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Made in Palestine: Military uniforms made in sewing workshop in Jericho – and seized | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Made in Palestine: Military uniforms made in sewing workshop in Jericho – and seized. An Arab driver whose car was seized claimed that "these are trousers belonging to the army" The owner of Jerusalem Knitwear, the Israeli company whose name was displayed on the clothing label, denied his involvement. The Defense Ministry transferred the case for examination, the police claim: "There is no suspicion of criminal activity" 'This is very worrying information, especially in times of war,' says Jewish Voice website.

An Arab driver whose car was seized bags of uniforms made in the city claimed that "these are trousers belonging to the army" • The owner of Jerusalem Knitwear, the Israeli company whose name was displayed on the clothing label, denied his involvement: "They don't manufacture uniforms for anyone" • The Defense Ministry transferred the case for examination, the police claim: "There is no suspicion of criminal activity" • View the footage

Military uniforms made in Palestine: Uniforms disturbingly similar to IDF uniforms are manufactured in the heart of the Palestinian city of Jericho – even in the midst of an "iron swords" war, according to the Jewish Voice website.

During the war, Border Police officers spotted a Palestinian-plated delivery vehicle transporting equipment to an Israeli vehicle in the area. When they checked the car, they were shocked to discover that the Arab driver was moving crates containing military uniforms that resembled IDF uniforms, bearing the label of the Israeli company "Jerusalem Knitwear." In questioning of the driver, he said that the uniforms have been manufactured for years in his sewing workshop in the heart of Jericho, and that they reach the IDF. It should be noted that both the Defense Ministry and the sewing workshop owner deny this.

In the video that was exposed, the owner of the sewing workshop is seen with large crates removed from the car, containing what appears to be IDF uniforms labeled "Jerusalem knitwear," ostensibly with the intention of transferring them to the Israeli company's vehicle. "Show me what you have in the car," the Border Police soldier asked the Arab driver, who responded with "army pants." Later, the soldier asked him where he made the clothes, to which the driver replied, "In Jericho." "Do you manufacture army uniforms in Jericho?" the soldier asked, to which the driver replied: "We've been sewing, working with them for several years, with 'Jerusalem Knitwear.'" When the soldier took out one of the pairs of pants, the label of "Jerusalem knitwear" can be clearly seen. Later, the soldier asked the driver exactly where the sewing workshop was located in Jericho, to which the driver replied: "In Jericho itself, in the center of the city."

The clothes seized, photo: The Jewish Voice

After the exposure, the Arab driver was summoned for questioning by the police, and the information was passed on to the Ministry of Defense, which is responsible for manufacturing IDF uniforms and is supposed to supervise the ministry's suppliers. Police say there is no suspicion of criminal wrongdoing.

Jerusalem Knitwear supplies military equipment to the Ministry of Defense, but according to ministry sources, it does not supply uniforms. In addition, it was claimed that these are work clothes similar to IDF uniforms, but those that are not identical to them. At the same time, the video shows that these are clothes that are very reminiscent of military B uniforms. The Jerusalem Knitwear website states that "our products are enjoyed by IDF soldiers, police personnel, doctors and nurses." It added that the company "specializes in manufacturing natural gas work environment clothing, flame retardant clothing as well as clothing for clean rooms, uniforms for the IDF, uniforms for the air force and more."

It should be noted that even if there is no suspicion of criminal activity, the case raises serious questions regarding those who manufacture uniforms similar to IDF uniforms, during routine times in general and during wartime in particular. There is nothing to prevent, for example, a sewing workshop that manufactures such uniforms from transferring them to hostile elements who wish to carry out an attack or similar hostile activity.

The vehicle in which the "uniform" was seized // Photo: The Jewish Voice

The Jewish Voice website said that "this is very worrying information, especially in times of war. One can only imagine the security implications of producing standard IDF uniforms without supervision inside Jericho. We hope that the authorities are examining things from a security and criminal perspective. Information in our possession raises concern that this is not an isolated case in which military equipment is manufactured for the IDF in factories in Arab villages in Judea and Samaria without supervision."

In a conversation with Israel Hayom, Eli Sun, owner of Jerusalem Knitwear, claims that he does not manufacture uniforms for the IDF and has no connection to a sewing workshop in Jericho. He also denied being there. "We don't make uniforms for anyone. These are not our uniforms, we don't manufacture uniforms at all, I don't know why they have the label of 'Jerusalem knitwear.' Equally, they can make an adidas label. I don't know of such a thing. If this is true, we will file a complaint with the police. I wasn't in the field, so I don't know what it's about. We manufacture work clothes and uniforms for hospitals, hotels, etc., but not in Jericho. We have a big sewing workshop here."

The Defense Ministry said: "The Ministry of Defense sews uniforms for the IDF in 10 licensed Israeli sewing workshops. The company whose name is shown in the video is not one of them. The Ministry of Defense did not purchase and does not purchase IDF uniforms from it. The case has been transferred to the competent authorities for examination."

The police said: "The matter was examined by the Israel Police and it was found that there is no suspicion of criminal activity."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-08

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