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Gaza hospitals at the heart of the war between Hamas and Israel


Highlights: Gaza hospitals at the heart of the war between Hamas and Israel. The IDF accuses the medical centers, which lack everything to treat the wounded, of harboring Hamas. Dr. Ahmed Mougrabi, head of the plastic surgery department at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younes, in the southern Gaza Strip, takes advantage of a break between operations to hug his daughter. Since their house was damaged by a nearby bombing, the doctor's family has taken refuge in hospital. His daughter was wounded in her right arm in the bombing: she wears a large bandage that goes from her elbow to her wrist.

The IDF accuses the medical centers, which lack everything to treat the wounded, of harboring Hamas.

Correspondent in Jerusalem

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Dr. Ahmed Mougrabi, head of the plastic surgery department at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younes, in the southern Gaza Strip, takes advantage of a break between operations to hug his daughter. She is 3 years old. Since their house was damaged by a nearby bombing, the doctor's family has taken refuge in hospital.


They sleep in my office," says Dr. Mougrabi. Her daughter was wounded in her right arm in the bombing: she wears a large bandage that goes from her elbow to her wrist. "I was operating in another hospital when my brother told me that a bomb had exploded very close to my house. We didn't know if my family was alive. I wondered if I should stop the surgery, but I decided to continue. I told my brother: take them to Nasser Hospital. Even though they're dead, I want to see them one last time. Thank God when I arrived, they were covered in dust...

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-10-31

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