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"You put a melody in children's hearts"


Highlights: The shooting star duo Margit Sarholz and Werner Meier received the 44th Upper Bavarian Culture Award on Sunday. For the second time in a row, artists from the district of Erding will receive the "highest cultural award" The cabaret artist Christian Springer gave the laudatory speech for the duo. He said: "What you do with a single performance, that's 21 professions in normal life: movement and singing therapy, physiotherapy and psychotherapy, childcare and what do I know"

At the award ceremony: District Council President Josef Mederer, the shooting star duo Margit Sarholz and Werner Meier as well as laudator Christian Springer (from left). © WOLFGANG ENGLMAIER

The shooting star duo is delighted to receive the Upper Bavarian Culture Prize, which was awarded on Sunday in Kloster Seeon to the artists from the district and to the director Marcus H. Rosenmüller.

Seeon/Ottenhofen – The applause does not want to end after the laudatory speech by cabaret artist Christian Springer for the shooting star duo, who received the 44th Upper Bavarian Culture Award together with director Marcus H. Rosenmüller at Seeon Monastery on Sunday.

Margit Sarholz and Werner Meier hug their long-time friend Springer. The 135 guests in the venerable hall of the cultural and educational center celebrate the award winners from Ottenhofen and stand up. For the second time in a row – after Martina Eisenreich last year – artists from the district of Erding will receive the "highest cultural award that the district has to award," emphasized Josef Mederer, the president of the district council of Upper Bavaria. The prize is endowed with 5000 euros.

The two award winners are visibly moved, Meier wipes a tear from his eyes, his wife Margit thanks him for the "terrific and touching laudation" and says with a wink: "I didn't think I'd ever be touched by myself."

You do not educate the children, but the adults! With you you learn how valuable bilingualism is and what you can tell with a few words in dialect.

Cabaret artist Christian Springer on the shooting star duo

Christian Springer has succeeded in doing so. In his emotional, witty and at the same time political speech, he describes – mostly in Bavarian – what the artist duo achieves. High culture is often the focus of award ceremonies, but "most of them have not yet understood what you are actually doing". The two would not educate the children, but the adults. "You teach you how valuable bilingualism is and what you can tell with a few words in dialect."

Then he said, half jokingly, half seriously: "What you do with a single performance, that's 21 professions in normal life: movement and singing therapy, physiotherapy and psychotherapy, integration work, childcare and what do I know." In order to understand how beautiful and healthy it is to walk around without shoes in socks, you actually need a podiatrist. "And what are you doing? A barefoot rock'n'roll."

"You give children a melody in their hearts," and yet there is far too little recognition for making music with and for children. The district council of Upper Bavaria has now changed that with its award ceremony to the two, the district of Erding has not yet presented the shooting star duo with the district's cultural prize, only Werner Meier was awarded the award as a cabaret artist. "In the laudatory speech for the 1997 Culture Prize, Werner Meier, together with his wife Margit, was also and especially appreciated for the activities of the shooting star duo," reads the explanation of the district office when asked.

For Springer, music was formative: "Without music in my childhood, I wouldn't be standing here today." But the pairing of children and music was also abused in the Third Reich. In the Theresienstadt concentration camp, Brundibár, a terribly wonderful children's opera that was even allowed to be performed, was written. Springer told this sad story, although everyone feels like celebrating, "because music is always political".


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And the artist duo is political, with their songs. "There are nice ones, bloats, O'drahte – everyone is there. There are no differences between whites, reds, blacks and yellows. Your world is fucking colorful." And he is completely convinced: "Children who have it in your hands will not become Nazis – how wonderful!"

For 30 years now, the shooting star duo has been singing their way into the hearts of children. It is now a "highly successful small business, music for the stage as well as for buying," as Mederer emphasized in his welcome address. He also knows the reason, Margit Sarholz once said: "Children deserve the best listening food."

In their acceptance speech, the two included their team, which was also among the guests: "Without you, nothing would work."

The artist couple was particularly pleased that they received the award together with their "favorite director". The nationally known director Marcus H. Rosenmüller from Hausham near Miesbach had his breakthrough in 2006 with the film "Who dies earlier, is longer dead".

The three winners now join the list of personalities such as Gustl Bayrhammer (1991), Hans Clarin (1996), Vicco von Bülow (1999), Max Mannheimer (2005), Gerhard Polt (2007) and the Spider Murphy Gang (2917).

Far too little recognition

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-06-27

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