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"We will try to continue your path that is carved within us": Res. Sgt. Zvika Lavi, who died of his wounds about three weeks after being wounded in battle | Israel Hayom


Highlights: "We will try to continue your path that is carved within us": Res. Sgt. Zvika Lavi, who died of his wounds about three weeks after being wounded in battle. Lavi was married to Talia and they have three children: Shaked, Amitai and Aviv. The people of the community of Ali enlisted to write a Torah scroll for Lavi's healing, and everyone expected the strong Zvikas to win everything. "Zvika will continue to show us the way from above, we will all be better people because of you," the community's chairman said.

Zvika, a Magellan fighter in the reserves, died of his wounds two weeks after being critically wounded in battle in the Gaza Strip • Lavi, a resident of the village of Ali, was married to Talia and they have three children: Shaked, Amitai and Aviv

A large crowd accompanied Sgt. (res.) Zvika Lavi z"l from the community of Ali, a soldier in Battalion 699, the "Half Fire" Brigade (551), who was critically wounded on November 20 in the northern Gaza Strip and died yesterday of his wounds.

About three weeks after he was wounded in battle in the Gaza Strip: Res. Sgt. Zvika Levy (Lavi) was laid to rest Photo: Yoni Rikner

Zvika Lavie, 30, lived with his wife Talia and their three children in the Pelegei Mayim neighborhood of Ali. Recently, the people of the community of Ali enlisted to write a Torah scroll for Zvika's healing, and everyone expected the strong Zvika to win everything. Zvika's fall joins that of two other members of the community in an iron sword war: Maj. Moshe Leiter z"l and Capt. Shilo Rauchberger z"l.

Miriam, Zvika's mother, mournfully eulogized him: "Zvika is my child. A soul child, loved by all, looks at the world with a good eye. A good friend, athlete, plays, paints, always modestly and humbly. I've been studying Torah all these years. A devoted son, a loving brother, a social worker, a wonderful husband to your lioness Talia, a wonderful father full of inclusion and patient. You have given us three weeks of grace for prayer and faith. Thanks to you, thousands of chapters of Psalms were recited. You helped us gradually understand that from your injury you would not be able to live. Rest in peace, our beloved hero."

Zvika Lavi is laid to rest, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Brother Roi: "Tzach, brother, I will try to follow your path, to focus on the good. You made sure everyone was well. A leader of good. You were a devoted husband and a dream father. You've always been a great inspiration to me. You acted with great dedication to defend our beloved land. You gave us another three weeks as a gift. Beloved brother, feel you inside me. We will try to continue your path that is carved within us."

Brother Yair: "Zvika, my dear brother, you chose to go to war and sacrifice yourself for the people of Israel. You were all good-hearted. Thanks to you, our family has become better. Thank you for who you were. I hope to take the good things from you and be better."

Tamar, his sister: "Tzacha, a role model. How much I learned from you. Super brother, sensitive, always knows how to be there for anything. Now you will be so missed. I will forever remember you brother. Love you forever."

Yoav Tulip, wounded in battle with Zvika, arrives at the funeral, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The rabbi of Zvika's community eulogized him: "How much light you brought to the world, you were a light to the Yishuv and to the world. On this day, a day of light, so characteristic of you, we say goodbye to you. You grew up in a family that is connected to this Holy Land. Tall, but looking at eye level. You were straight through, God-fearing."

His commander eulogized him: "Zvika will continue to show us the way from above, we will all be better people because of you."

Rabbi Eliezer Castiel: "Our Zvi, the hero, how did you fall? Our Zvika, inside your tall and strong body, resides an innocent soul of someone who only dreamed and dreams of doing good. The soul of a Torah lover. You have lived the Torah with all your limbs and soul. Zvika our beloved, everyone loved you. Who could not fall in love with your soft and pleasant smile?. The Lavi family, we will do everything possible for Zvika's memory."

Ariel Almalich, Chairman of the community of Ali: "Today, this strong and courageous connection between the State of Israel and the community of Ali is strengthened even more, with the fall of the soldier Zvika Lavie, after a long struggle and a serious injury he sustained in the heart of Gaza a few weeks ago when he set out to defend and restore the honor of the State of Israel. The ability of the residents of the community to put everything behind and go into battle is thanks to families, wives and an entire community, which takes part in the work with full faith in the righteousness of the path and the great importance of doing for the common good and for the State of Israel. May his memory be blessed."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-12-12

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