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Eradication of terrorism: Israeli security forces detain 17 wanted Palestinians in Judea and Samaria tonight | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Israeli security forces detain 17 wanted Palestinians in Judea and Samaria tonight. At the same time as the arrests, several reports were received of hearing gunfire and the forces searched. Weapons and ammunition were confiscated. During the activity in the village of Aqaba, while a wanted man was arrested, suspects threw an IED and fired at the force. Several military vehicles were damaged, there were no casualties. The wanted persons who were arrested, the weapons and terror funds confiscated were transferred to the security forces for further handling.

An IDF, Shin Bet and Border Police operation that took place in the middle of the night in a number of locations ended successfully • At the same time as the arrests, several reports were received of hearing gunfire and the forces searched • Weapons and ammunition were confiscated

IDF, Shin Bet and Border Police fighters worked tonight (between Tuesday and Wednesday) to arrest 17 wanted Palestinians and confiscate weapons throughout Judea and Samaria.

The force responded with crowd control measures, photo: IDF Spokesperson

The fighters detained 12 wanted Palestinians in the villages of Samaria: Rujib, Yatta, Samu'a, Beit 'Awwa, Katna, Beit Ummar and in the villages of Homes, and in the city of Nablus another wanted person was detained. In an activity in the village of Salfit, suspects threw stones at the force, which responded with crowd control measures.

Documentation: IED detonated by forces in Nur a-Shams refugee camp (Archive)//IDF Spokesperson

In Hebron city, the fighters detained two other wanted men, located and confiscated two stun grenades, a pistol and ammunition. During the activity in the village of Aqaba, while a wanted man was arrested, suspects threw an IED and fired at the force - several military vehicles were damaged, there were no casualties. In the village of Barta'a, the soldiers detained another wanted man and confiscated a pistol.

At the same time as the arrests, a report was received tonight of hearing gunfire in the community of Mevo Dotan. After searching, shell casings were found, and it was examined whether they were shell casings from the incident.

17 wanted persons in one night, photo: IDF Spokesperson

The weapons seized, photo: IDF Spokesperson

In addition, reports were received yesterday (Tuesday) of sounds of gunfire in the communities of Bat Hefer and Gan Ner. During searches in the community of Bat Hefer, IDF forces found shell casings, and in Gan Ner, the forces searched the area but found no findings.

The wanted persons who were arrested, the weapons and terror funds confiscated were transferred to the security forces for further handling, there are no casualties to our forces.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-04

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