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Israel-Gaza War, Live | Netanyahu hints that new negotiations are underway to retrieve hostages captured by Hamas


Highlights: Israel-Gaza War, Live | Netanyahu hints that new negotiations are underway to retrieve hostages captured by Hamas. Several thousand people protest in Tel Aviv to call for the release of civilians held by Hamas | Israeli military acknowledges that the three hostages it killed "by mistake" were carrying a white flag when they were shot in Gaza. Dozens of Gazans have been killed or injured in Israeli attacks on the Strip since yesterday. Palestinian Authority is calling for an international investigation after receiving information that the Israeli army has buried civilians alive using bulldozers.

Several thousand people protest in Tel Aviv to call for the release of civilians held by Hamas | Israeli military acknowledges that the three hostages it killed "by mistake" were carrying a white flag when they were shot in Gaza

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted on Saturday that new negotiations are underway to recover hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, after his Mossad intelligence chief met with the prime minister of Qatar, a country that mediates with the Palestinian militia. Netanyahu has claimed that maintaining "military pressure" in Gaza helped seal the deal to release hostages in November. "The instruction I am giving to the negotiating team is based on this pressure, without which we have nothing," Netanyahu said. Several thousand people are protesting in Tel Aviv in front of the Defense Ministry headquarters to put pressure on the Israeli government and call for the release of hostages held by Hamas. Shortly before, Israel's military had admitted that the three hostages of the Palestinian militia it killed "by mistake" in Gaza were holding a white flag when they were shot. Dozens of Gazans have been killed or injured in Israeli attacks on the Strip since yesterday.

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El País

Netanyahu hints that new negotiations are underway to retrieve hostages captured by Hamas

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has hinted that new negotiations are underway to retrieve hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, after his Mossad intelligence chief met with the prime minister of Qatar, a country that mediates with the Palestinian militia. At a news conference, Netanyahu said maintaining "military pressure" in Gaza helped seal a hostage release deal in November. "The instruction I am giving to the negotiating team is based on this pressure, without which we have nothing," Netanyahu said. (Reuters)

ACT.16 DEC 2023 - 20:51

El País

Gazans carry the bodies of two members of the Palestinian civil defense who were killed during an Israeli shelling in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, on Saturday. / MAHMOUD HAMS / AFP

What has happened in the last few hours?

This is the latest news on the war in Gaza at 20:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 16:

The Israeli military acknowledges that the three hostages it killed "by mistake" were carrying a white flag when they were shot in Gaza. The hostages were attacked in violation of Israel's rules of engagement, the Israeli military's foreign media spokesman, Richard Hetch, has admitted. The incident occurred in an area of intense fighting where Hamas militants operate in civilian clothes and use tactics to deceive Hamas troops, according to Hetch.

The relatives of the hostages demand that Israel make more efforts to free them: "What are you waiting for?" Relatives of Israeli hostages held in Gaza by Hamas have gathered to offer a joint statement, after Israel's army admitted to killing three of them "by mistake". "We demand the war cabinet to talk to us. The government of Israel needs to be active, to put an offer on the table including the prisoners to get the hostages back alive. Alive," said one of the relatives.

Several thousand people protest in Tel Aviv to call for the release of hostages held by Hamas. Demonstrators are standing in front of the Defense Ministry headquarters to put pressure on the Israeli government, after the Israeli army has admitted that it "mistakenly" killed three hostages.

Qatar says there are "diplomatic efforts" to try to agree a new ceasefire in Gaza that would allow for the release of more hostages held by Palestinian prisoners. "Qatar has expressed its hope to build on the progress made to reach a comprehensive and sustainable agreement to end the war," the Qatari foreign ministry said in a statement.

The Palestinian Authority is calling for an international investigation after receiving information that the Israeli army has buried civilians alive using bulldozers.Palestinian Health Minister May Al-Kaila said in a statement that according to these reports, the incident took place in the courtyard of Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip. "The world must take serious steps to uncover the circumstances ... and not tolerate or remain silent in the face of information coming from the Strip," he added in the statement.

ACT.16 DEC 2023 - 20:30

El País

Palestinian Authority calls for international investigation after receiving information that civilians have been buried alive by the Israeli army

The Palestinian Authority's (PA) Ministry of Health has called for an international investigation after receiving information that the Israeli army has buried civilians alive in Gaza using bulldozers.

