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Before meeting with Netanyahu: Securityists call on Biden to ignore "distractions and political provocations" | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The security movement represents some 18,000 officers and soldiers who have completed their regular service. The movement sent Biden a letter in response to a request from 82 veterans of the defense establishment who wrote to Biden that he must intervene and act against the legal reform. "We see fit to advise you not to be distracted by the penetration of political influences in Israel overseas, so that our democratic process will take place without external interference," the defenseists wrote. The appeal was signed, among others, by the head of the movement, Brig. Gen. (res.) Amir Avivi.

The movement sent Biden a letter in response to a request from 82 veterans of the defense establishment who wrote to Biden that he must intervene and act against the legal reform • "We see fit to advise you not to be distracted by the penetration of political influences in Israel overseas, so that our democratic process will take place without external interference," the defenseists wrote

The security movement, which represents some 18,000 officers and soldiers who have completed their regular service, sent a letter to US President Joe Biden on Wednesday morning, calling on him to ignore "the penetration of political influences in Israel overseas." The appeal was made in response to an appeal by 82 veterans of the defense establishment who wrote to Biden that he should intervene and act against the legal reform.

The securityists' appeal was signed, among others, by the head of the movement, Brig. Gen. (res.) Amir Avivi, as well as retired generals Yitzhak (Jerry) Gershon, Gershon Hacohen, Yossi Bachar, Kamil Abu Rukun, Eliezer Cheney Marom, Meir Kalifi, Yosef Mashalav, Yefti Ron Tal, and retired extras Shalom Kaatbi, Aharon Aksol and Daniel Chen.

Security Movement Demonstration (Archive),

"As a true friend of the State of Israel for many years, and one who has demonstrated his words of love and support for the Jewish state through actions for decades, we appeal to you to keep the national security interests of our two countries a top priority when you meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York."

According to the securityists, "We represent the largest movement of veterans of Israel's defense establishment, and focus on one thing only: the national security of the State of Israel. Our hands are not in politics and we do not pretend to be experts in law, economics or academia. In light of this, we consider it appropriate to turn to the leader of Israel's closest ally in the world and advise you not to be distracted by the penetration of political influences in Israel overseas, so that our democratic process will take place without outside interference, including from well-meaning friends. It would be detrimental for the United States and Israel if we wasted strategic opportunities to advance our interests in the region as a result of distractions and political provocations."

Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife landed in New York || Video: Roy Avraham/GPO, Sound: Yehezkel Kandil/GPO

The officers are calling on Biden to deter Iran by threatening military action against its nuclear project. They applaud Biden's efforts to bring peace between Saudi Arabia and Israel, and to connect the Middle East and Europe. However, they warn that any peace settlement must be conditional on ending the phenomenon of terrorist allowances. "Any economic aid to the Palestinian Authority should be contingent on the official rejection of the Terrorist Salaries Law, which provides government support to terrorists, thereby incentivizing terrorism and placing a fundamental contradiction to the chances of achieving real peace." We'll fix it! If you find a mistake in the article, please share with us

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-09-20

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