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Israel-Gaza War, Live | The international community is ratcheting up pressure to extend the truce in Gaza hours before its end


Highlights: Four-day truce between Israel and Hamas faces its final day on Monday. U.S., Egypt, Qatar, EU, UN, NATO, PA and hostage families call on Israel, Hamas to extend ceasefire. Israeli government says it is negotiating the list of hostages to be released today and says it has presented "an option" to the militia to prolong the pact. Egypt and Qatar are close to an agreement to extend the truce in Gaza for two days, says head of Egypt's state intelligence service.

U.S., Egypt, Qatar, EU, UN, NATO, PA and hostage families call on Israel, Hamas to extend ceasefire | The Israeli government says it is negotiating the list of hostages to be released today and says it has presented "an option" to the militia to prolong the pact

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The four-day truce between Israel and Hamas faces its final day on Monday amid pressure for an extension from Qatar, Egypt and the United States, the mediators, the families of the nearly 200 hostages still held, the EU, the UN, NATO and the Palestinian Authority. Even Hamas, in a statement released on Sunday, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — in a conversation with U.S. President Joe Biden — have been open to extending it. An Israeli military spokesman said they had presented "an option" to the militia to prolong the ceasefire. The truce in Gaza began on Friday and ends this coming morning. In addition, Israel has said it is still negotiating a new list with the names of 11 hostages that Hamas is expected to release today. Thanks to the agreement, which has also allowed hundreds of trucks with aid to enter the Strip, Hamas has freed 54 hostages and Israel has released 117 Palestinian prisoners.

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Stoltenberg calls for extension of ceasefire in Gaza

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference in Brussels on Monday.Photo: REUTERS

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El País

Egypt says they are close to an agreement to extend the truce in Gaza for two days

Egypt and Qatar are close to reaching an agreement to extend the truce in Gaza for two days, said Diaa Rashwan, head of Egypt's state intelligence service. These two days would include the release by Hamas of 20 Israeli hostages and the release of 60 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails, he added. On Monday, 11 hostages held by the Palestinian militia are expected to return home, and Rashwan said negotiations were continuing on the release of 33 Palestinian prisoners. (REUTERS)

ACT.27 NOV 2023 - 15:43

El País

UN joins international community's calls to extend truce in Gaza

UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday called on all states in the world to "use their influence to end this tragic conflict" in Gaza, which "has brought a horrific toll and shocked the world". In a statement issued by his spokesman, Stephane Dujarric, Guterres also joined the international community's calls to extend the truce that began on Friday between Israel and Hamas and ends early this morning. Guterres thanked Qatar, Egypt, the United States and the International Committee of the Red Cross for their role in reaching the agreement, but insisted that "dialogue must continue and lead to a humanitarian ceasefire for the sake of the people of Gaza, Israel and the entire region."

The UN Secretary-General has also called on states to "take irreversible steps towards the only sustainable future for the region: the two-state formula, with Israel and Palestine living side by side, in peace and security." Israel's U.S.-backed government has so far refused to accept a definitive ceasefire, arguing that it will only serve to strengthen Hamas, and has proclaimed that it intends to continue its attacks until the Islamist group is completely dismantled.

Las palabras de Guterres llegan en un momento en el que la comunidad internacional está presionando para extender el alto el fuego. A estos llamamientos se han sumado hoy, entre otros países y organismos, Qatar, Egipto y EE UU —los mediadores—, las familias de los cerca de 200 rehenes que siguen capturados, la UE, la OTAN, la Autoridad Palestina, España o Alemania.

El acuerdo entre las dos partes entró en vigor el viernes a las 7.00 (las 6.00 en la España peninsular) en medio de una alta desconfianza y ha permitido la entrada de cientos de camiones con ayuda en la Franja, así como la liberación de 54 rehenes capturados por Hamás a cambio de la puesta en libertad de 117 presos palestinos por parte de Israel.

Hoy está previsto que la milicia libere a otro grupo de secuestrados, pero el pacto, si no es renovado, caducará esta medianoche y el ejército israelí y Hamás reanudarán los combates en el enclave palestino.