Palestinian Health Minister May Al-Kaila said in a statement that according to these reports, the incident took place in the courtyard of Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip. "Testimonies from citizens, medical teams and the media indicate that the occupation buried citizens alive in the courtyard of the hospital," he stresses. "The world must take serious steps to uncover the circumstances ... and not tolerate or remain silent in the face of information coming from the Strip," he added in the statement.

May Al-Kaila denounces that Israeli soldiers took out several wounded who were in this hospital in the Gazan city of Beit Lahia despite "the extreme cold" and that they also attacked medical personnel. Israeli forces took control of this hospital, one of the few medical centers that were operational in the north of the Palestinian enclave, eight days ago. (Agencies)

ACT.16 DEC 2023 - 19:57

El País

Israeli soldier killed after attack in northern Israel near Lebanon border

The Israeli military has reported that one of its soldiers has been killed and two others wounded by an attack in the Margaliot area of northern Israel, near the Lebanese border. A spokesperson confirmed that the victims were hit by an "enemy air vehicle". "Sergeant Major Yehezkel Azaria fell during an operational activity. He was 53 years old at the time of his death," the army said in a statement. (AFP)

ACT.16 DEC 2023 - 19:25

El País

War between Israel and Gaza

Hostage families pressure Netanyahu: "We want them alive, not in bags"

Luis de Vega

The three hostages were naked from the waist up, begging for help in Hebrew and waving a homemade white flag to make it clear that they were delivering. But even so, Israel's military considered them a threat and shot them dead Friday in northern Gaza shouting "terrorists!" in what has become one of the darkest incidents on the Israeli side of the war in the Palestinian enclave. It also comes at a time of particular discontent among the families of the more than 130 hostages who remain in the Strip, some already dead, in the face of what they consider a lack of commitment to bring them back from the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. For this reason, they have demanded that they return "alive and not in bags", like the last three, after a meeting of the families held this Saturday in Tel Aviv after which they have launched a message to the war cabinet chaired by Netanyahu to make an immediate offer to exchange hostages for Palestinian prisoners.

Read the full information here.

ACT.16 DEC 2023 - 19:04

El País

Several thousand people protest in Tel Aviv to call for the release of hostages held by Hamas

Several thousand people are protesting in Tel Aviv (Israel) in front of the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense to pressure the Israeli government and call for the release of hostages held by the Palestinian militia Hamas, after the Israeli army has admitted that it killed three of them "by mistake" during a military operation in Gaza.

ACT.16 DEC 2023 - 18:42

El País

War between Israel and Gaza

Images of the war between Israel and Gaza, December 16, 2023

El País

Hundreds of people protest in Tel Aviv in front of the Defense Ministry headquarters after the Israeli military has acknowledged that it mistakenly killed three hostages in the Strip. These are some of the main photos of the day

ACT.16 DEC 2023 - 17:30

El País

Relatives of hostages demand more efforts from Israel to free them: "What are you waiting for?"

Relatives of Israeli hostages held in Gaza by Hamas have gathered to offer a joint statement, after Israel's army admitted to killing three of them "by mistake". "We demand that the war cabinet talk to us and explain to us that they are not waiting for an offer from the United States, Qatar or anyone else, no. The government of Israel needs to be active, to put an offer on the table including the prisoners to get the hostages back alive. Alive," said Ruby Chen, father of Itay Chen, a 19-year-old who is being held captive by Hamas. "That requires action now. We don't have time," he urged Netanyahu's government.

"The return of hostages in exchange for prisoners is urgent and critical. Initiative is strength, not weakness. We beg you, you promised to bring the abductees alive. What are you waiting for?" said another woman, whose husband is still held captive in the Gaza Strip.

ACT.16 DEC 2023 - 17:09


Last year, the Spanish government authorized arms exports to Israel worth 9.3 million

Miguel Gonzalez

Last year, the Spanish government approved 34 licences for the export of arms and military equipment to Israel for a total of 9,292,235 euros, although the value of the material actually delivered amounted to only 2,346,207 euros. This is contained in the annual report on exports of arms and technologies for military use prepared by the Council of the EU with data provided by the 27 partners of the Union.

In 2022, EU countries approved a total of 411 arms export licenses to Israel worth €609.4 million. More than half of this amount was accounted for by France, which authorised sales of €356 million, followed by Romania (€106 million), the Czech Republic (€41.6 million), Germany (€32.2 million) and Slovakia (€13.3 million). In sixth place, practically on a par with Italy, was Spain.

Read the full information here.

