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Overwintering or hibernating? Don't make the mistake again!


Highlights: Learn how to use the right term and become an expert wildlife gardener. Snakes, squirrels, hedgehogs, frogs, field mice... All these little animals intend to make it through the winter and survive. They are used to wintering... or hibernate. Don't make the mistake again!. What is the difference between the verbs "winter" and "hibernate"? A letter... But that's not all. Become an expert on the animals of the garden.

What is the difference between the verbs "winter" and "hibernate"? A letter... But that's not all. Become an expert on the animals of the

Snakes, squirrels, hedgehogs, frogs, field mice... All these little animals intend to make it through the winter and survive. They are used to wintering... or hibernate. Learn how to use the right term and become an expert wildlife gardener who lives just a stone's throw from your home.

What is the definition of the verb "winter"?

The verb "winter" means to spend the winter sheltered, at rest, in a temperate place, protected from cold, frost and snow. An animal that overwinters goes into a state of drowsiness but it remains active, moves, feeds, gives birth to litters of young. Their vital functions are maintained normally.

What is the definition of the verb "hibernate"?

The verb "hibernate" refers to a biological phenomenon that involves spending the winter in a state of numbness, slowed life, torpor and numbness. The animal's heart beats at a slower pace, its intestinal transit is paused, and its body temperature drops (down to 0°C). To prepare for these months of hibernation, the animal will have taken care to accumulate fat reserves during the summer.

What animals in the garden overwinter?

Your garden is probably home to animals that have a different way of getting through the cold months, waiting for the warm spring to return. Among the animals that overwinter is the snake, which takes shelter from October to March in a natural cavity. The squirrel, on the other hand, stays warm in a nest made of branches or in a hollow tree.

What animals in the garden hibernate?

More animals in the garden hibernate. The hedgehog is one of them: its temperature drops, its vital functions slow down while it spends between 4 and 6 months under a pile of branches and leaves that it has gathered.

If you have a pond in your garden, you may be able to spot frogs hibernating underwater, while the toad will stay on dry land. The lerot and field mouse have a habit of hibernating in groups, starting in mid-autumn.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2023-12-16

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