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Opinion | Hit the Settlers and Save Israel | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The length of the border with Gaza is 59 km. The distance between Qalqiliya and Kfar Saba, for example, is 300 km. "Where was the IDF when people were massacred in their homes?" asks Peace Now. "The blood of the residents of Bari and Dune is on the hands of Otniel and Kedumim," says Israel Hayom's editor-in-chief. "We are paying a high public tax for the existential operation in Gaza," he says.

Length of the border with Gaza: 59 km • Length of the Green Line: more than 300 km • The fighters in Judea and Samaria are not defending Yitzhar's popik, but Ben Gurion Airport and the residents of Kfar Saba and Maccabim

While the best of our sons and daughters are fighting for home, there are those who take advantage of this difficult period for incitement, incitement and contempt. Again at the stake: the settlers.

For weeks I repressed, forcing myself to deal with the positive and the unifying, not the negative. There are enough enemies, I said, we must not fight ourselves either. But incitement is only increasing, and we are paying a high public tax for the existential operation in Gaza, and for restraint. This tax is a heavy price in Judea and Samaria, where left-wing organizations are waging a campaign of delegitimization that permits the blood of the settlers.

These organizations are firmly rooted in the European governments that fund them. They are also firmly rooted in the U.S. State Department, the same people who can be highly commended for standing with Israel in relation to Gaza. These organizations are also backed by all sorts of former security guards, members of the failed concept, and of course reinforced by agenda journalists, who will not miss an opportunity to strike at the settlers they hate.

The first lie is that the fighting battalions were diverted from Gaza to Judea and Samaria, and therefore there was no one to guard the envelope. "Where was the IDF when people were massacred in their homes?" asks the far-left organization Peace Now, implying that the blood of the residents of Bari and Dune is on the hands of the residents of Otniel and Kedumim. "The settlements are robbing us of our security," they say, as these settlers fight shoulder to shoulder with urbanists and kibbutzniks in the heart of Gaza. While risking their lives, left-wing organizations slam them for "robbing security."

It's not only disgusting, it's also senseless. The length of the border with Gaza is 59 km. On Black Saturday, despite a fence, an underground and sea barrier, technology, observers and fighters, the terrorists penetrated some 80 breaches in the fence (IDF estimate at 9 October). The length of the Green Line is more than 10 km along a more complex terrain than the border with Gaza. What fence would stop anything? The distance between Qalqiliya and Kfar Saba, for example, is 300 km. The distance between Bari and Gaza? The distance between Gaza village and the border is about 7 km, as is the distance between Nir Oz and the border. All this without mentioning the rocket threat that Iron Dome is already groaning under. In fact, the fighters in Judea and Samaria are not defending Yitzhar's popik, but rather Ben Gurion Airport and the residents of Kfar Saba and Maccabim.

The second lie is "settler violence."

The plot invented by left-wing organizations to blacken the settlers - now this campaign on steroids. Maj. Gen. (res.) Israel Ziv, who signed a permanent contract in the studios, lies without interruption and defines what is happening in Judea and Samaria as "chaos," with "uncontrollable activity by the hilltop militia" and the murder of Palestinians. "I was with the general yesterday and today with the division commander," a senior commander told me, "there's nothing, it's nonsense. Lately, despite the harvest, there has been nothing."

Commanders throughout Judea and Samaria attest to a decline in tension, with more tension in the first week. By the way, sources within the OC's office also attest to this. On the contrary, entire communities are in existential security anxiety because most of the men have been drafted into the reserves, and they know full well that their neighbors will not shy away from committing the atrocities of Bari if they can.

The first lie is that the fighting battalions were diverted from Gaza to Judea and Samaria, and therefore there was no one to guard the envelope. "Where was the IDF when people were massacred in their homes?" the far-left organization Peace Now asks, implying that the blood of the residents of Bari and Dune is on the hands of the residents of Otniel and Kedumim

The pretext is that the "settlers" will set fire to Judea and Samaria. Again blaming a victim, no longer understanding who the enemy is, no longer listening to him. When they murdered the kibbutz residents, they called them "settlers," because our enemies don't differentiate between blood and blood, only we do it.

But it doesn't have to be this way. Elchanan Clemensohn from Otniel jumped in to save the residents of Bari and paid with his life. So did Moshe Barsheshet from Kiryat Arba, who came to rescue the residents of Dune and saved 150 people with his friends.

Don't let studio incitement brainwash you. We are brothers, brothers in life and brothers in blood.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-09

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