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The Real Story Behind the Meow – and 12 Other Surprising Facts About Cats | Israel Hayom


Highlights: International Cat Day was established in 2002 to raise awareness of the well-being of millions of domestic cats and thousands of wildcats living around the world. ChatGPT, Forefront, and Perplexity have put together 13 little-known facts about the world's cutest animals. The meow was developed by cats as a way of communicating with humans. Unlike other animals, they have learned that we respond to such sounds, so we use the cute voice to get our attention. Between them they communicate in other sounds.

Besides the fact that there is such a thing as International Cat Day, and it is celebrated today, there are a few other things that most people do not know about our cute friends

Today marks the 22nd International Cat Day, established in 2002 to raise awareness of the well-being of millions of domestic cats and thousands of wildcats living around the world. ChatGPT, Forefront, and Perplexity have put together 13 little-known facts about the world's cutest animals:

The meow is for us

The "meow" sound – which has been similarly named in almost all the world's languages – was developed by cats as a way of communicating with humans. Unlike other animals, they have learned that we respond to such sounds, so we use the cute voice to get our attention. Between them they communicate in other sounds.

Not just "meow"

Despite its important role, the meow is not the only word cats know: they are surprisingly adept at understanding and responding to human speech. They may not understand every word, but can learn to recognize their name and words that relate to specific actions or treats. They also create unique voices for communicating with their human companions.

Blink if you're happy

Another form of communication in cats is the slow blinking, which expresses trust, and perhaps even love. A slow blink signals that your cat feels comfortable and safe around you. Slow blinking back can strengthen your bond with your cat.

Tail rim

Like dogs, cats use the tail as a versatile communication tool. Beyond the obvious manifestations of fear or aggression, a cat's tail can convey a variety of emotions. An upright tail usually signifies self-confidence, while a wobbly or twisting tail may indicate excitement or irritation. All this in addition to using the tail for balance when necessary.


Gargling, on the other hand, is not necessarily a tool for expressing satisfaction as we tend to believe. Cats purr even when they are in pain, frightened, or even during contractions. Apparently, gargling has therapeutic effects, since the vibration it causes in the body promotes healing and reduces stress.

Whose nose is this?

Just as humans have unique fingerprints, cats have distinct nose prints. The pattern of ridges on a cat's nose is as unique as fingerprints in humans, making it a possible identification tool. This led to the development of nose print recognition technology to identify and track cats.

Drink water, no matter the source

Unlike humans, who need fresh water to survive, cats have the ability to filter salt from seawater to use to keep the body moist. This adaptation helps them survive in environments where freshwater is scarce.

Dry shower

Cats are meticulous about cleaning their bodies, and devote a considerable amount of time to this. Their rough tongues act as natural brushes, removing dirt, debris and loose fur. Grooming not only keeps them clean, but also helps regulate their body temperature and promotes contact within social groups.

The Memory Game

Contrary to popular belief, cats have an excellent long-term memory. They can remember people, places and experiences for years. This is why they may manifest fear or avoidance towards certain people or situations based on past negative experiences. Cats also have an extraordinary ability to navigate and find their way back home, even from great distances, if they wish.

Dream of you

Cats dream, just like people. They experience REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is associated with dreaming. You may notice your cat making small movements while sleeping, indicating that they are dreaming.

Right-handed cats too

Like humans, most of whom mostly use one side of the body, cats prefer to use one paw over the other. Studies have shown that about 40% of cats prefer the right paw, 20% the left paw, and the remaining 40% are bilateral.

There is no such thing as human beings

According to experts, cats see humans as larger, furless versions of themselves. Therefore, they may exhibit behaviours towards us similar to how they interact with other cats.

Extinction Movement

Cats contributed to the extinction of 33 different species. Their penchant for hunting, and their introduction into new environments, led to the extinction of many species of birds, reptiles and small mammals.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-08-08

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