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Between Blow and Bluff: On the Upcoming 9th of Av - Let's Stop in Time | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Pilot: This year is not a reminder of what an "if" can happen, but a renewed expression of the dormant gene of this people. "The people of quarrel and disagreement conquered our lives. They are our real enemies, not the other side," he says. "All threats are what is called "bluff" in the language of the cards," he adds. "Such threats never change anything, because if they do, that the end of democracy will come to us"

12 times in the history of our people we lost everything because of internal battles, we pray that this generation will not be tempted to celebrate a bar mitzvah • Do you really believe that pilots will not show up on command day? • And when will we get rid of the corona signs?

9th of Av

On this Tisha B'Av we get a rare opportunity to experience exactly what our forefathers and mothers experienced when they embarked on the path of political crushing and did not know how to stop in time.

This year is not a reminder of what an "if" can happen, but a renewed expression of the dormant gene of this people, to which we belong, the gene of political myopia, the gene of "all or nothing," the gene of "let the state burn."

Here, it really burns before our eyes, and all the warmongers, from here and there, continue to tear tears, as if there will be some slice that when separated from the body will come healing.

12 times in the history of our people we could not resist the temptation to say, whoever doesn't like it, let him go. 12 times we had everything and lost our underwear because of internal battles, most of them over religious issues. 12 times people consciously preferred to be right over staying in their country, alive, free.

Is this the 13th time? Will we celebrate a Bar Mitzvah in our generation? Unfortunately, I don't have a good answer, and I don't see any hand in the vicinity reaching for the flame height button and lowering the flame. It seems to all sides that a little more noise, a little more hatred, and the battle will be won. Not. The one who will be decided is this people, who have power only when they are united. When each part thinks that the other part is superfluous, and that it is possible without it, you don't even have to imagine what will happen. This has happened so many times before, just open a book and read.

I'm right. What I think is the truth. Anyone who doesn't think like me is my enemy and I'm allowed to do anything to defeat him. Is it? Am I sure I'm right? Have I really clarified my values one by one in light of the changing reality? Have I checked what values others are fighting for and seen which values I can respect without giving up my identity? Do I understand that this enemy, in the opposite demonstration, is my brother against our real enemies? Do I understand that continuing our tussle will wipe us both out?

The people of quarrel and disagreement conquered our lives. Like 12 times before. They are our real enemies, not the other side. All those who tell us, "We will continue until victory," will bring about our downfall. Don't listen to them. Not in politics, not in networks, not in the media. Stay away like fire. Search for connections, search for talk, find friends from all streams. That in the number of disasters that came upon Israel on Tisha B'Av, we will not be the icing on the cake.


And let's say that now, right now as your eyes pass by those words, an alarm goes off. Real. Going up and down. One that we know changes our world. Here our enemies, who read us as an open book translated into Persian, have decided that this is the right moment to attack by surprise, as on Yom Kippur, and they are launching an attack from all fronts. At such a moment, what do all those who have announced that they are no longer volunteering do? Put on noise-resistant headphones? Moving the phone to silence? Really not showing up? No way. Everyone is coming, everyone is fighting for their right to defend their home, right?

So basically all threats are what is called "bluff" in the language of the cards. Pretend that there is a much better card than what is actually in the package, and figuratively - threaten not to come at the time of an order even though they come. As such, members of the government who are not affected, or say they are not affected, by the threats of pilots, intelligence personnel, fighters of elite units who use their weapons to achieve victory in the political field.

Pilot (the subject has no connection to the article). , everyone is fighting for their right to defend their home, right?

Such threats must never change anything, because if they do, that is the end of democracy. But in any case, the current government wants to end democracy as we knew it, and is working vigorously in that direction. I will answer you - the damage they cause can be repaired in the future, with great effort, at a high price, but it will be possible. The weapon of using the army to achieve an internal civilian victory can never be repaired. Once this tool has been removed from our sheaths, and used, and God forbid there will be surrender, it will return to the world at any point of crisis, and more are expected for the most part, according to the crystal ball I bought at Max Stock.

The people of Israel have not had such a bad government since we were exiled from our land. The culture of government corruption, the improper appointments, the destruction of the shared value horrifies me day and night. I feel like a man who returns home from a wedding and finds burglars visiting his house. Everything was spilled on the floor, torn, trampled, and the treasures were gone. A sense of desecration by those who follow the flute of the prime minister, who has lost all connection to his internal compass, which has been replaced by an artificial pacemaker.

Everything is true and severe, but everything is fixable. The house can be arranged, the treasures recreated, the sense of security to be built little by little again. Only one thing cannot be recovered - the knowledge that the best IDF soldiers dared to use the force given to them to defend against external enemies in order to fight those they saw as internal enemies.

And since the threat did not succeed, at least for now, the stakes should be raised. What will it be next? Threat of giving information to the enemy? Sabotage of airplanes? I have a barn, maybe it can be burned. Here is the lighter.


Enough of the signs. Corona Department in a hospital,

I don't know if you were informed, but I was appointed, by my own appointment, as Minister of Public Space Affairs in Israel. My first action is a huge operation with your participation - taking down all the signs from the Corona era.

In every public place, in government offices, sheltered housing, elevators, shops and a variety of other places, still those signs remind us to wear masks, keep two meters distance, sanitize hands and all these matters that at least for me have become a very distant memory, and thanks to the vaccines. Don't understand why they're still there, does anyone think there's a situation where the pandemic will hit us again and then the old signs will be relevant again and someone will pay attention to them?

It reminds me that when I came to Tel Aviv at the age of 18 to live there, and discovered its streets and houses for the first time, I was amazed to see that there were stairwells partially blocked with sandbags, a reminder of the Six-Day War, perhaps of the Italian bombings in World War II. I was surprised how the civilians didn't clear the old bags as soon as the danger passed, because personally I'm happy to get rid of anything that reminds me of old stress, ancient anxiety. For me, the moment when the tapes from the Gulf War could be thrown away, even though I made a fortune from them as the isolated Moses, was a great moment. I am always happy to shed the excess weight of bitter memories.

Well, in my new role as the minister responsible for visibility, I oblige every citizen to tear off, tear, remove with hot water, cover and do everything necessary to clear the public of all the instructions that were correct at the time, but whose hour has passed and now there is no need for a reminder of that cursed hour. I may announce a special holiday campaign, where every child who brings obsolete stickers and signs to our collection centers will receive a hot cob of corn, Bim Bam Bam.

Every time I mention the days of the coronavirus, citizens immediately turn to me to remind me of my very harsh words towards anti-vaxxers during the pandemic rampage, and ask me to apologize. And I claim that my words back then were accurate, and yes, people who persuaded others not to get vaccinated and directly caused their deaths, and I spoke to quite a few families of them, are killing, but today, when the pandemic has passed, my words back then are like the stickers, no longer relevant, can be removed and thrown away.

Anyone who wants to continue living in the consciousness of the victim who is hurt by the harsh words is welcome to continue for the rest of his life - but I let go. Until Wuhan releases another virus through the keyhole and goes looking for new friends.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-07-25

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