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Isère: eight years after the disappearance of a forty-year-old, a man indicted for murder


Highlights: The case dates back to the disappearance, eight years ago, during a leave from prison, of a forty-year-old incarcerated in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier (Isère). His body was never found. The suspect denied the facts during the first hearings, according to the regional daily, Le Figaro Lyon. It is not known if a link exists between the suspect and a 42- year-old relative of Fared Mammeri who is also indicted in this case.

The case dates back to the disappearance, eight years ago, during a leave from prison, of a forty-year-old incarcerated in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier (Isère). His body was never found.

Le Figaro Lyon

Eight years after the disappearance of Fared Mammeri, whose body has never been found, the Grenoble prosecutor's office has just indicted a 32-year-old man arrested on July 19, according to information from the Dauphiné Libéré confirmed by the public prosecutor.

In June 2015, relatives of Fared Mammeri reported his disappearance when he was considered an escapee for not having returned from leave to the prison of Saint-Quentin-Fallavier where he was incarcerated for fraud. During the search, the judicial police had found that his phone had stopped one last time in the Grésivaudan valley on June 7, ten days before the report of his disappearance. However, his rental car was seen a few days later with a man on board. The vehicle, in perfect condition and totally cleaned, is finally found in front of the agency where it had been rented.


Then more news of the investigation until this month of July when the investigators of the judicial police service of Grenoble, acting on rogatory commission of the investigating judge, arrested a 32-year-old man already known to the police and justice services, while he was returning from Algeria.

He was charged with murder and remanded in custody. During the first hearings, the suspect denied the facts. According to the regional daily, he had already been heard by investigators in early 2023, first as a witness and then during police custody. A 42-year-old relative of Fared Mammeri is also indicted in this case but it is not known if a link exists between him and the thirty-year-old arrested in mid-July.

" READ ALSO The sick leave accumulates in the Lyon police in support of their colleague Marseille incarcerated

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-07-27

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