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"I fed them": Watch Uri Nagar's moving tribute to the soldiers of the battalion in which he served in the past | Israel Hayom


Highlights: "Big Brother" star began working to provide food for the security forces in the south. "I fed between 1,500 and 2,000 mouths of soldiers and security personnel, it's a great satisfaction!", he said. Carpenter appealed to his followers via his Instagram story to help him raise food for soldiers. "Your help is amazing and heartwarming! It's so much fun to come and help the soldiers and the most fun thing is the battalion I served in," he told Israel Hayom.

The "Big Brother" star showed resourcefulness and began working to provide food for the security forces in the south • In a conversation with Israel Hayom, Carpenter said: "I fed between 1,500 and 2,000 mouths of soldiers and security personnel, it's a great satisfaction!"

Uri Nagar spent an entire day on Sunday night fully operating an operation he announced in the morning to deliver food and hygiene tools to security forces currently in the south, where he lives. Carpenter appealed to his followers via his Instagram story to help him raise food for soldiers, including soldiers in the Givati Brigade, in the Sabra Battalion where he served.

"My loved ones, because people have been bounced from now to now, the bases haven't been prepared for enough food," Carpenter said in a video posted on the morning of the mobilization. "I get a lot of messages from soldiers who are hungry and are in assembly areas, and I don't get enough messages from businesses willing to pitch in and prepare food. So please, contact me. Talk to me and we'll go out and help them."

He then continued to update from the work. "Well guys, we're at a pickup point in Beersheba. Waiting for the food to arrive to us. We have already coordinated several places for the delivery of the food. The truth is that I have a lot of food, but I need more soldiers to get it in the Beer Sheva area and the surrounding area. I can't get to the envelope because there's no way through. Anyone who needs to – please give me a name, phone number and location and we'll get to them."

In the next story, Carpenter documented himself in the emergency room at Soroka Hospital in Beer Sheva. "There are a lot of shortages here that we need," he said, listing the type of products needed for distribution.

Uri Nagar, Photo: Ran Yehezkel

He later posted a video showing pizzeria owners making pizzas for security forces. "How fun it is to have people like you!" he wrote with a sense of satisfaction. A short time later, Carpenter posted a video in which he handed the many trays of pizzas to the soldiers. "Your help is amazing and heartwarming! It's so much fun to come and help the soldiers and the most fun thing is the battalion I served in," he shared.

"I was a combat soldier in the army, and unfortunately for medical reasons I could no longer volunteer for the reserves," Carpenter tells Israel Hayom today when we asked him how the idea of feeding the security forces began. "It was very hard for me that my friends, who served with me, come to the collection points like this. They are called up for reserve duty and I can't serve. So I was looking for a way to somehow take part and help. Such a surprise, such a large number of soldiers. The army doesn't know how to prepare for enough food. You're looking to contribute, and that's the power reality TV has given me. Connect people to each other. I looked for food suppliers, I looked for points and I just connected them."

Uri Nagar, Photo: Micha LevBotton

How are the feelings after this day?
"It's fun, it's very satisfying. Challenging. It wasn't easy to start the whole process, but in the end you realize that a day I fed between 1,500 and 2,000 mouths of soldiers and security personnel, so it's a great satisfaction!"

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-09

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