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Nice: a man indicted for the murder of his spouse


Highlights: A 30-year-old man is suspected of the murder of his companion in an apartment in Nice. Last Thursday, the victim was discovered lifeless on his bed, dead for some time. Arrested on the spot, his companion immediately appeared as the main suspect. Inquest will have to determine the causes of death, which so far remain unknown, as well as the motive of the crime. The defendant requested a deferred debate before the judge of freedoms and detention (JLD), hoping to be released by his trial.

Last Thursday, the victim was discovered lifeless on his bed, dead for some time. Arrested on the spot, his companion immediately appeared as the main suspect.

Le Figaro Nice

A 30-year-old man, suspected of the murder of his companion in an apartment on the Avenue du Cap-de-Croix, northeast of Nice, was indicted "homicide on spouse" and imprisoned last weekend, according to information from Actu 17 confirmed Wednesday afternoon by the Nice prosecutor's office.

In this case, it all began in the middle of last week when the mother of the victim, who resides on the island of Reunion, is worried about not having any more news of her son. On Thursday, she managed to reach neighbors who then went to the apartment of the young man, aged 23. They knocked on the door several times, without success. Very quickly, the emergency services are alerted and dispatched to the scene. Once in the apartment, police discovered the victim lying on his bed, lifeless. The young man died.


In the dwelling, the officers also found the victim's companion in an abnormal condition. According to a police source to Actu 17, "the screening tests showed that he was intoxicated and that he had consumed cocaine but also cannabis". Placed in custody, the man is immediately the main suspect in the death of his companion. But in front of the investigators, the latter remains silent during the 48 hours that last his hearings. He was finally brought before a judge and then indicted for "homicide of a spouse" and placed in pre-trial detention.

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The inquest will have to determine the causes of death, which so far remain unknown, as well as the motive of the crime. On Wednesday, the defendant requested a deferred debate before the judge of freedoms and detention (JLD), which he obtained in the afternoon, hoping to be released by his trial.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-09-20

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