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Life imprisonment and 6 years in prison for Amir Raz who murdered his wife Diana Dadbayev - voila! news


Highlights: Court sentenced Amir Raz, the former policeman who shot and killed his wife Diana Dadbayev, to life imprisonment and another six years in prison. Raz is convicted of tying his children to chairs in the living room, and in front of their eyes strangled Diana, stabbed her and then shot her in the head. After murdering Diana, Raz called out to his children: "There is no mother now.". Raz confessed to the act last March, and was sentenced to life in prison plus six years.

The court sentenced Amir Raz, the former policeman who shot and killed his wife Diana Dadbayev, to life imprisonment and another six years in prison. Raz is convicted of tying his children to chairs in the living room, and in front of their eyes strangled Diana, stabbed her and then shot her in the head. After murdering Diana, Raz called out to his children: "There is no mother now."

In the video: Former policeman Amir Raz, accused of murdering his wife Diana, on the witness stand/Photo: Niv Aharonson

A court on Tuesday sentenced Amir Raz, the former police officer who fatally shot his wife Diana Dadbayev in February 2021, to life in prison plus six years in prison. This was after Raz confessed to the act last March.

Amir Raz murdered his wife in their home, after tying his children with a rope and forcing them to watch the act. Raz strangled Diana, stabbed her, and then shot her in the leg and head, telling his crying children, "There is no mother now."

Amir Raz, who murdered his wife Diana Dadbayev/Yaniv Kalif, Facebook page

According to the indictment, in July 2020, due to a deterioration in the couple's relationship, Raz left their shared home. However, after a few weeks, the two decided to move back in together. On the day of the murder, an argument broke out between the couple. Diana left the house and then, apparently, Raz decided that he wanted to murder her.

The convicted husband took out an eight-meter-long rope, sat his three older children on chairs in the living room and tied them up, while he sat the baby next to them in a dining chair. Immediately afterward, Raz took a kitchen knife with a pointed blade 20 centimeters long and placed it on the dining room table.

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During the trial, Amir Raz/Niv Aharonson, -

When Diana returned home, she noticed that her children were tied to chairs and shouted at Raz. In response, he began to beat her in front of the children, grabbed her by the shirt by the neck with both hands, pulled her toward the front door, and near the door put his hand to her neck and strangled her hard. During the struggle, she shouted to the seven-year-old girl to call her neighbor for help.

The girl managed to break free of the binding and tried to reach the stairs to reach her neighbor and help her mother, but Raz pulled his daughter tightly by the hand, knocked her down the stairs and bruised her. According to the indictment, Diana, fearing for her life, tried to open the door to escape, but Raz prevented her from opening the door bracket, took the knife from the table and stabbed her twice in the thigh.

Deadbayev continued to fight him, tried to take the knife from him, at which point he pulled the gun out of the holster, and in front of the children, while Diana begged for her life, fired one bullet in the thigh and then towards her head. He then called his mother and police commander and asked them to come to his house as soon as possible.

  • More on the subject:
  • Murder in the family
  • Femicide
  • Domestic violence
  • murder

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-11-28

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