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The police commissioner admits: It's no secret, I don't intend to continue for a fourth year - voila! news


Highlights: The police commissioner admits: It's no secret, I don't intend to continue for a fourth year - voila! news. Police Commissioner: "I made a mistake in judgment, timing and in the way of moving Cascade from his position" Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai spoke today (Sunday) at a conference of mayors. The police commissioner made it clear that he would not allow "the complex situation in which we find ourselves to affect the moral, moral and professional conduct, neither mine nor any of my police officers."

The police commissioner admits: It's no secret, I don't intend to continue for a fourth year - voila! news

Police Commissioner: "I made a mistake in judgment, timing and in the way of moving Cascade from his position" (Yotam Ronen)

Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai spoke today (Sunday) at a conference of mayors. In his speech, he admitted that he does not intend to continue for a fourth year in office. "It's no secret, I don't intend to continue for a fourth year in office under these conditions," he said.

"During my term as police commissioner, for two and a half years, I served under three governments and three ministers. Under the conditions at my disposal as police commissioner, I tried to do my best and maintain professionalism and stateliness," Shabtai continued. The police commissioner made it clear that he would not allow "the complex situation in which we find ourselves to affect the moral, moral and professional conduct, neither mine nor any of my police officers."

Kobi Shabtai (Photo by Photo processing, Jonathan Zindel, Flash 90)

Shabtai also addressed his attitude toward violence in Arab society: "Although they tried to drive a wedge in what I supposedly said, I don't have to prove to anyone in this hall what my part is in doing for Arab society." The police commissioner gave as an example of his work the establishment of a fencing division in the police. "The establishment of the division is a classic example of understanding the importance and translating the spirit of my work for the personal safety of members of this sector, which has been neglected for years."

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  • Military & Security


  • Kobi Shabtai

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-06-25

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