ACT.27 NOV 2023 - 15:37

El País

Israel afirma haber presentado a Hamás “una opción” para prolongar la tregua en Gaza

Israel ha afirmado este mediodía haber presentado a Hamás “una opción” para prolongar la tregua que entró en vigor el pasado viernes en Gaza y que a priori concluye esta próxima madrugada. “Queremos recibir a otros 50 rehenes después de esta noche en el marco de nuestro objetivo de traer a todos los rehenes de vuelta a casa”, ha declarado Eylon Levy, un portavoz militar israelí, a los medios de comunicación, según recoge la agencia de noticias France Presse.

Las palabras de Levy llegan después de que el primer ministro de Israel, Benjamín Netanyahu, le dijera el domingo por la noche al presidente de EE UU, Joe Biden, que estaba dispuesto a extender la tregua. También Hamás publicó un comunicado a última hora de ayer en el que afirmaba que quería prorrogarla. 

El acuerdo entre las dos partes entró en vigor el viernes en medio de una alta desconfianza. Este ha permitido la entrada de cientos de camiones con ayuda en la Franja y la liberación de 54 rehenes capturados por Hamás a cambio de la puesta en libertad de 117 presos palestinos por parte de Israel. Hoy está previsto que la milicia libere a otro grupo de secuestrados.

La presión internacional para que Israel y la milicia islamista prorroguen el alto el fuego ha ido incrementándose a lo largo de hoy, a horas de que este caduque. Qatar, Egipto y EE UU —los tres mediadores del pacto—, las familias de los cerca de 200 rehenes que siguen secuestrados por la milicia, la UE, la OTAN y la Autoridad Palestina han pedido extender el acuerdo, que comenzó el viernes a las 7.00 hora local (las 6.00 en la España peninsular). 

ACT.27 NOV 2023 - 15:17

El País

Fuentes egipcias afirman que la prórroga de la tregua en Gaza está cerca de alcanzarse

Tres fuentes de seguridad egipcias han dicho este mediodía a la agencia de noticias Reuters que los negociadores de El Cairo, Qatar y Estados Unidos para extender la tregua que comenzó el viernes en Gaza entre el ejército israelí y Hamás están cerca de llegar a un acuerdo que permita su extensión. Estas fuentes han explicado que los negociadores están aún debatiendo cuánto durará la prórroga del alto el fuego y qué prisioneros serán liberados. Según ellas, Hamás busca una extensión de cuatro días, mientras que Israel quiere que la prórroga se firme día a día.

Qatar, Egipto y EE UU —los mediadores del pacto—, las familias de los cerca de 200 rehenes que siguen en manos de la milicia, la UE, la OTAN y la Autoridad Palestina han pedido extender la tregua, que comenzó el viernes a las 7.00 y termina esta madrugada. También lo han hecho países como España o Alemania, cuyos ministros de Exteriores, José Manuel Albares y Annalena Baerbock, han pedido esta mañana en Barcelona en la reunión del Foro Regional de la Unión por el Mediterráneo que se mantenga el alto el fuego para continuar con el intercambio de rehenes por prisioneros y la entrada de ayuda humanitaria en la Franja. 

Incluso Hamás, en un comunicado publicado el domingo, y el primer ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu —en una conversación con el presidente de EE UU, Joe Biden—, se han mostrado abiertos a extenderla. 

Desde el comienzo del acuerdo, que también ha permitido la entrada de cientos de camiones con ayuda en la Franja, Hamás ha liberado a 54 secuestrados e Israel ha soltado a 117 presos palestinos. Además, Israel ha recibido de manos de Hamás una nueva lista con 11 rehenes para ser liberados hoy. 

ACT.27 NOV 2023 - 14:35

El País

Israel informa de que continúan las negociaciones sobre la lista de rehenes que serán liberados hoy

El Gobierno israelí está negociando la lista de rehenes que serán liberados este lunes. Así lo ha anunciado a través de un mensaje en la red social X (antiguo Twitter) la oficina del primer ministro, Benjamín Netanyahu: “Continúan las negociaciones sobre la lista de personas que serán liberadas en el marco del plan de liberación de rehenes”. En un segundo mensaje, la oficina reconoce que “son conscientes de la tensión de las familias” y afirma que publicarán “información adicional cuando sea posible”.