ACT.16 DEC 2023 - 15:24

El País

Estados Unidos busca una reestructuración de la Autoridad Palestina para que pueda gestionar Gaza después de Hamás

Varios altos funcionarios de Estados Unidos han viajado a Cisjordania en las últimas semanas para reunirse con Mahmoud Abbas, presidente de la Autoridad Nacional Palestina (ANP), con la esperanza de que el líder palestino, de 88 años, intente reformar la organización que dirige con la finalidad de que gestione Gaza después del conflicto entre Israel y Hamás.

Abbas es uno de los arquitectos de los Acuerdos de Paz de Oslo, de 1993, cerrados con Israel y que generaron esperanzas para la creación de un Estado palestino. Abbas ha visto cómo su legitimidad se ha visto socavada constantemente por la construcción de asentamientos israelíes en la Cisjordania ocupada por Israel, región que él supervisa. Muchos palestinos consideran ahora a su administración como corrupta, antidemocrática y desconectada de la realidad. (Reuters)

ACT.16 DIC 2023 - 15:21

El País

El Vaticano defiende ante la Liga Árabe la “solución de los dos Estados” para Israel y Palestina

El secretario de Estado vaticano, Pietro Parolin, ha recibido este sábado a una delegación de la Liga Árabe y ha insistido en la “solución de los dos Estados” para Israel y Palestina con la finalidad de encontrar una “paz duradera” en Oriente Próximo.

El cardenal se ha reunido con la delegada de la Liga Árabe, Enas Sayed Mohamed Aly Mekkawy, acompañada por el embajador de Palestina, Issa Kassissieh, además de los diplomáticos de Líbano, Farid El Khazen; de Irak, Rahman Farhan Abdullah Alaameri; y el de Egipto, Mahmoud Talaat.

Durante el encuentro el purpurado expresó preocupación por la guerra en Israel y Palestina. También transmitió las reiteradas llamadas del papa Francisco a un alto el fuego, así como la necesidad de permitir el acceso de ayuda humanitaria a la franja de Gaza, asediada y bombardeada casi sin descanso por Israel tras el ataque terrorista de la milicia Hamás del 7 de octubre.

El Vaticano considera “urgente” avanzar en la solución de los dos Estados, así como la aplicación de un “estatuto especial, garantizado internacionalmente” para la ciudad de Jerusalén.

Por su parte, el Papa ha lamentado este sábado la “Navidad de dolor” que se vivirá este año en Tierra Santa por la ofensiva de Israel en la Franja de Gaza y ha invitado a “no dejar solos” a los habitantes de la región palestina. Francisco también ha mostrado su preocupación por “los hermanos y hermanas de Belén” y por "todos los habitantes de la tierra donde Jesús nació, vivió, murió y resucitó”. (Efe)

ACT.16 DIC 2023 - 14:19

El País

Los rebeldes Huthi de Yemen se atribuyen un ataque con drones lanzado este sábado contra el sur de Israel

El portavoz militar de los rebeldes Huthi de Yemen, Yahya Sarea, ha afirmado este sábado que el movimiento insurgente ha lanzado hoy una oleada de drones contra “objetivos sensibles” en la zona de Eilat, en el extremo sur de Israel, en medio de su ofensiva contra Israel por la guerra en la franja de Gaza.

“Las Fuerzas Armadas [Huthi] de Yemen, con la ayuda de Dios Todopoderoso, llevaron a cabo una operación militar contra objetivos sensibles en la zona de Umm al Rashrash [en Eilat], utilizando una gran andanada de aviones no tripulados”, ha publicado el portavoz de los rebeldes en su cuenta de X (antes Twitter).

El portavoz ha confirmado que las operaciones militares de la milicia continuarán “contra la entidad sionista hasta que cese su agresión contra nuestros hermanos de la Franja”. Se trata de la undécima oleada de ataques con drones de largo alcance que lanzan los Huthi contra Israel desde el pasado octubre. La gran mayoría de los vehículos no tripulados han sido interceptados en el mar Rojo por Israel, Arabia Saudí o Estados Unidos. (Efe)

ACT.16 DIC 2023 - 13:36

El País

Alon Shamriz, Samer Al Talalka y Yotam Haim. / Fotos familiares (AP)

El ejército israelí reconoce que los tres rehenes que mató “por error” portaban una bandera blanca cuando fueron tiroteados en Gaza

