic bloc, including the community social fund and the new sewage treatment plant.

He not only looked to the past, but also to the present and the future.

It's harder to motivate people these days, says Erich Schneider.

According to Schneider, many of the citizens who have moved to the area are not yet firmly rooted in the community and are accordingly less involved.

In any case, he wished the FBB “another successful 50 years”.


Many guests celebrated the 50th anniversary of the FBB together.

Mayor Richard Reischl praised the group.

© Simone Wester

Michaela Steiner, who has held the position of chairwoman of the district association of the Free Voters for a year, did the same.

The FBB has been a member of the FW district association since 1995.

Steiner praised the fact that the citizens' block has been listening to citizens for 50 years and that it never "looks the other way".

The highlight was the visit of Minister Aiwanger

Great praise and warmest congratulations also came from the member of parliament for the Free Voters, Benno Zierer, who praised the good cooperation with all the Free Voters in the district and paid Erich Schneider a "big compliment for your tenacity".

The highlight of the anniversary celebration, which was accompanied by music from the Schönbrunn brass band, was the visit of the Deputy Minister President and Minister for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, Hubert Aiwanger, who thanked the "pioneers of the troupe" and wished: "Keep it up, take care of yourself".

As reported, Aiwanger then signed the golden book of the Hebertshausen community after his entertaining and humorous speech.

Long-standing FBB members were also honored.

Josef Wallner has been with us for 35 years and Ulrich Köstler for 30 years.

And Stefan Piller has been a member for 50 years, i.e. since the beginning, although his certificate incorrectly stated 35 years.

When the minister found out, he simply pulled out his pen, turned the “35” into “50” and signed the certificate.

It goes without saying that Wallner and Köster also got Aiwanger's signature on their certificates.


You can read more news from the Dachau region here.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-04-17

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