ACT.27 NOV 2023 - 14:32

El País

Alemania defiende que el alto al fuego en Gaza “debe durar el mayor tiempo posible”

La ministra de Exteriores de Alemania, Annalena Baerbock, ha defendido que el alto al fuego en la guerra de Gaza “debe durar el mayor tiempo posible” para que los rehenes puedan ser liberados y para que llegue más ayuda humanitaria a la población de la franja de Gaza. Así lo ha indicado en una declaración que ha hecho antes de participar en el 8º Foro Regional de la Unión por el Mediterráneo (UPM), que reúne hoy en Barcelona a un total de 27 ministros de Exteriores de la región Euromediterránea, que abordan el conflicto en Israel y Palestina, cuando todavía está vigente el alto el fuego de cuatro días entre Israel y Hamás, que arrancó el viernes.

“El tema central en el que estamos trabajando actualmente es que todos vean el sufrimiento del otro. Porque solo cuando el sufrimiento de los demás pueda sanarse, el propio sufrimiento terminará. Los israelíes solo pueden vivir en seguridad si los palestinos viven en seguridad. Y los palestinos solo pueden vivir en seguridad si Israel puede vivir en seguridad”, ha argumentado.

Baerbock stressed that the strength of the UfM lies in its ability to bring together states "that do not always find it easy to talk to each other", although she regretted that the "deep" divisions between the countries and the fear of "hostility" have caused Israel not to attend the meeting. "That is precisely why I am here today, although until now Germany has not attached much importance to these meetings. Precisely because the divisions are deepening, we have to sit together, we have to talk and listen to each other," said the foreign minister, who considered that, since the Hamas attack, "both Israelis and Palestinians have suffered too much pain".

Baerbock, who welcomed the release of eight German hostages and thanked Qatar and Egypt for their mediation efforts, stressed the need for all those kidnapped by Hamas to be released, while calling for humanitarian aid to enter Gaza. (Image: EFE)

ACT.27 NOV 2023 - 14:15

El País

The fine print of the truce between Israel and Hamas that the international community wants to extend

The four-day truce between Israel and Hamas — which can be extended if there is an agreement between the parties — faces its final day on Monday after coming into force last Friday. Here are the details of the agreement:

Israeli hostages by Palestinian prisoners and entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza. Israel and Hamas agreed last week to sign a four-day ceasefire under which the militia would release 50 Israeli women, children and adolescents abducted and transferred to Gaza — all under the age of 19 — on Oct. 7 in exchange for the Israeli government's release of 150 Palestinian prisoners. To date, Hamas has freed 54 hostages (40 of them Israelis, some with dual citizenship) and Israel has released 117 Palestinian prisoners. The pact also includes the entry of hundreds of trucks of humanitarian aid into Gaza, whose situation is dramatic due to the Israeli military siege. In addition, Israel has received from Hamas a new list of 11 hostages to be released today.

When it started and when it ends. The agreement for the truce came into force last Friday at 7:00 a.m. (6:00 a.m. in mainland Spain) and ends this morning if it is not extended. The Reuters news agency has asked senior Israeli officials exactly what time the ceasefire will end on Tuesday, but they have not given a specific time and have argued that it is a "very liquid situation".

Is the agreement going to be extended? The pact states that this can be extended up to four additional days — that is, beyond the initial four — provided that 10 hostages held by Palestinian militias are released each day in exchange for 30 Palestinian prisoners. If this happens, the deal would last until Saturday, Dec. 2. The additional four days are based on an estimate by Benjamin Netanyahu's government that there are about 100 Israeli children and women in Gaza. From the outset, Israel has stated that it is prepared to release 300 Palestinians in exchange for the return of the <> hostages.

What will happen if the ceasefire ends. The Israeli government and military have already warned that they will resume the military offensive on Gaza as soon as the truce ends. Yesterday, the country's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, traveled to the Gaza Strip for the first time since the war began to address his soldiers, whom he said would continue the attacks until Hamas was destroyed. The militia, when the deal was announced last week, also warned that its "fingers were still on the trigger" throughout the truce in case Israel violated the pact.

How is the exchange of hostages for prisoners carried out? With the normal modus operandi in cases of prisoner exchange: the mediation of the Red Cross for the transfer of prisoners from one side to the other. The members of the NGO receive them from Hamas, transfer them to Egypt through the Rafah crossing (which connects Gaza with Egypt's Sinai Peninsula) and hand them over to the Israeli army. In return, Palestinians who have been released from Israeli jails have been transferred to Jerusalem and Ramallah, the West Bank city that houses the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority.