Fuentes oficiales del ejército israelí han reconocido este sábado que los tres rehenes de Hamás que mató por error en Gaza iban sin camiseta y estaban sosteniendo una bandera blanca cuando fueron tiroteados, según la investigación inicial sobre el incidente, según recoge la agencia de noticias Reuters. El incidente ocurrió en una zona de intensos combates donde militantes de Hamás operan vestidos de civil y utilizan tácticas para engañar a las tropas del Estado hebreo, según ha explicado un militar israelí este mediodía. “Los terroristas se mueven vestidos de civil, en zapatillas y jeans, hay muchas emboscadas. Tratan de engañarnos, nos hablan en hebreo (...) Las fuerzas están bajo intensa presión”, ha indicado el portavoz para medios extranjeros del Ejército israelí, Richard Hetch, para tratar de poner en contexto el error. Los rehenes fueron atacados sin respetar las reglas de enfrentamiento de Israel, ha admitido el militar.

En respuesta al incidente, cientos de personas se han congregado durante la pasada noche y esta madrugada frente a la sede del Ministerio de Defensa de Israel en Tel Aviv para protestar por la muerte de los tres rehenes. Los manifestantes han ondeado banderas israelíes y pancartas con el rostro de algunos de los 129 secuestrados que aún quedan en manos de Hamás en Gaza. “Todos los días muere un rehén”, se leía en una de las pancartas. También han portado velas. 

Los cautivos que mató por error el ejército israelí son Alon Lulu Shamriz, Yotam Haim y Samar Talalka, todos en la veintena de edad, según confirmaron anoche las propias Fuerzas Armadas de Israel. 

Este mismo sábado por la tarde está prevista otra concentración en Tel Aviv en protesta por la muerte de los rehenes y para pedir la liberación de los 129 secuestrados que aún están en poder de la milicia islamista.

ACT.16 DIC 2023 - 13:51

El País


Israel contra Israel

Diego López Garrido

El Ejército de Israel ha bombardeado por enésima vez los campos de refugiados del sur de Gaza. Los bombardeos de Israel, en represalia al ataque terrorista y los secuestros perpetrados por Hamás el 7 de octubre, han originado ya cerca de 20.000 muertos palestinas y palestinos civiles, un 70 % mujeres y menores. Han muerto centenares de palestinos a manos de soldados israelíes en la otra zona de Palestina, Cisjordania. Puede afirmarse que la reacción israelí está siendo absolutamente desproporcionada. Estas terribles cifras lo son de crímenes de guerra según prescribe el IV Convenio de Ginebra. Las acciones de Israel (y de Hamás) deberían ser denunciadas ante el Tribunal Penal Internacional.

Lea aquí la tribuna completa.

ACT.16 DIC 2023 - 13:15

El País

El Reino Unido derriba un presunto dron que apuntaba a barcos comerciales en el mar Rojo

El ministro de Defensa del Reino Unido, Grant Shapps, ha anunciado este sábado que un buque de la marina, el HMS Diamond, ha derribado un artefacto —que se sospecha que era un dron de ataque—, el cual apuntaba a barcos que transportaban mercancías por el mar Rojo.

“HMS Diamond ha derribado un presunto dron de ataque que estaba apuntando a barcos mercantes en el mar Rojo", ha publicado Shapps en la red social X, anteriormente conocida como Twitter. “Se disparó un misil Sea Viper y destruyó con éxito el objetivo”, ha aclarado el ministro.

A mediados de noviembre, el líder de las milicias Huthi de Yemen, Abdulmalik al Huthi, anunció en un discurso que sus fuerzas estaban preparadas para rastrear y atacar barcos mercantes vinculados a Israel que navegaran por las estratégicas aguas del mar Rojo como parte de su respuesta a la ofensiva militar israelí en Gaza. Pocos días después, se produjo el asalto a un carguero de una empresa participada por un empresario británico-israelí. Desde entonces, se han producido varias incursiones que han puesto en jaque el comercio mundial.

Un portavoz de los Huthi, apoyados y financiados por Irán, ha afirmado que los ataques se mantendrán en la zona a los barcos que se dirijan a puertos israelíes mientras Israel no permita la entrada de ayuda humanitaria en Gaza. (Reuters)

ACT.16 DIC 2023 - 13:42

El País

Qatar afirma que hay “esfuerzos diplomáticos” para tratar de acordar un nuevo alto el fuego en Gaza

Qatar ha confirmado este sábado que se están llevando a cabo “esfuerzos diplomáticos” para un nuevo acuerdo entre Israel y el grupo islamista Hamás para una tregua en la Franja que permita la liberación de más rehenes por presos palestinos. “Qatar ha afirmado sus esfuerzos diplomáticos en curso para renovar la pausa humanitaria y ha expresado su esperanza de aprovechar los avances logrados para lograr un acuerdo integral y sostenible que ponga fin a la guerra”, ha indicado el Ministerio de Exteriores catarí en un comunicado.

