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Former minister Yizhar Shai eulogized his son who fell in battle with terrorists: "We have won you for 21 years. Our angel in heaven" | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Former minister Yizhar Shai eulogized his son who fell in battle with terrorists: "We have won you for 21 years. Our angel in heaven" Amichai Yisrael Weitzen z"l and Yedidya Raziel, from the alert squad at Kerem Shalom, managed to eliminate dozens of terrorists and repel the attack with supreme heroism. Day three of the Iron Sword War, there have been more than 700 dead since fighting began on Saturday.

Former minister Yizhar Shai eulogized his son who fell in battle with terrorists: "We have won you for 21 years. Our angel in heaven" • Amichai Yisrael Weitzen z"l and Yedidya Raziel, from the alert squad at Kerem Shalom, managed to eliminate dozens of terrorists and repel the attack with supreme heroism before a terrorist surprised them

Day three of the Iron Sword War, there have been more than 700 dead since fighting began on Saturday morning. So far, 60 names of fallen IDF soldiers whose families have been updated have been allowed to be published.

Former minister Yizhar Shai announces his son's downfall: "We have won you for 21 years"

Nahal Patrol soldier Yaron Shai fell in battle with terrorists. His father is Yizhar Shai - chairman of the Darkenu movement and former minister of science and technology. Former Minister Shai, chairman of the executive committee of the Derechnu movement, announced the fall of his son Yaron in battle with terrorists.

"Our Noni, our hero. You fell in the battle for the defense of the country. We have won you for 21 years. Our angel in heaven. Rest in peace beloved of our hearts," the great father wrote on Twitter. Yaron's brother, Ofir, eulogized him and wrote: "My little brother, the prince, give us strength and protect us from above."

My little brother, the prince, give us strength and protect us from above đź’” @yaronshay8

— Ophir (@oph2897) October 8, 2023

The heroic battle at Kerem Shalom - in memory of Amichai Yisrael Weitzen z"l and Yedidya Raziel (Rosenberg)

Simchat Torah in Kerem Shalom began with joint celebrations of all residents, both secular and religious. At the end of the dancing, everyone dispersed to their homes for a feast in anticipation of the next day's festivities. At 6:30 A.M., red alert sirens sounded throughout the kibbutz and members of the alert squad began to concentrate on a familiar place from the drills. Amichai Yisrael Weitzen did not hesitate for a moment and told those present at home, "This is exactly why we trained in the alert squad." The nine members of the alert squad prepared for deployment in the kibbutz along with six other soldiers who reinforced the force.

Moshe Yedidia Raziel (Rosenberg), Photo: None

Immediately after the gathering, Kerem Shalom's Master of Staff divided the power into pairs, with Yedidya and Amichai forming an organic duo. Dozens of terrorists who crossed the fence in the area of the Kerem Shalom crossing broke into the kibbutz and began fierce battles with members of the winch squad.

In one of the clashes near Yedidya Raziel's home, his wife and children heard a fierce exchange of fire between Amichai and her friends and the terrorists. A few minutes later, there was silence and her friend shouted to Shira his wife from the window: "We eliminated them!" Several terrorists were also killed in this encounter.

In WhatsApp recordings sent by Amichai to his wife during the fighting, he sounded calm and calm, and emphasized to his wife to make sure that the children feel good and dance because today Simchat Torah and that they will be given all the snacks in the kitchen. All while having full control over both the combat mission and the parental mission.

After several hours of fighting, one of the terrorists surprised Amichai Yisrael and Moshe Yedidya from behind, and they were killed. At 13:00 P.M., IDF reinforcements arrived to assist the alert squad, and by evening, the forces had managed to gain full control of the community. At the end of the day, members of the alert squad at Kerem Shalom managed to repel the attack with supreme heroism on the part of all the fighters and their families.

Amichai Israel Weitzen, Photo: Elad Davidi

Amichai Yisrael Weitzen, 33, father of five, and Moshe Yedidya Raziel (Rosenberg), 31, father of three. The two grew up together in Psagot, studied social work together at a college in Ashkelon and came to Kibbutz Kerem Shalom as part of the religious core that came to strengthen the kibbutz, which was on the verge of closing. They bought houses on the kibbutz and became full members.

The ladies of the fighters who grew up together and fell together saved the kibbutz. In their action, they managed to prevent the terrorists from entering the homes of the community, and except for a single house, all the kibbutz houses remained a refuge for the families. The heroism of the fallen fighters is a symbol of heroism and martyrdom.

Heroic Death and Sanctification of God

Binyamin Lev was an ultra-Orthodox man who enlisted in the IDF as a fighter. A statement issued on behalf of the Kiryat Arba community read: "A heroic death fell and sanctified the name of God in defending the homeland and fighting our terrorist enemies, may their name be erased. We mourn bitterly together with the family, the Lev family, Rabbi Netanel Lev and the family. We also send condolences to our dear uncle Eliyahu Lev, a resident of Kiryat Arba. Land do not cover his blood. We will all make an effort in fighting with devotion for the people of Israel for the sake of its pure and holy memory."

Benjamin Lev,

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-09

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