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Assembly: a turbulent first year full of twists and turns


Highlights: In the National Assembly, it is a first year of legislature rich in twists and turns. The new composition of a lower house without an absolute majority has largely animated the political news in recent months. From the budget to the pension reform and parliamentary niches often full of surprises, MPs from the relative majority and the opposition have played the leading roles. One of the most striking episodes of the debates was the debate on the financing of Social Security, which drew ten times Article 49.3 of the Constitution.

A look back at five highlights of a parliamentary session during which MEPs scrapped in a Hemicycle in permanent turmoil.

Tensions, emotions, political stunts... In the National Assembly, it is a first year of legislature rich in twists and turns that will end in a few days. At the legislative and institutional levels, the new composition of a lower house without an absolute majority has largely animated the political news in recent months. From the budget to the pension reform and parliamentary niches often full of surprises, MPs from the relative majority and the opposition have played the leading roles, putting Parliament back at the centre of the political game. A look back at five highlights that marked this year.

When the left wing of the majority votes to tax superdividends

Strewn with pitfalls, the examination of the budget for 2023 has not spared the government. The Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, has also had to work several times from the rostrum, drawing ten times Article 49.3 of the Constitution, if we also count the bill on the financing of Social Security. One of the most striking episodes of the debates was...

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-07-19

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