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Anticor: the underside of a fight to continue to exist


Highlights: Anticor has a sword of Damocles hanging over its head. After having been cancelled, on June 23, by the administrative court of Paris, its approval to act, with retroactive effect, is preparing its response. She has already filed a new application for accreditation with Élisabeth Borne, the Premier, and is fine-tuning her appeals. One to have the decision of three weeks ago annulled, the other to obtain, for the time of the appeal, a "stay of execution" of the decision.

INVESTIGATION - Deprived of its approval, a sine qua non condition to carry out its action, the association is struggling to survive.

Anticor has a sword of Damocles hanging over its head. After having been cancelled, on June 23, by the administrative court of Paris, its approval to act, with retroactive effect, the anti-corruption association is preparing its response. She has already filed a new application for accreditation with Élisabeth Borne, the Premier, and is fine-tuning her appeals. One to have the decision of three weeks ago annulled, the other to obtain, for the time of the appeal, a "stay of execution" of the decision.

If the latter was not granted, "it would be a regression of democracy and the questioning of several procedures that we initiated after the renewal of the accreditation," said the president of Anticor, Elise Van Beneden. Some could unfortunately be challenged or annulled by the various investigating chambers." Among them, Anticor's complaint against motorway concessionaires who would have been favoured by the Valls government or, in the case of the AGS...

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-07-21

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