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Israel-Gaza war, live


Highlights: Telephone communications and internet connection have been partially restored in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli military has also bombed "150 underground targets in northern Gaza" The Israeli army has called on Palestinians to head to the southern Gaza Strip for humanitarian aid. "We attack on the surface and underground, we attack terrorists at all levels, in all places," Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said after meeting with the Chief of Staff, the heads of Shin Bet (internal security) and Mossad (external security)

Defense Minister Says Military Operation Inside Gaza Strip "Will Continue Until New Order Is Issued" | Borrell: "A pause in hostilities is urgently needed to allow humanitarian access"

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Telephone communications and internet connection have been partially restored in the Gaza Strip during the early hours of Sunday after the widespread drop recorded on Friday night by the bombardments that left the territory more isolated than ever. Hours earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had called those who accuse Israel of war crimes in Gaza, a war he said "is going to be long and difficult," "hypocrites." The prime minister confirmed that the operation in the Gaza Strip that began on Friday is "the second phase of the war." "Tonight [Saturday] Gaza shook. We attack on the surface and underground, we attack terrorists at all levels, in all places," Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said after meeting with the Chief of Staff, the heads of Shin Bet (internal security), Mossad (external security) and other senior officials of the security forces. Early Saturday morning, the Israeli army entered the Strip with infantry, armor and artillery and has not yet left the enclave. The Israeli military has also bombed "150 underground targets in northern Gaza."


Israeli Defense Minister Announces 'New Phase of War' After Worst Night of Aerial Bombardment in Gaza

An explosion in an area of destroyed buildings in the Gaza Strip, in an image taken Saturday from Sderot, Israel. Photo: AFP

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Israeli army calls on Palestinians to head to southern Gaza Strip for humanitarian aid

The Israeli army has called on Palestinians to head to the southern Gaza Strip, where humanitarian aid, as announced through a statement published on social networks, will increase this Sunday. "Civilians in northern Gaza and Gaza City should temporarily move south of Wadi Gaza to a safer area where they can receive water, food and medicine. On Sunday, humanitarian efforts in Gaza, led by Egypt and the United States, will increase," said the armed forces, which this weekend redoubled the offensive against the territory.

ACT.29 OCT 2023 - 06:04

Source: elparis

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