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Death of a Czech mountaineer in Haute-Savoie


Highlights: A 53-year-old Czech mountaineer died Friday in a fall below Mont Maudit, in the town of Chamonix (Haute-Savoie) The body of the victim was repatriated to the helicopter base of Les Bois, according to the High Mountain Gendarmerie Peloton. The alert would have been given by his wife, worried about not having any more news, Le Dauphiné Libéré reported. According to the newspaper, he would have left alone, the day before, from the refuge of the Cosmiques in the direction of Mont Blanc.

A 53-year-old Czech mountaineer died Friday in a fall below Mont Maudit, in the town of Chamonix (Haute-Savoie), we learned...

A 53-year-old Czech mountaineer died Friday in a fall below Mont Maudit, in the town of Chamonix (Haute-Savoie), we learned from the High Mountain Gendarmerie Peloton (PGHM) of Chamonix. In the early morning, "it unscrewed during the descent of Mont Maudit (editor's note: 4,465 meters above sea level) at the level of the Col Maudit. He was found dead, "said the PGHM, confirming information from the regional daily Le Dauphiné Libéré.

According to the newspaper, the fifty-year-old would have left alone, the day before, from the refuge of the Cosmiques in the direction of Mont Blanc by the way of the Three Mountains. The alert would have been given by his wife, worried about not having any more news. The body of the victim was repatriated to the helicopter base of Les Bois, according to the PGHM.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-07-28

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