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Economy in the Oberland on a downward slide


Highlights: Economy in the Oberland on a downward slide. Domestic demand is declining. The Chamber of Industry and Commerce's survey for the regional economic report took place in September. The Oberland is thus joining the Bavarian downward trend, which it was still able to defy in the spring. "There is no end in sight," says Klaus Bauer, spokesman for the IHK Forum Region Oberland, to which the district of Miesbach also belongs. Only regional investment plans provide a ray of hope.

Last updated: 01.11.2023, 08:00 a.m.

By: Stephen Hank


The Chamber of Industry and Commerce companies are struggling with the bureaucracy. © Bernd Weißbrod

The Chamber of Industry and Commerce's business survey does not offer good prospects. The business expectations of companies in the Oberland are collapsing. Domestic demand is declining.

District – The mood among companies in the Oberland is bad. According to a press release, the economic index of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) for the region falls from 120 to 103 points. Staff shortages, demand problems and discontent with the economic policy framework do not suggest a trend reversal.

Dissatisfaction has increased

Dissatisfaction with the business situation has increased significantly, and companies are very pessimistic about the coming months. 41 percent of the companies rate their business as "good" and 12 percent as "bad". The Oberland is thus joining the Bavarian downward trend, which it was still able to defy in the spring.

Companies are struggling with major burdens

According to the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, companies continue to struggle with great burdens. 69 percent say that they are still suffering from the sharp increases in energy prices. 66 percent complain about the price increases of raw materials and goods. Lack of staff is again reported as an obstacle by 59 percent of the companies. The problem of lack of demand is exacerbated and affects 53 percent of companies.

Business expectations are taking an even bigger hit. Only 13 percent of companies expect their business to pick up, and almost one in three expect it to deteriorate. The proportion of pessimistic voices has risen significantly by 19 percentage points compared to the spring.

In keeping with the worrying outlook for the coming months, many risk factors are mentioned more frequently than in the spring. Mentions of the economic policy framework have risen from 50 to 63 percent and are now the most frequently cited risk. High energy and raw material prices stand at 58 percent and, like labor shortages (57 percent), remain at a high level.

Only regional investment plans provide a ray of hope

A ray of hope is provided by the regional investment plans, which remain stable contrary to Bavaria's downward trend. 27 percent want to invest more, while 16 percent want to invest less. 16 percent are planning no investments at all. On the other hand, there is more restraint when it comes to employment plans. 15 percent of the companies want to create jobs, 21 percent want to cut some.

Biggest construction sites: energy policy, labour shortages, bureaucracy

"The uncertainty in our companies is increasing rather than decreasing, the downturn continues for the economy," says Klaus Bauer, spokesman for the IHK Forum Region Oberland, to which the district of Miesbach also belongs. "There is no end in sight." On the political side, there is an urgent need for bold steps and real reforms at all levels. "Our companies see the biggest problems in energy policy, the shortage of workers and the increasing flood of bureaucratic requirements," says Bauer. "We need competitive energy prices. The faster expansion of renewable energies and the power grids would contribute to this." In addition, the economy expects politicians to make all the adjustments that alleviate the labor shortage. The bureaucracy, in turn, stifles the power of innovation and the desire for entrepreneurship.


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The Chamber of Industry and Commerce's survey for the regional economic report took place in September, according to its own statements. Companies in the districts of Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Miesbach and Weilheim-Schongau were surveyed.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-11-01

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