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Meloni slams barbarism in Israel, 'terror will not prevail'


Highlights: Meloni slams barbarism in Israel, 'terror will not prevail' Premier Giorgia Meloni on Monday reiterated the government's solidarity with the people of Israel and the Italian Jewish community. One person, two-year-old Stefano Gaj Taché, was killed and 37 were injured in the 1982 attack on the Great Synagogue in Rome. The Rome synagogue was attacked by five armed Palestinianterrorists at the close of the morning Sabbath service on October 9, 1982.

Premier Giorgia Meloni on Monday reiterated the government's solidarity with the people of Israel and the Italian Jewish community in light of the "horrible and barbaric events that are taking place in Israel". © ANSA

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 9 - Premier Giorgia Meloni on Mondayreiterated the government's solidarity with the people of Israeland the Italian Jewish community in light of the "horrible andbarbaric events that are taking place in Israel".
   "Today more than ever, after the horrible and barbaric eventsthat are taking place in Israel, the government expresses itscloseness and solidarity with the people of Israel and theItalian Jewish communities," said Meloni in a statement on the41st anniversary of the terrorist attack on the Great Synagoguein Rome in which one person, two-year-old Stefano Gaj Taché, waskilled and 37 were injured.
   "Terror will never prevail," added Meloni.
   The premier recalled how "no-one has paid for the grenades andmachine-gun fire that ended Stefano's life that day, destroyed afamily, caused pain in many others, and shocked an entirecommunity".
   "Today, we renew our commitment not to forget what happened andto continue to demand that the facts of that terrible day becomehistorical and legal truth," she said.
   The Rome synagogue was attacked by five armed Palestinianterrorists at the close of the morning Sabbath service onOctober 9, 1982.
   That year, an Israeli operation was ongoing in Lebanon and awave of attacks against Jewish cemeteries, schools and places ofworship were reported across Europe, including the most seriousin Rome.
   Photo: Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi after a ceremony onMonday in memory of Stefano Gaj Tachè, the two-year-old boy whodied in the terrorist attack on the Great Synagogue In Rome.

Source: ansa

All news articles on 2023-10-09

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