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A man refuses to comply and "slightly" wounds a gendarme in the Doubs


Highlights: A man was placed in pre-trial detention on Friday pending trial for refusing to comply with the request of the gendarmes. The 73-year-old man "slightly" injured a soldier while fleeing. He will be tried Tuesday at 14 p.m., in immediate appearance. The driver has five convictions on his criminal record, says the public prosecutor.. The man was arrested and placed in police custody for attempted homicide of a person holding public order. The prosecutor's office finally retained the qualification of aggravated refusal to comply and driving despite an unextended license.

A man was placed in pre-trial detention on Friday pending trial for refusing to comply with the request of gendarmes in...

A man was placed in pre-trial detention Friday pending trial for refusing to comply with the request of the gendarmes in Hérimoncourt (Doubs), and "slightly" injured a soldier while fleeing.

Thursday, the motorist had to be controlled by gendarmes who know him not to have a license in order, said the prosecutor of Montbéliard to AFP, confirming an initial information of the East Republican.

A gendarme used his weapon

The soldiers then invited this 73-year-old man "to stop in a parking lot, which he did not do, continuing on his way," says the prosecutor. The gendarmes therefore positioned themselves with their vehicle in front of him, but the driver advanced in the direction of a soldier. A gendarme then used his weapon, firing "in the direction of the tire of the vehicle", but the driver still fled, according to the public prosecutor.

The soldier was "slightly injured" after dodging the vehicle's load. He is also shocked by the driver's behavior, according to the same source. The septuagenarian was subsequently arrested and placed in police custody for attempted homicide of a person holding public order. The prosecutor's office finally retained the qualification of aggravated refusal to comply and driving despite an unextended license.

The driver has five convictions on his criminal record, says the prosecutor. He will be tried Tuesday at 14 p.m., in immediate appearance. In the meantime, the liberty and detention judge placed him in a remand centre until that date, at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-07-28

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