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The pictures from the north will be no less harsh: it is possible to prevent fighting on another front | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The pictures from the north will be no less harsh: it is possible to prevent fighting on another front | Israel Hayom. For weeks I have been trying to ask if there is any chance that we are missing a special Iranian network in the Gaza sector. In the north there is an almost active front from Lebanon, Israel knows what might happen - and is waiting. The political establishment and the IDF have the responsibility to reverse the equation. This is not Yom Kippur 2, it is an intelligence failure that concealed a huge plan to occupy the Gaza envelope.

For weeks I have been trying to ask if there is any chance that we are missing a special Iranian network in the Gaza sector • The answers were unequivocal - nothing unusual is happening • In the north there is an almost active front from Lebanon, Israel knows what might happen - and is waiting • The political establishment and the IDF have the responsibility to reverse the equation

This is not Yom Kippur 2, it is an intelligence failure that concealed a huge plan to occupy the Gaza envelope. This is not starting a war, this is a massacre of innocent civilians. The IDF was caught unprepared, headed by the chief of staff, the NSC did not know, the Shin Bet did not understand the picture - and the Mossad where?

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For two long weeks now, I, the signatory, have been directing direct questions to the defense minister, the NSC, the Shin Bet and other political officials, and asking, following sources, whether there is a special Iranian deployment in Gaza, whether all the fence incidents are Qatari money, and if there is any chance that we are missing a special Iranian network in the Gaza sector.

Documentation: Terrorist who tried to return to the Gaza Strip from Israeli territory was thwarted // Photo: IDF Spokesperson

The answers were unequivocal: Nothing unusual is happening in Gaza. The Iranian network is observed mainly in Judea and Samaria, smuggling weapons from Jordan, and attempts to attack Israelis abroad and in Gaza – routine. It was also said that there were attempts at an Iranian attack, but that there were large-scale assassinations.

No one predicted the Hamas-Iranian plan to take over the envelope and massacre the residents of the area. This is not a Yom Kippur failure, because it was not the army that was targeted, it is an intelligence failure that Israel in its 75 years has never known, and its leaders will be held accountable the day after.

The plans for the abduction, the takeover of settlements and the celebrations of the murder in the cities were part of Hamas' plans during Operation Protective Edge, but Israel felt strong and secure. When the tunnels were destroyed, the scope of threats was reduced to rocket fire only. Then Saturday morning.

Hezbollah operatives in front of Metula, photo: Eyal Margolin, Genie

Some will say that the bloody bills will only be required for the day after the war, but for the benefit of the residents of the north, the account has now been opened. In the north there is an almost active front from Lebanon, waiting there for the signal of artillery from Lebanon, the pictures from the northern settlements will be no less difficult. Israel knows. For years. And waiting.

Over the past year, Hezbollah has been organizing and strengthening on the border, and Israel has been holding back. It was Golda who hinted at the cabinet meeting, during which the Yom Kippur War began, that Israel's political credit increased when it was attacked.

But with all due respect to the opinion of the nations of the world, Israel can prevent the terrifying scenarios of its citizens if only it quickly monitors events in the north, in complete contrast to what is happening in the south. The security establishment was caught off guard yesterday, the citizens of Israel paid with their lives. The political system and the IDF have the responsibility to reverse the equation. Stop waiting.

Netanyahu: "The war will take time, but we will avenge this black day" // Photo: GPO

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-07

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