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"It's hot, it's hot!": How a parrot saved its owners' lives


Highlights: A parrot in Lannilis, Finistère, alerted his owners to a fire on the night of Samed. An electrical fire had started in a wall of the couple's kitchen. Without this alert, "with the steamers, we could have gone through it," says the parrot's owner, who still found time to laugh about it with the local firefighters. "He's a hero," Virginie told the local radio station. "What's quite strange is that he was able to say just enough to make us understand that there was a problem in the house," said his owner.

A parrot who lives with a couple in Lannilis, Finistère, alerted his owners to a fire on the night of Samed

The story brought a smile to the faces of the mobilized firefighters. A couple from Finistère, living in Lannilis, were saved from a coming asphyxiation, last Saturday night, while a fire was spreading in their house. They owe a "proud candle" to their parrot named "Baby". Indeed it is the latter who woke them up in the middle of the night, to the cries of "It's hot, it's hot, it's hot!", reports France Bleu this Thursday.

Gilles and Virginie told on the radio how the family's pet saved their lives. An electrical fire had started in a wall of the couple's kitchen. "At night, he never speaks, we never hear him. He has his own little habits," Gilles explains about Baby, whereas usually the colourful feathered bird is more than talkative.

"We could have gone through it"

"It was 5 a.m.," Virginie recalls. Baby then screams 'It's hot, it's hot, it's hot and he's coughing,'" the young woman adds. His companion, also woken up by the animal's screams, decides to get up to check what is going on. It was "like burning a tire in the house. It came from the wall behind the dishwasher," the Breton told the local media.

The latter then called the fire brigade who intervened in an emergency. Without this alert, "with the steamers, we could have gone through it," says the parrot's owner, who still found time to laugh about it with the local firefighters.

"He's a hero," Virginie told the local radio station. "What's quite strange is that he was able to say just enough to make us understand that there was a problem in the house," said his owner, even though the bird usually only repeats bits of sentences.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2023-11-09

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