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Israel advances with unabated ferocity in the Gaza Strip


Highlights: Israel claims to have attacked 24 Hamas targets within 300 hours. According to the UN, about half of the victims in the Gaza Strip are under the age of 18. There have been increasing confrontations between the Israeli army and the Hezbollah militia on the border on both sides. Without supplies of fuel, medicine, water and food, the current numbers could soon be "just the tip of an iceberg," Unicef spokesman James Elder said. The UN representatives again called for an immediate ceasefire. The Israeli army says it has once again attacked Lebanon. Israel was attacked from Lebanon, according to the army.

Status: 31.10.2023, 16:06 PM


Smoke rises after an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip. © Ariel Schalit/AP/dpa

Israel claims to have attacked 24 Hamas targets within 300 hours. Civilians continue to die. According to the UN, about half of the victims in the Gaza Strip are under the age of 18. An overview.

Tel Aviv/Gaza - Despite renewed calls for a ceasefire, Israel says it is pressing ahead with ground operations in the Gaza Strip, which is controlled by the Islamist Hamas. "Hundreds of targets of the murderous Hamas terrorist organization" were attacked in "coordinated air and ground strikes," Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari said.

According to the UN, almost half of all civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip are under the age of 18. Once again, Israel was attacked from Lebanon, according to the army.

Israel: Commander of Terror Attack Killed Again

In its advance into the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army says it has once again killed a senior commander of the terrorist attack in southern Israel on October 7. He did not provide any information on the locations of the troops or any reinforcement of the units.

"As we speak, our soldiers are fighting on the battlefield, (...) engage in fierce hand-to-hand combat in which they eliminate terrorists," he said. "The coming weeks will demand resilience and patience from all of us," army spokesman Hagari said. According to media reports, the army is now about three kilometers deep in the Gaza Strip.

300 targets targeted by the Israeli army

According to the Israeli army, around 300 targets in the Gaza Strip have been attacked in two days. Dozens of terrorists were killed.

According to the military wing of the Islamist Hamas, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, fighters south of the city of Gaza had attacked four Israeli army vehicles with anti-tank missiles and explosive devices, among other things. Northwest of Gaza, a tank and a bulldozer were attacked with two anti-tank missiles, and north of the city other vehicles were fired. In addition, mortar shells were fired at soldiers on foot near the Kerem Shalom crossing in the southeastern Gaza Strip, it said. Initially, the information could not be independently verified.

Unicef: 3450,<> children killed in Gaza war so far

According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 3450,<> children have been killed in the Gaza war so far. "Gaza has become a graveyard for children," Unicef spokesman James Elder said during a briefing in Geneva. He did not name a source for the figure. Without supplies of fuel, medicine, water and food, the current numbers could soon be "just the tip of an iceberg," Elder continued.


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Fuel is needed, among other things, to operate the generators of the clinics, to be able to treat water and for the emergency vehicles, said a spokesman for the World Health Organization (WHO). The UN representatives again called for an immediate ceasefire.

Terrorists from Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, carried out a massacre of civilians in Israel on October 7. More than 1400 people died in the following days. Since then, Israel has been attacking the Gaza Strip to destroy Hamas and free the approximately 230 hostages.

According to the Hamas-controlled health authority, about 8500,21 civilians were killed and 000,<> injured in the war. The figures cannot be independently verified.

Israel Attacks 'Terror Cell' in Lebanon

The Israeli army says it has once again attacked a "terrorist cell" in Lebanon. The latter had planned to fire anti-tank missiles into Israel, the military said. In addition, anti-tank missiles were fired at two Israeli army positions near the border. The army is responding to the shelling, it said.

Since the beginning of the Gaza war, there have been increasing confrontations between the Israeli army and the Shiite militia Hezbollah on the border between Israel and Lebanon. There have already been deaths on both sides. Hezbollah has ties to the Islamist Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip.

Flares from the Israel Defense Forces light up the night sky over Gaza City. © Abed Khaled/AP/dpa

According to Israel, rockets were also fired from the Gaza Strip at the center of the country and the south. Rocket alarms were triggered several times, the army said. Since the start of the war on October 7 until the weekend, around 8000,<> rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel, according to Israeli figures.

So far, 144 trucks with aid have arrived in the Gaza Strip

Another 26 trucks have arrived in the Gaza Strip with urgently needed aid. They had brought food and medicine from Egypt across the border, the Palestinian Red Crescent said. Since the beginning of the war between Israel and the Palestinian organization Hamas, a total of 144 trucks have arrived in the sealed coastal area.

Residents of Kibbutz Nir Oz in southern Israel are mourning a victim of Islamist Hamas. © Maya Alleruzzo/AP/dpa

According to Israeli sources, another 80 trucks of aid were ready for inspection into the Gaza Strip in the morning. "This is the largest shipment of aid since the beginning of the war," the Israeli authority Cogat said on Platform X, formerly Twitter.

The United Nations has repeatedly emphasized that the supplies are far from sufficient in view of the humanitarian situation in Gaza. "The handful of convoys being let through (the Rafah crossing) is nothing compared to the needs of more than two million people trapped in Gaza," said Philippe Lazzarini, commissioner general of the UN Palestine Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). According to the UN, 100 truckloads are actually needed every day to provide the 2.2 million people with the essentials.

Israeli ambassador to the UN with yellow star

During a memorable speech at the UN Security Council, Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, pinned a yellow star to his jacket. His staff also wore yellow Stars of David with the inscription "Never Again" in front of the UN body on Monday (local time). These were reminiscent of the yellow stars that had been imposed on Jewish fellow citizens during the Nazi dictatorship as a sign of disenfranchisement and exclusion. Six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust.

Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, wears a yellow Star of David with the inscription "Never Again." © Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/AP/dpa

He will wear the star, just like his grandparents and the grandparents of millions of Jews, Erdan said, addressing the Security Council. "We will wear the star until you condemn the atrocities of Hamas and you demand the immediate release of our hostages." Dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-10-31

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