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Bezons: a man indicted for "attempted manslaughter" after the violent assault of a 15-year-old boy


Highlights: The 15-year-old boy had been beaten on the public road, rue Edouard-Vaillant, before having his scooter stolen. The scene had been filmed live by the video protection cameras of the commune. The investigation, and in particular the exploitation of the videos, thus made it possible to exonerate the other two young men also suspected at the beginning and briefly sought. They were in fact two relatives of the victim present at the scene of the attack but in which they did not participate.

The facts took place in the street Saturday night not far from the Grand Cerf high school in the city. Two other individuals, once suspected,

Inspectors now know more about the very violent assault of a teenager Saturday night in Bezons. The 15-year-old boy had been beaten on the public road, rue Edouard-Vaillant, before having his scooter stolen. Initially, three individuals were suspected, one of whom was arrested shortly after the events on rue Hoche, less than 200 m from the scene of the attack, by the police officers dispatched to the scene. The latter would ultimately be the sole perpetrator of the facts. This young adult, aged 18, has just been referred and "indicted for attempted manslaughter", learns this Tuesday Le Parisien from the prosecutor's office of Pontoise.

The scene had been filmed live by the video protection cameras of the commune whose all the images are sent to the police station of Argenteuil according to the protocol signed between the commune and the police. The investigation, and in particular the exploitation of the videos, thus made it possible to exonerate the other two young men also suspected at the beginning and briefly sought. They were in fact two relatives of the victim present at the scene of the attack but in which they did not participate.

The victim in a coma

Part a priori of a "completely futile reason", it has in all cases been particularly violent and has very serious consequences for the victim. Quickly taken care of by the Samu du Val-d'Oise and transported to the hospital of Argenteuil in absolute emergency in a state of health already very worrying, her condition then deteriorated during the night from Saturday to Sunday. The victim had to be placed in a coma and transferred to the Necker hospital in Paris where he was still on Tuesday. According to our information, his neurological prognosis would be engaged.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2023-07-25

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