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In the spirit of Rabin: In order to prove that terrorism has failed to undermine our existence, we must continue to fight for the image of the state | Israel Hayom


Highlights: In the spirit of Rabin: In order to prove that terrorism has failed to undermine our existence, we must continue to fight for the image of the state. Because of the war, the trust between the prime minister's promises and the security of Israel's citizens has been undermined. We may be left with phrases that are nothing more than smug slogans full of the sin of arrogance. Even though 28 years have passed since he was murdered, there are still delusional voices daring to call for amnesty for the despicable murderer.

Because of the war, the trust between the prime minister's promises and the security of Israel's citizens has been undermined, which could leave us with smug slogans full of arrogance Almost three decades after the assassination of Rabin, who bore responsibility for the kidnapping of Nachshon Waxman, it is hard not to see how the state has lost its responsible adult

We are going through difficult days, almost three weeks into the horrific nightmare that has turned our world upside down. The assassination of Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 hurt us on several levels. Many of us felt that the murder hurt them personally, not only those among us, like me, who knew him intimately, but also many, many who cherished and loved him for his efforts as a soldier of peace to bring peace to the State of Israel.

It's hard to get on the agenda at this time. Delicate stitches in our society have been unraveled, so we must devote thought and effort to how to repair them. In the days since the murder, we have heard many times about the need for soul-searching (and even more so these days), about the need to unite the people, and other similar expressions that have been repeated frequently against the background of the legal reform.

I am concerned that the trust and agreement between the promises made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government to the security of Israeli citizens in general and of the residents of the communities near the Gaza Strip in particular have been undermined. We may be left with phrases that are nothing more than smug slogans full of the sin of arrogance. Therefore, I recall Rabin's words: "I, as prime minister and defense minister, bear responsibility for the decision on the operation carried out against the terrorists who abducted the late soldier Nachshon Waxman," which he said in October 1994.

A week after the massacre: Netanyahu toured Kibbutz Be'eri // Photo: GPO

After the end of the war, the government must ensure the continuity of our rule and stability, thereby proving that vile terrorism has failed in its attempt to undermine the foundations of our existence. Many around Isaac and Leah's grave stand around him, remembering that he announced those challenges. We must continue with the same fervor that he had, out of the same anxiety and vigilance, to infuse them with moral, social and other content. He called us the striving for a democratic and tolerant society, enlightened and just.

This call has continued to reverberate since the night of the murder from Rabin Square, which has become the square of the nation where the Israeli public makes pilgrimages to identify with the image of a leader, for every pain or joy in Israeli society. His Spirit brings us, all of us, back to the "uniqueness," the "destiny" of being a "people of virtue."

The continued willingness to fight for the image of the state and Israeli society is the work of all of us. No one is exempt from this work. It is also, and perhaps primarily, the role of the customs, which gather every year on Mount Herzl, Mount of Heroism, in front of Rabin's grave.

Former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (Archive),

Since his assassination, the nation has lost an authoritarian leader, its responsible and moral adult, who bears personal and national responsibility. I am experiencing a personal loss as someone who served alongside him until he served as prime minister and defense minister. Even though 28 years have passed since he was murdered, there are still delusional voices daring to call for amnesty for the despicable murderer. I am certain that any president of the State of Israel will not lend a hand that the murderer will see the light of day from his place of imprisonment forever.

In the book of Genesis, "In Parshat Lech Lech," close to the anniversary of Rabin's assassination and the signing of the peace treaty with Jordan, Abraham embarks on a journey whose ultimate goal is "And all the families of the earth will be blessed in you. The sons of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael." They are the religious and cultural connection. Rabin predicted the signature, which eliminates hostility, in the hope of brotherhood and peace.

"I believe that we are a small nation with a big heart," he said in the past, as evidenced by the acts of mobilization and the incredible volunteer spirit of the citizens of Israel, all for the security of the state. In light of these, we will not forget you, Isaac, a leader with responsibility.

The writer served as secretary to 3 presidents of the country.

Ruins in the village of Gaza, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-26

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