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Reports in Jordan: The Israeli police arrested a Jordanian member of parliament who tried to smuggle gold and weapons - voila! news


The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it was "following the case" of MP Imad Al-Adwan, "in coordination with all relevant authorities."

In the video: two smuggling attempts at the Allenby crossing were revealed - of predatory fish and of seeds in coffee (photo: Ministry of Agriculture)

The police arrested a Jordanian member of parliament today (Sunday) at the Allenby crossing on suspicion of trying to smuggle gold and weapons.

The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that it is "following the investigation" of the member of parliament, Imad al-Adwan, "in coordination with all the relevant authorities".

In Israel, a gag order was imposed on all details of the issue.

The spokesman for the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote that his office, in cooperation with the relevant authorities in the kingdom, are working "to deal with the situation as soon as possible."


The Allenby border crossing (Photo: Flash 90, Kobi Gideon)

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The Allenby Pass is the southern bridge that connects Israel to Jordan.

In December last year, the smuggling of gold worth about four million shekels from Jordan to Israel was foiled.

The driver, who held a tourist visa, declared upon entering Israel that he had nothing to declare.

However, during an inspection of his Nissan vehicle, a hidden compartment was found between the front seats, containing approximately 20 gold bars worth a total of approximately four million shekels.

  • news

  • Army and security


  • Jordan

  • Allenby Pass

  • smuggling

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-04-23

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