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Israel-Gaza War, Live | Israel says 50,000 Gazans have fled the northern Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours


Highlights: Israel says 50,000 Gazans have fled the northern Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours. Spain confirms death of Iván Illarramendi at the hands of Hamas. Fuel shortages force curtailment of operations at large Gaza hospital. U.N. puts the number of U.S. staff killed in Israeli strikes at 99, all by the United Nations refugee agency (UNRWA) Netanyahu reiterates that he will not agree to a ceasefire without the release of hostages in Gaza.

Qatar Calls for Hamas to Release Some Hostages in Exchange for Humanitarian Pause | Spain confirms death of Iván Illarramendi at the hands of Hamas | Fuel shortages force curtailment of operations at large Gaza hospital

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Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari has announced that Hamas has lost control over northern Gaza after 50,000 Gazans moved south in the past 24 hours. Meanwhile, the Qatari government is mediating, in collaboration with the United States, for Hamas to release some of the hostages it has held hostage since October 7, in exchange for Benjamin Netanyahu allowing a humanitarian pause in Gaza, according to Reuters and AFP. The chances of agreement are getting closer. On Wednesday, it became known that Spaniard Ivan Illarramendi and his wife were killed in the attack on a kibbutz near Gaza, but their bodies had not been identified until now. In addition, the Palestine Red Crescent has reported that the Al-Quds hospital, one of the largest in the Strip, has begun to reduce its operations in an attempt to ration fuel use and ensure a minimum level of services.

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Netanyahu Says Israel Is Already Fighting Inside Gaza City

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99 UN Officials Killed in Gaza by Israeli Attacks

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ACT.9 NOV 2023 - 04:25


Netanyahu reiterates that he will not agree to a ceasefire without the release of hostages

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ACT.9 NOV 2023 - 04:05

The U.S. says it has a mechanism to communicate with Hamas and is using it

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The spokesman reiterated that the United States supports the so-called "humanitarian pauses" of the Israeli offensive in Gaza to achieve specific objectives, such as the release of Americans and other hostages. But he also insisted on his opposition to a ceasefire, a position that some Democrats in Congress are beginning to adhere to as the civilian death toll in the Gaza Strip rises. "Normally, you go to a ceasefire when you think you're close to the end and it's time to negotiate," Kirby said, arguing that such a scenario would "benefit," "legitimize" and be "a propaganda victory" for Hamas. He also said a ceasefire could give the perception that Hamas "has every right to stay in power, and they don't."

ACT.9 NOV 2023 - 03:28


106 trucks carrying aid and 12 ambulances transport wounded to Egypt enter Gaza

A total of 106 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid arrived in the Gaza Strip today through the Rafah border crossing, from where 12 ambulances transferred several wounded to Egyptian territory and evacuated foreigners trapped in the Palestinian enclave, various sources reported. Egyptian Red Crescent sources told EFE that 106 trucks with medical supplies, water and food entered the Palestinian Strip on Wednesday through Rafah, the only entrance to the Palestinian enclave that is not controlled by Israel. However, this new shipment did not include fuel, a resource of extreme necessity for the operation of hospitals, bakeries and water purification plants, due to the veto imposed by Israel for fear that it would reach the Islamist group Hamas.

Humanitarian sources told EFE that 12 ambulances transferred several wounded to Egyptian territory, treated mainly at the Al Arish hospital, 40 kilometers from Rafah, and evacuated foreign citizens and Palestinians with dual nationality, although they did not specify the number. This move in Rafah has taken place despite the fact that the spokesman of the US State Department, Vedant Patel, said today that Rafah is temporarily closed due to "security circumstances" that he did not specify, while he said that "there has been no incoming or outgoing traffic throughout the day". More than 1,400 people have already been evacuated to Egypt since the country opened the Rafah crossing last Wednesday for the entry into its territory of Palestinians with dual nationality and foreign nationals trapped in Gaza, thanks to an agreement with Israel mediated by the United States and Qatar. Egypt has estimated at about 7,000 people, of 60 nationalities, the total number of Palestinians with foreign passports and citizens of other countries who would arrive in the North African country by this route.

ACT.9 NOV 2023 - 02:52

Source: elparis

All news articles on 2023-11-09

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