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The Left behind the ÖDP, "Basis" below 1 percent: The Bavarian results of the small parties


Highlights: The Left behind the ÖDP, "Basis" below 1 percent: The Bavarian results of the small parties. The FDP was already well over 200,000 votes short of the leap over the five percent hurdle. A total of 6.9 million people cast their votes in the Bavarian election on Sunday. This is 73.3 percent of eligible voters - one percentage point more than in 2018. 1.0 percent of the total votes were invalid, as the state returning officer announced.

Status: 09.10.2023, 15:41 PM

By: Florian Naumann


The Bavarian election was not only a bitter disappointment for the FDP: The Left Party halved, Volt was unsuccessful - others did not even run.

Munich – Only five parliamentary groups will be represented in the Bavarian state parliament in the future: With the preliminary official final result, the FDP also had certainty on Monday night (9 October) - Martin Hagen's Liberals clearly missed the five percent hurdle.

Of course, the FDP is not alone in its shattered dreams. Nine other "constituency proposals" failed to make it into the Maximilianeum - including "big" names such as the Left Party or the Bavarian Party, which was once quite influential in the Free State. The European party Volt, which had been highly touted in the meantime, landed far behind in the overall vote ranking. And even the Corona skeptics of the "base" ultimately had no chance. The preliminary figures at a glance:

Result of the small parties in the Bavarian elections: ÖDP "strongest force" - ahead of the Left

In the end, none of the small parties was "close" to entering the state parliament. The FDP was already well over 200,000 votes short of the leap over the five percent hurdle. However, the ÖDP can probably still be the most satisfied. The ecologically conservative party came in at 1.8 percent. This is first place among the lists not represented in the old state parliament - and at least an increase of 0.2 percentage points. One thanks "for every single vote", explained ÖDP federal leader Charlotte Schmid. For the party, the election result is also about money.

The Left Party was also not represented in the previous state parliament - as it had never been in Bavaria at all. Sunday's election result, however, is likely to have been a bitter blow even for the long-suffering leftists in Bavaria. The party received a good 200,000 votes. That's 1.5 percent. And more than a halving compared to 2018. At that time, almost 438,000 votes and 3.2 percent went to the account of the left.

The election result in Bavaria

A total of 6.9 million people cast their votes in the Bavarian election on Sunday. This is 73.3 percent of eligible voters - one percentage point more than in 2018. In the meantime, it had not looked like an increase in voter turnout. However, 1.0 percent of the total votes were invalid, as the state returning officer announced.

When interpreting the figures in this article, a special feature should be noted: In Bavaria, the distribution of seats is not only based on second votes, as in the Bundestag election, but also on the basis of the "total votes" that are relevant for this. In other words, the total number of votes is not the same as the number of people who voted for a party. It is possible (but not mandatory) to allocate two votes to a party by first and second vote.

The party reacted with even more controversy. Bavarian Bundestag member Ates Gürpinar held the Wagenknecht faction partly responsible for the result. "It's enough," he said. "Out of respect for our members and the party that made her mandate and notoriety possible in the first place, Wagenknecht should resign from the party and give back her mandate." Alexander Ulrich, an ally of Sahra Wagenknecht, also wedged back to the party leadership with a view to the outcome in Hesse. The course of "wanting to be greener than the Greens" had "failed spectacularly" precisely there.

Bavarian Party and Querdenker alliance "Basis" remain below 1 percent

After all, the Left cracked the one percent mark. The other parties did not succeed. Third place among the "little ones" went to the Bavarian Party, which had advertised with the slogan "Get rid of Berlin" on posters, among other things. Despite all the traffic light scolding in the election campaign, this goal was obviously not exactly capable of winning a majority. 129,000 votes and 0.9 percent were on the books according to the preliminary official final result.


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Some are left out in the cold: there are no mandates in the new state parliament for the FDP, Volt, Basis and the Bavarian Party. © IMAGO/Wolfgang Maria Weber

It was closely followed by Die Basis - with 119,314 votes and also 0.9 percent. The party was founded in 2020 on the fringes of the Corona protests - by lateral thinker and QAnon conspiracy theorist Bodo Schiffmann, among others. Accordingly, she had not yet taken part in the state election in 2018. The party did not play a significant role now. Incidentally, Die Basis was still most popular in Swabia, with 1.1 percent. There, the AfD had also celebrated successes in several constituencies.

"Party" and Volt defeated in Bavaria election - Pirates did not run at all

Five other lists, some of which were well known, remained well below the 100,000 mark of total votes. "The Party" landed at 0.5 percent, as did the Animal Welfare Party, which is sometimes much more successful in the federal government. The European alliance Volt had to settle for 0.3 percent in its first participation. The "V-Party3" with its subtitle "Party for Change, Vegetarians and Vegans" collected 0.2 percent of the votes. The Humanist Party came in last place with just over 14,000 votes and 0.1 percent.

Incidentally, a total of five parties and lists did not run at all nationwide in 2023. These include, for example, the Pirates (2018: 0.4 percent), the alliance Mut (0.3 percent), founded around the ex-Green Claudia Stamm, "Die Franken" (0.2 percent) or the AfD offshoot LKR (0.0 percent). (fn)

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-10-09

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