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'Friends' star Matthew Perry's death from ketamine intake


Highlights: 'Friends' star Matthew Perry's death from ketamine intake. Other factors believed to have contributed to his death, which was deemed "accidental": "drowning", "coronary heart disease", and the effects of a drug used to treat opioid addiction.Ketamine is an anesthetic that is sometimes misused for recreational purposes. The death of American actor Matthew Perry, star of the television series "Friends", was caused by "the acute effects" of taking ketamine, the Los Angeles County Forensic Pathology Office announced.

Other factors believed to have contributed to his death, which was deemed "accidental": "drowning", "coronary heart disease", and the effects of a drug used to treat opioid addiction.

The death of American actor Matthew Perry, star of the television series "Friends", was caused by "the acute effects" of taking ketamine, the Los Angeles County Forensic Pathology Office announced on Friday, December 15. However, other factors also contributed to his death, which was determined to be an "accident," the same source detailed: "drowning," "coronary artery disease," and "effects of buprenorphine," a drug used to treat opioid addiction.

Ketamine is an anesthetic that is sometimes misused for recreational purposes.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-12-15

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