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"May there also be joy in your life", for example: Thoughts after my mother's death | Israel Hayom


Highlights: "May there also be joy in your life", for example: Thoughts after my mother's death | Israel Hayom. The shiva for my late mother gave rise to reflections on condolences and best wishes. The conviction of 11 garbage men for rape in Eilat should trigger a legal restriction on the distribution of pornography and dangerous content on the Internet. And so I found out what wakes me up at three in the morning. seven times a day, I swear in my head. From ten to one, from four to seven. Next time you need to sit down, try this model.

The shiva for my late mother gave rise to reflections on condolences and best wishes • The conviction of 11 garbage men for rape in Eilat should trigger a legal restriction on the distribution of pornography and dangerous content on the Internet • And so I found out what wakes me up at three in the morning


My mother died on the eve of Yom Kippur. Halachic law, there are no shiva, and there are those who are familiar with the laws of heaven who say that this is a time of year when complete righteous people leave. Don't know about that. In any case, my sister and I chose to open the house for comforters for a few days, because even if there is an exemption, it does not have to be used.

Because the grief for a 93-year-old woman who passed away at the very same time is limited, swearing-in times have also been limited. From ten to one, from four to seven. Next time you need to sit down, try this model. Less tiring than the usual concept of the first comforter who breaks out at sunrise and the last one who leaves towards midnight. Of course, if there is a sudden and tragic death, there is room for wrapping the mourners all the time, but if it is possible to alleviate, it is allowed.

So we opened the gates of my house, and the comforters came. And it's interesting to see who comes and who doesn't. Of course, there is no account and no demand from anyone, but I was surprised to find how many people I would never have thought would come, came. And every man and woman like that made me very happy, because as far as I'm concerned, everyone who came immediately joined who I consider extended family. And I certainly understood that there is no room for the laziness that occasionally befalls me to visit mourning homes on the grounds that it will be full of them anyway and that we are in a loose relationship. Everyone who came and came illuminated my day and my heart, and was forever engraved in it.

Seven is a complex event. It's not easy to listen to people when every minute someone new comes along and someone leaves, and I've just started a conversation with someone I haven't seen in a decade and I'm interested in hearing, and the update goes down – there's already someone else who wants attention. Not sure I managed this attention show perfectly, but Sahdi in cheats I tried. Mostly, I couldn't listen to people who also had no idea who the deceased were and who the mourners were, nor did they ask – they came to talk about themselves, about their own life's work, about their own dead. Their intentions may be good, but in practice, I felt that my energy was being sucked up and I tried to shorten the conversation with them as much as possible.

There are several versions of the words of consolation that people say. First place - let you know no more sorrow. And I ask myself, how? After all, human life is full of sorrow, and life here in the country is full of sorrows day and night, and how can I not know sorrow? What does this wish mean? That my emotional system would be so numb that I wouldn't feel anything? Or will I just die soon and the sorrow of the world will no longer reach me? A strange blessing to me. Worth considering replacing with something more realistic. "May there also be joy in your life," for example.

My late mother was the librarian of the assisted living facility where she lived. In general, the house I grew up in was a house of books. When we opened her will, there was only one request for her estate: that her books not be thrown away or placed on some fence. Therefore, in a complex logistical operation, all the books were brought to Shiva and all the comforters were asked to take a book and give it a new shelf. People were happy to lend a hand and take away. It is nice to divide property among the comforters. And by the way, we chose to give something of the modest financial inheritance to her devoted caregiver, who gave her soul.

Good time swearing. And even though there was no searing pain, there was an opportunity to process with family and friends and acquaintances as well as strangers the stations of my life, and to come to terms with my childhood, to tell my story and rummage through the old pictures, and to uncover family secrets. And now I'm back to life, an orphan at the age of 61, a blessed age by all accounts, and hope that I will never sit shiva again, and the next shiva in my small family will be on me.


The eleven convicted of rape in Eilat deserve every punishment. I do not feel sorry for them and do not call for leniency in the punishment of these garbage men. And yet, it should be known that they themselves are probably victims of the pornography they have watched since they were small children. After all, age 8 is the age of entry of Israeli males into the world of, and kicking by a group is one of the most acceptable ways to have a relationship according to the leading sites (the men to oblivion).

And while here in Israel I am a partner in the initiative of the Digital Forum, which succeeded in enlisting Minister Karai for inter-ministerial cooperation in order to develop tools that will prevent children from entering this inferno that is destroying them as men, nothing has happened in Britain. A new and far-reaching law limiting the program on the Internet is underway and places the responsibility for filtering content on the companies themselves, the social networks and the providers of surfing services.

Among other things, companies were tasked with creating more sophisticated mechanisms than the goofy question – are you over 18? Even 6-year-olds know how to overtake. From now on, companies will have to actively identify dangerous content that encourages racism, suicidality, eating disorders, sexual harassment and more, and remove them without being asked to do so.

Thus, Britain became the most advanced country in the world in protecting its children and teenagers from toxic content, and no one said the word "Iran." I hope that what happened there will happen here really quickly, and that within a few years the news about our guys, who together rape girls and girls in Israel and abroad and ruin their lives, will diminish and disappear. We will not miss the genre.


I've been walking around with a glucose sensor stuck in my arm for two weeks now. You may have seen once, it looks like a big button glued to the back muscle of your hand. Why should I? I don't have diabetes or a shadow of this damn disease, but I heard in the voice of my healthy life coach, Yosefa Tal, and purchased one of the kind of sensors diabetics go with all their lives. Why? Because it gives a glimpse of what happens inside my body during the day with my internal sugar economy. This sensor is constantly transmitting to the app on my phone, and I can see at any given moment how my body is breaking down my food and how it is doing in general.

Why is it recommended? Because, for example, my counselor put one on her for fun and discovered that she wasn't doing much better than she thought, which required a radical change in diet from day to day. She did it, immediately lowered her sugar levels and saved herself from becoming diabetic, a very dubious gift at every stage of life, shortening life very significantly.

Today diabetes is the second deadliest disease in America, after cancer. In Israel, the number of amputations due to diabetes is the highest per capita in the world. Limb amputation is the result of not being diagnosed in time, and wisdom is enough.
So for two weeks I've been following what's going on inside me. I discovered, for example, that at three in the morning I have a sugar drop, which is why I wake up because of it. So I started eating something fatty before bed, and I felt like redeeming. Not waking up anymore. I also discovered that my condition is generally excellent, my body functions to the glory of Sugat factories, and my nutrition is correct and good for me. Good to know and not just assume.

This sensor is called "FreeStyle Libre" by Gefen Medical. You can buy online in packs of six, expensive, or purchase one sensor with them at the company. Google it, please don't contact me. Needless to say, this is not a sponsored article, I received nothing from them. I purchased the sensor for the best of my 300 shekels, and got peace of mind when it came to my inner sweetness. If you're my age, buy it as a gift, you might owe me your life.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-04

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