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'The entire line of houses has been erased': The extent of the destruction in Shejaiya shows - the IDF is planning a new border - voila! news


Highlights: 'The entire line of houses has been erased': The extent of the destruction in Shejaiya shows - the IDF is planning a new border. In addition, preparations are underway for the new barrier and intensification of fighting in new areas. The 162nd Division increased control of the area of the a-Tufah neighborhood, from which most of the rockets were fired at Israel in the past month. "This attack is just beginning and will intensify," said a senior IDF officer.

New footage from the Israeli border line shows the extent of the extensive destruction in the neighborhood, before and after the IDF's ground maneuvers. "This attack is just beginning and will intensify," said a senior IDF officer. In addition, preparations are underway for the new barrier and intensification of fighting in new areas

Bohbot in the heart of Shejaiya/Walla system!

The 162nd Division, under the command of Brigadier General Itzik Cohen, increased control of the area of the a-Tufah neighborhood, from which most of the rockets were fired at Israel in the past month. The forces launched attacks on Hamas battalion command and control centers in the area, and began exposing shafts. According to a senior IDF officer, "This attack is just beginning and will intensify."

According to the senior officer, thorough and in-depth activity is being carried out in the Shejaiya neighborhood to destroy the terrorist infrastructure of the local battalion in Hamas' military-terrorist wing, starting from the first line of houses facing Nahal Oz, Kafr Azza, and behind them towards Sa'ed. "Whoever stands on the border will not be able to identify Shejaiya because of the destruction of the terror infrastructure," the senior officer explained. "It's the same in Beit Hanoun, and the activity to destroy infrastructure hasn't ended. Reality speaks for itself."

Shejaiya - Before and After/Documentation on Social Networks According to Section 27A of the Copyright Law, Amir Bohbot

The officers on the ground explained that every house, building and factory destroyed in the area of the first line of houses, particularly in Shejaiya, Beit Hanoun and deep in the area, was a response to terrorists operating from there or a terrorist infrastructure operating from there under the auspices of civilians. Observation posts, operations rooms, anti-tank launching positions, weapons depots, sniper positions, rocket launching sites, or the terrorist came to the building to fire at IDF forces or throw IEDs at them, are just some of the activities that originated from those areas. It should be noted that yesterday, when the fighters of the Yiftah reserve brigade under the command of Col. Nadav Meisels entered, IEDs were thrown at the forces from various buildings and the IDF attacked them.

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Shajaiya from the border/Walla system!, Amir Bohbot

Shajaiya from the border/Walla system!, Amir Bohbot

In parallel with the destruction of the structures in the area separating the neighborhoods of Shejaiya and the town of Beit Hanoun, and later also other areas, the Southern Command forces are carrying out extensive engineering activity in establishing a "buffer zone" between the Gaza Strip and the border line. Subsequently, the forces will rehabilitate the existing barrier, and at the same time will erect components of a new, multi-layered barrier that will prevent land attacks alongside the underground wall, which has proven itself in stopping tunnel penetration.

In accordance with the decision currently being formulated, between the first line of houses in the Gaza Strip and the barrier on the Israeli border, in 2024 the 99th Division, under the command of Brigadier General Barak Hiram, will operate with the aim of carrying out attacks in various formations on terrorist nests and hostile terrorist activity, or future intentions to establish new terrorist infrastructures. According to the plan, there is an intention to allocate exceptional resources for the purpose of an aggressive attack, including deep in the field.

Shajaiya before/documentation on social networks according to section 27A of the Copyright Law, Amir Bohbut

At the same time, the senior officer clarified that "the war is far from over," but now the fighters are making achievements in preparation for the continuation of the maneuver. "We are at a powerful stage, we will try to make it as long as possible, and then the damage to the various levels of Hamas will continue continuously, without stopping," the officer said. "There are plans for further maneuvering, the fighting forces are making dramatic achievements." The goal is to continue to press and act in places we haven't done before, constantly building the next step and tools."

  • More on the subject:
  • Shejaiya
  • Iron Sword War
  • Gaza War

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-12-22

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