Qatar, país mediador entre Israel y Hamás, ha deseado que la nueva tregua “detenga el derramamiento de sangre de nuestros hermanos palestinos y conduzca a negociaciones serias y al lanzamiento de un proceso político que produzca una paz integral, permanente y justa”. Las partes lograron un acuerdo —mediado por Qatar, Egipto y EE UU— para una tregua el pasado 24 de noviembre, que permitió durante una semana la liberación de 105 rehenes (24 de ellos extranjeros) a cambio de la excarcelación de 240 presos palestinos.

Aunque no se ha confirmado oficialmente, medios hebreos apuntan a que el jefe del Mosad, David  Barnea, habría viajado a Doha para reunirse con los mediadores cataríes por orden del primer ministro, Benjamín Netanyahu, cada vez más presionado por las familias de los rehenes. Tras conocerse anoche la noticia de las tres muertes accidentales, cientos de personas, principalmente familiares y amigos de los rehenes, salieron de forma espontánea a las calles de Tel Aviv para reclamar al Gobierno que se siente a negociar un nuevo acuerdo para liberar al resto de secuestrados vivos, que se estima que son 129.

Además, esta semana, las tropas israelíes han capturado los cuerpos de cinco rehenes muertos en cautiverio durante su ofensiva terrestre dentro de la Franja. “A pesar de la grave catástrofe, nadie del gabinete de guerra ha hablado con las familias, nadie ha explicado cómo prevenir la próxima catástrofe, nadie”, ha afirmado hoy Haim Rubinstein, portavoz del foro de familiares de secuestrados y desaparecidos de Israel.

El pasado 2 de diciembre, al día siguiente de que expirara la tregua de siete días en la Franja, Netanyahu ordenó el regreso a Israel de su equipo negociador en Qatar al considerar que las conversaciones para la liberación de más cautivos habían alcanzado un “punto muerto”. (Efe)

ACT.16 DIC 2023 - 12:41

El País


Prize awarded to Jewish writer for comparing Gaza to Nazi ghetto cancelled in Germany

Elena G. Sevillano

Germany adds a new controversy to the series of cancellations by intellectuals and artists who have dared to criticize the Israeli military response in Gaza to the Hamas attacks of October 7 and the situation of the civilian population in the Strip. The northern German city-state of Bremen and the Heinrich Böll Foundation, affiliated with the Greens, have suspended the award ceremony for the Hannah Arendt Prize for Political Thought, which was awarded months ago to Russian-American writer and journalist Masha Gessen.

Masha Gessen, a Russian-American journalist, was due to receive the Hannah Arendt Prize for political thought, but the city of Bremen and the Heinrich Böll Foundation, affiliated with the Greens, have pulled out of the event

ACT.16 DEC 2023 - 12:31

El País

Several Palestinian children wounded in Israeli shelling on Saturday at the Nasser Medical Hospital in Khan Younis (southern Gaza). / Ahmad Hasaballah / Getty Images

What has happened in the last few hours?

This is the latest news on the war in Gaza at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 16:

Israel kills and wounds dozens in Gaza in another night of intense bombardment. Dozens of people have been killed or injured early this morning in the continuous Israeli bombardment of most of Gaza. At least 14 people have been killed in Jabalia (north) and dozens injured in an attack on a house, while "a large number" of people are trapped under the rubble, according to the official Palestinian news agency Wafa. The Israeli military said it attacked several schools tonight in the Rimal neighbourhood of Gaza City, the capital of the enclave, where it said Hamas militants were hiding. In the last few hours, shelling has also been reported near the Al Mazra school in Deir al Balah and in the Bureij refugee camp (centre), as well as in neighbourhoods of Khan Younis and Rafah (south).

Hundreds of people protest in Tel Aviv after Israel has acknowledged that it mistakenly killed three hostages in Gaza. Hundreds of people gathered overnight in front of the Israeli Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv to protest the killing of three Hamas hostages in an Israeli army operation in Gaza. Demonstrators have waved Israeli flags and banners with the faces of some of the 129 hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza after the Israeli military acknowledged that it killed three of them "by mistake."

