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"There is no one like you, Hero of Israel": Captain Yedidya Asher Lev, who fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip, was laid to rest | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Capt. Yedidya Asher Lev, 27, from Tal Menashe, fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip tonight. His mother: "It's not normal for parents to bury a son, it's notnormal for brothers to eulogize a brother" Just a few months ago, he donated bone marrow to a 60-year-old woman and saved her life. "There is no one like you, Hero of Israel": Samaria Council head Yossi Dagan and Minister of Religious Services Michael Malkieli.

Yedidia, 27, from Tal Menashe, a staff sergeant in Givati's Sabra Battalion, fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip tonight • His mother: "It's not normal for parents to bury a son, it's not normal for brothers to eulogize a brother" • Just a few months ago, Yedidya donated bone marrow to a 60-year-old woman and saved her life

Capt. Yedidya Asher Lev, 27, from the community of Tal Menashe in northern Samaria, was laid to rest today (Wednesday) after falling in battle in the northern Gaza Strip overnight. Yedidya was a staff sergeant in the Sabra Battalion of the Givati Brigade. Just a few months ago, Yedidya donated bone marrow to a woman in her 60s.

Capt. Yedidya Asher Lev z"l after bone marrow donation, photo: Ezer Mizion

Orna, Yedidya's mother: "My eldest son, I would like one more hug, one kiss on the forehead, another smile. It's not normal for parents to bury a son, it's not normal for siblings to eulogize a brother. It is not normal for grandparents to bury a grandchild, but we are an abnormal people, we are the people of God. I know that we are a generation of redemption, and redemption comes in the process, there are ups and downs and everything in the world needs to be clarified.

"Grandpa Yaakov and Grandma Haviva immigrated from Europe and survived the Holocaust. My great-grandfather, Rabbi Binyamin, was murdered by the Nazis, Grandpa Yitzhak and Grandma Esther were born here and they were all partners in building the country in the city and in the moshav. Not everything was always abundant, but there was great faith, great love for the Land of Israel and recognition of the State of Israel as the beginning of the growth of our redemption."

Givati soldiers at the gathering grounds, photo: Oren Cohen

Father Noam: "Yedidya, my dear son, how can I eulogize you. How much I love you and how proud I am of you. Last night, Yaki, the company commander, called and told me how you fought valiantly, standing at the APC and covering for him and the charging soldiers, and then you were hit. There are no words to describe how straight you were, as straight as Peles. We saw it at home, we heard about it from your friends in the army in everything you did. Everything is always honest, absolutely wonderful, the mouth and the heart are one."

His brother Matanya also eulogized: "I want to learn from you your peace of mind, your love for the people of Israel, your self-sacrifice and your humor. You were my older brother and my beloved brother, there is nothing like you. You are a hero of Israel."

Memorial candle, photo: none

Sister Hadas: "In recent weeks, not a day has gone by that I have not prayed for you, that I have not prayed to G-d to bring you back to us whole and healthy, I prayed that He will send you courage that will breathe in you a spirit of battle and heroism. And now I thank G-d for 19 beautiful years in which He gave me You. The greatest gift we could have received. I promise you we will be strong, we will be lions like you were. Take care of us from above, love you very much, we will do everything to spread your special light."

Among the other Sufdim were Samaria Council head Yossi Dagan and Minister of Religious Services Michael Malkieli (Shas), who said: "You were righteous in your life and righteous and holy in your passing. You leave us exactly as you walked, as a mitzvah emissary, not as an individual, not as a private person, but as an emissary of the people of Israel."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-15

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