Palestinian prisoners. The Palestinian Prisoners' Society estimates that Israel holds 7,200 Palestinian detainees, 88 of them women and about 250 of them minors. Most of those on the list of detainees Israel will release come from the West Bank and east Jerusalem and were arrested for incidents such as attempted stabbings, stone-throwing at Israeli soldiers, making explosives, damaging property and contacts with organizations deemed hostile to Israel. None are charged with murder. Many were arrested under administrative detention, i.e. without trial.

Who mediated to reach the pact? Qatar has played an essential role, as it maintains good relations with Washington and the United States but also with Hamas. In fact, the Islamist militia has a political office in Doha and its leader, Ismail Haniyeh, lives there. The United States has also played a nuclear role. Its president, Joe Biden, has held talks with the emir of Qatar and the prime minister of Israel. Egypt, which was the first Arab country to make peace with Israel, has been involved.

Pressure to extend the ceasefire. Qatar, Egypt and the United States, the mediators, the families of the nearly 200 hostages still held by the militia, the EU, NATO and the Palestinian Authority have called for the truce to be extended. Even Hamas, in a statement released on Sunday, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — in a conversation with U.S. President Joe Biden — have been open to extending it.

The exchange of Palestinian prisoners for Israeli hostages, on Sunday.

ACT.27 NOV 2023 - 14:08

Israel's far-right finance minister defends wartime spending on Jewish settlements in the West Bank

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich on Monday criticized those within Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's own Cabinet who question the government's proposed war budget. This allocation is pending a vote and has already created a divide between centrist and far-right members of the government.

On Sunday, centrist minister Benny Gantz demanded that Netanyahu remove all political payments from the new budget, claiming they will hurt the war effort. These include so-called "coalition funds" for settlements in the West Bank and the education system for ultra-Orthodox Jews. Smotrich said the proposed 4.900 billion shekels ($1.300 billion) for these purposes would make up less than 1 percent of the budget. He added that such criticism of the budget comes from "hostile media."

The controversy over the allocation of funds to settlements comes at a sensitive time for Israel, which is trying to mobilize international support for the Gaza war. There is deep unease, even among Israel's friendly countries, including the United States, over the continued expansion of Jewish settlements on land that the Palestinians want as the core of a future independent state.

Josep Borrell, the EU's foreign policy chief, said on Twitter on Monday: "I am horrified to learn that in the middle of a war, the Israeli government is willing to commit new funds to build more illegal settlements. This is not self-defense and will not make Israel safer. The settlements constitute a grave violation of international humanitarian law and constitute Israel's greatest security problem." (Reuters)

ACT.27 NOV 2023 - 14:13

Luis de VegaJerusalem

Elon Musk (left) and Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday at Kibbutz Kfar Aza, hit by the Hamas attack on October 7. /DPA

Musk meets with Netanyahu in Israel and visits some of the communities hit by Hamas on Oct. 7

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not want to miss the opportunity of the visit to Israel of the CEO of the social network X (formerly Twitter), Elon Musk, to personally show him some of the places where Hamas carried out the attack on October 7 that killed some 1,200 people, according to the Israeli authorities. with which the present war began. Wearing both bulletproof vests and in the rain, they visited the community of Kafar Aza, less than two kilometers from Gaza, one of the scenes chosen for the massacre.

In the morning, Israel's Minister of Communications, Shlomo Karhi, had already announced that they have reached an agreement for the use in Israel — and also Gaza — of the Starlink satellite internet connection system, from Musk's company Space X, but always under the supervision of the Israeli authorities. Karhi considers this system an important tool in the fight against Hamas, as he announced through X.

Elon Musk has landed in Israel amid accusations of anti-Semitism levelled against him in recent weeks and with the issue of a war in which Israel has killed nearly 15,000 people in the Strip. The U.S. tycoon's trip comes on the last day of a four-day truce with Hamover and just hours before the fourth and, for now, final exchange of hostages in the hands of the jihadists for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

Netanyahu accompanied Musk to the kibbutz (farming community) of Kafar Aza, where the head of X was able to hear testimonies of the massacre that took place there and in thirty other places in Israel around Gaza that day. Musk, according to the Haaretz newspaper, was also informed of what happened by some local and military officials.

ACT.27 NOV 2023 - 14:12

Source: elparis

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