Third consecutive day without internet connection or communications in Gaza. The Palestine Red Crescent has confirmed that for the third day in a row Gaza has woken up without an internet connection or communications. "The third day of the communications cut-off in Gaza poses significant challenges for our teams in reaching the wounded and patients, as people are unable to call the 101 emergency service," the NGO said in a tweet on X.

The Israeli army is again asking civilians to evacuate the besieged town of Khan Younis. Israel, which more than two weeks ago extended its offensive to southern Gaza after having practically completed the objectives in the north, has once again asked the civilians of Khan Younis (south) to leave the city, considered by the Hebrew state a Hamas stronghold and the second largest in the Strip. The Israeli army has asked the Palestinians – hundreds of thousands of whom already fled the north at the beginning of the war – to leave in the direction of Rafah (further south) or the Mediterranean coast. The south of the enclave now resides some 1.8 million of the 2.3 million inhabitants who live in one of the most densely populated territories in the world.

Hundreds of people attend the funeral of the Al Jazeera cameraman who was killed on Friday after an Israeli bombing of Khan Younis. Hundreds of people attended the funeral of Al Jazeera cameraman Samer Abu Daqa, who was killed on Friday in a bombing of a school run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in the city. Daque bled to death after several hours waiting for an ambulance, which Israeli troops did not allow access to the area, according to the Qatari network.

Iran executes a Mossad agent. An agent of Israel's Mossad foreign intelligence service was executed on Saturday in the province of Sistan, Baluchistan, in southeastern Iran, according to the official state news agency IRNA.

ACT.16 DEC 2023 - 12:00

El País

Israel Attacks South Lebanon with Artillery After Two Drones Infiltrate

The Israeli army has attacked several positions in southern Lebanon with artillery after the infiltration into its territory of two drones loaded with explosives that crossed the border from the Arab country, where the highest peak of tension and exchange of fire since 2006 is being experienced. "Following sirens sounded in northern Israel due to the infiltration of a hostile drone, Israel's air defense system intercepted a drone crossing from Lebanon," the army said in a statement. A second drone was identified and went down in Margaliot, northern Israel, he added.

The Israeli military has not attributed the launch of the drones to any specific group, as southern Lebanon is largely controlled by the Shiite militia Hezbollah, but Palestinian groups linked to Hamas and Islamic Jihad also operate, which also attack towards Israel, although with less capacity.

On Friday, the Israeli military did admit to attacking Hezbollah positions after identifying several members of the group who were "operating" near the border, in the Zarit area; in addition to dropping leaflets for the first time in southern Lebanon as a warning to the population not to collaborate with the Shiite group.

The border between Israel and Lebanon is experiencing its most tension since the war between Israeli troops and Hezbollah in 2006, with an exchange of fire that began on October 8, the day after the war broke out between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Hezbollah and other Palestinian militias in southern Lebanon have fired rockets, drones and anti-tank missiles, to which Israel, which has deployed more than 200,000 troops on its northern border, has responded with intense air and artillery attacks.

Since the beginning of hostilities in the area, more than 140 people have been killed: 11 in Israel — seven soldiers and four civilians — and at least 132 in Lebanon, including some 100 Hezbollah members, 12 Palestinian militia members, one soldier and 19 civilians, including three journalists and three children. The violence has also led to the displacement of thousands of inhabitants: some 60,000 people have been evacuated from communities in northern Israel and more than 55,000 have fled southern Lebanon. (Image: EFE)

ACT.16 DEC 2023 - 11:14

El País

Hundreds of people bid farewell to Al Jazeera cameraman Samer Abu Daqa, who was killed on Friday in an Israeli bombing of Khan Younis. / BASSAM MASOUD / REUTERS

Hundreds of people attend the funeral of the Al Jazeera cameraman who was killed on Friday after an Israeli bombardment of the town of Khan Younis

Hundreds of people attended the funeral of Al Jazeera cameraman Samer Abu Daqa, who was killed on Friday in a bombing of a school run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in the city. Daque bled to death after several hours waiting for an ambulance, which Israeli troops did not allow access to the area, according to the Qatari network. "We will continue to carry out our work as journalists with professionalism and transparency," said the head of Al Jazeera in the Strip, Wael Dahdouh, who survived the attack that killed Daqqa and a few weeks ago lost his entire family, wife and children, in a "deliberate" Israeli attack on his home in Gaza City (north). the capital of the enclave.

With Daqa, 64 Palestinian journalists and media employees have been killed in Gaza during the Israeli offensive, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.

ACT.16 DEC 2023 - 10:42

Source: elparis

All news articles on 2023-12-16

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