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An End to the Palestinian National Movement: There Is No Difference Between Hamas and PA Goals | Israel Hayom


Highlights: An End to the Palestinian National Movement: There Is No Difference Between Hamas and PA Goals. One can only imagine what would have happened on Shabbat in Gush Dan and Jerusalem had Sharon's plan been implemented in Judea and Samaria. The intention, as in Gaza, was to withdraw unilaterally to the Green Line. Israel's independence claims that we are a colonialist project; Holocaust denial and genocidal accusations that we will not find in Mahmoud Abbas are just as false as the accusations against him.

One can only imagine what would have happened on Shabbat in Gush Dan and Jerusalem had Sharon's plan been implemented in Judea and Samaria • Today it is clear to any sane person that Israel must regain security control over the Gaza Strip • Therefore, all those who deny our existence here must be uprooted

Imagine if the "convergence plan," planned by Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert and Tzipi Livni, had been implemented as a continuation of their glorious "disengagement" from Gaza.

Had this happened, our border would have been located in Jerusalem, on the outskirts of Gush Dan, Beit Shemesh and Afula. And last Saturday, alongside the attack from Gaza, the Palestinian monsters would spill over from the mountains – to Kfar Saba, Petah Tikva, Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem on all sides. Think about what happened in Bari and the village of Gaza – and imagine the pictures and the meanings.

The Dimensions of the Disaster at Kibbutz Be'eri // Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The "convergence," it should be recalled, was planned to be a continuation of the enormous success in the south in 2005, in which we got rid of Gaza's troubles. Sharon then appointed a secret committee headed by Tzipi Livni's CEO, which dealt with the details of the future escape from Judea and Samaria. Ehud Olmert turned this madness into a flag. The intention, as in Gaza, was to withdraw unilaterally to the Green Line. On the way, it was planned to uproot all the settlements in Judea and Samaria, except perhaps Gush Etzion and Ma'ale Adumim.

Had we "gathered" in Judea and Samaria, very quickly, as in Gaza, Hamas monsters would have thrown Abu Mazen's terrorists from the rooftops of Ramallah and taken control. Thus, on the border of Jerusalem, on the threshold of Tel Aviv and its daughters, the same powerful murderous entity would have been built, parallel to Gaza. It is accumulating rocket weapons and employing them in "rounds" in order to deter us from interfering with their force buildup, ahead of the planned assault on the cities of Gush Dan and Jerusalem.

The ingenious "convergence" was planned by the Sharon-Olmert gang after the illusions of Oslo were finally shattered, after Arafat's troops launched a campaign to eliminate us and proved that they were an enemy and not a partner. Even then, it became clear that the entity we established within us was compatible with Hamas and Jihad, certainly in its goals towards us. Nevertheless, Sharon & Co. planned to hand over the land to those who would have joined the exact same Hamas move.

Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Haniyeh in 2007. What would have happened if we had withdrawn in Judea and Samaria as well?, Photo: AP

The word aims the rifle

In the 30s, anyone who really wanted to understand could know where Nazi Germany was headed. The publications of Hitler and his followers, the textbooks, the social concepts, the speeches - these left no doubt about the goals and intentions. Word and thought did aim the rifle, and later the gas chambers. This is exactly the case with Hamas and Jihad. It was clearer than ever where they were headed, and whoever allowed them to "disconnect" on the threshold of Sderot, Reim and Bari, to educate and act to destroy us – committed a suicidal act of madness.

But the same is true of the Palestinian Authority. Because there is no difference between the PA's perception and goals and those of the child murderers, family burners and rapists in the Gaza envelope. Look at Ramallah's grants to murderers, the naming of squares after multi-cooks, the education of children to erase Tel Aviv.

Listen to speeches by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas from recent months and days; Note the heresy in justification and in the right of Israel's independence; to claims that we are a colonialist project; Holocaust denial and accusations that we are genocidal monsters. This week as well, you will not find in Mahmoud Abbas and his senior officials a shred of condemnation or reservations about what the Palestinian brothers have done to Hamas. You will also find the usual horrific accusations against us.

Mahmoud Abbas meets with Erdogan and a Hamas delegation // Photo: Arab networks

According to them, this week as well, we are committing atrocities and genocide against the Palestinians. Please remember that Abu Mazen today has about 60,<> organized weapons carriers. Imagine if we allowed them to grow stronger and train without interruption, that we removed control over Judea and Samaria.

The overwhelming majority of the Israeli public now understands what it has refused to absorb since the Oslo Accords, and especially since the so-called "disengagement." It is impossible to disconnect from trouble by detachment from reality. Few now realize that Israel must regain security control over the Gaza Strip, uproot and crush Hamas, and ensure that no powerful entity is built there in the future.

But that's not enough. We must understand the direct connection between perceptions and ideas and explosive results. The conclusions drawn from the products of the Nazi machine of incitement and murder were drawn immediately with the crushing of Germany in 1945. The new occupiers and authorities uprooted and forbade all Nazi messages and ideas, so that the monster would not be reborn. We must act in exactly the same direction. Every idea and call to action that denies the right of the Jewish state to exist here is a Nazi message as far as we are concerned. This is the message that unites all components of the Palestinian national movement: from Hamas to Fatah, from Jihad to the PFLP.

Kfar Darom during the disengagement, photo: Yossi Zamir/GPO

Contrary to the stuttering of journalists and public figures who still ignore reality, the PA, just like Hamas, has never accepted our existence. She did not agree with our presence in Jamusin, Sheikh Munis and Jaffa, where Tel Aviv is located. In Sidna Ali, it is Herzliya, in Jerusalem and Safed. Every educational and operative message that emanates from it directly calls for our extinction. One only needs to translate what they write, educate and broadcast every day, even today, to see it.

Anyone who thought that the conflict with the Palestinian movement ended in 1948 deceived himself, and indirectly brought upon us the catastrophe of '23. The movement that tried to destroy the Zionist entity in '48 did not give up. All its factions – including the PLO, which includes Fatah and the PA – preach and educate for the "return." Not to Gaza and Ramallah, but to all of "Palestine," to all of the Land of Israel. Therefore, alongside maintaining and achieving total control over the West Bank, alongside restoring security control over the Gaza Strip, an all-out war must be declared on the Palestinian national movement.

Arafat with Mahmoud Abbas, photo: AFP

Whoever wants to live peacefully with us, not to educate and act to come in our place - please. Whoever denies the right of the Zionist state to exist and educates for "return" must not remain here. This is the only way to prevent even worse revisions of the '23 pogroms, and to ensure the very existence of the state.

On the shoulders of the heroes

On Sunday evening, I attended the funeral of the late Moshael Shlomo in Ramle. Less than 48 hours after the murderous Hamas offensive began, while the entire nation was shaken and shaken, precisely around the open grave of Mashahal, one could draw strength and hope.

Mashal, commander of a SWAT team, fell in battle against Hamas monsters when he was called upon to protect civilians in Sderot. I was at his wedding about a year ago, but I didn't know him. But from the eulogies surrounding the tomb emerged a figure who was crowned by everyone "from her height and above." A supreme warrior, friend and bad guy, a wonderful husband to his young widow Dawn. The character and sacrifice of Moshael illustrated all that is good about us: resilience and innocence, strength and hope for the future. of Mashal, and of the rest of those who have been called upon to defend the house since the morning of Black Sabbath.

Superintendent Moshael Shlomo z"l, photo: courtesy of the family

Hundreds stood around the grave, among them the police chief and the Border Police commander. The trauma was fresh and the campaign was ongoing, but everyone's spirit was determined and strong. Around Mashal's fresh grave, there was room to cheer up.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-12

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