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Fighting in Gaza: In an area where the price is determined by the extent of casualties, we must say goodbye to concern for civilians | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Hamas's surprise attack is a severe blow to Israel's deterrent image, says Israel Hayom. Israel's first objective should be to reduce the damage by exacting a very high price from the terrorist organization, writes Yossi Ben-Ami. Ben- Ami: In an area where the price is determined by the extent of casualties, we must say goodbye to concern for civilians. Israel should consider itself free from any issue relating to Gaza's economy and the welfare of its residents, he adds.

Hamas's surprise attack is a severe blow to Israel's deterrent image • In response, its first objective in the campaign should be to reduce the damage by exacting a very high price from the terrorist organization – even if it harms our important plans for Saudi Arabia

In addition to its direct costs, which are very heavy in body and soul, the surprise attack by Hamas is a severe blow to Israel's deterrent image. The comparison is correct to the damage al-Qaeda caused to the image of the United States following the September 2011 terrorist attack that killed nearly 3,000 people.

The attack also damaged the citizens' trust in the security establishment. This is one of the goals of terrorism. The time will come for difficult questions, investigations and lessons, but at this time it is right to devote all attention and efforts to the success of the fighting against Hamas and to strengthening the hands of commanders and fighters who now, when their souls are still turbulent than they were, will have to lead their people bravely in order to determine what will happen. Many complex challenges await them. The time dimension does not affect everyone equally, so they must be prioritized and acted upon with orderly planning and composure.

Fighter jets attacked the house of the head of Hamas' intelligence department // Photo: IDF Spokesperson

First of all, the cleansing of the combat zones in Israel from the presence of Hamas terrorists must be completed (it is correct to analyze the information and photos in our possession in order to numerically verify that no annexation remains). At the same time, full control must be established along the entire border strip, a complete and reliable picture of the abductees and missing must be formulated, and military preparations must be made for the possibility that other Iranian satellites will join the fighting. It can be assumed that Hamas itself will also act against Israel from Lebanon and other areas, and not only from Gaza and Judea and Samaria.

It is proposed that the political echelon instruct the IDF to immediately create a "security parameter" – an area of about 300 meters east of the entire length of the Gaza Strip border, and to announce that any Palestinian who enters this area endangers his life, and to set the open-fire regulations accordingly. Supervision of this area and the use of fire in it can be carried out from the air, and not necessarily by a physical military presence on the ground.

Regarding the operation in the Gaza Strip, according to the wording of the announcement issued by the Prime Minister's Office, the objective of the operational decisions made is to destroy the military and governmental capabilities of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in a way that will negate their ability and desire to threaten and harm Israeli citizens for many years. Without resorting to convoluted analyses, the first goal Israel must achieve through the Gaza campaign is to reduce the damage caused to its deterrent image by exacting a very high price from Hamas. Unfortunately, in the neighborhood where we live, the price is determined mainly by the extent of casualties.

Firefighters work to extinguish fires near Gaza, tonight, Photo: Reuters

The current circumstances not only justify but also require a departure from the pattern of surgical operations, which, while providing targeted attacks and demonstrating Israel's special capabilities, requires complex and lengthy preparations, and in any case cannot alone be the price tag for the severe attack carried out by Hamas.

Instead, it is right to warn the population of Gaza of Israel's intention to attack extensively – and to attack massively immediately after the ultimatum. It is right to destroy everything connected to Hamas: operatives' homes, government offices, Hamas offices, institutions, bank branches, vehicles, generators, boats, warehouses, workshops.

Practice such as "knocking on the roof," which complicates and slows down the pace of implementation, must cease, and the civilian liaison function to Gaza (DCO) should be abolished. Israel should consider itself free from any issue relating to Gaza's economy and the welfare of its residents. The crossings between Israel and Gaza, including the passage of fuel and goods from Kerem Shalom, reduce the supply of electricity, and disrupt communications and internet activity in the entire Gaza Strip.

Palestinians with an Israeli tank near the separation fence, yesterday, photo: AFP.

At this time, it is right to refrain from dialogue with Egypt, which is liable to accept an interpretation by Hamas of Israel's willingness to "close the event." In addition, a complete closure should also be imposed on Palestinians from Judea and Samaria and military efforts should be focused on Gaza and risks of Judea and Samaria-inspired attacks should be avoided.

This is also an appropriate time to examine proposals to change the prison conditions of security prisoners in Israel. The intensity of Hamas' attack provides legitimacy for Israel's unusual measures. It is wrong to act under a stopwatch or out of concern about the reaction of the United States and the international system.

The important plans regarding Saudi Arabia should not be seen as a restraining consideration regarding Gaza. While the Saudi street will not react positively to Israel's actions, even there they will appreciate those who respond forcefully to such a criminal attack.

Not a restraining consideration. Crown Prince and Saudi leader Mohammed bin Salman, photo: AFP

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-08

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