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The UN Security Council passes a resolution to boost aid to Gaza. The U.S. abstained


Highlights: The vote was 13-0 with the United States and Russia abstaining. The text calls on the UN secretary-general to appoint a special coordinator to monitor and verify the shipment of humanitarian aid to Gaza. The initiative had to be rewritten several times over objections from the U.S., which has veto power in the body. The vote comes after a week of intense negotiations between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the United Nations (UN) The U.N. Security Council passed a resolution to boost the delivery of aid to the Gaza Strip on Friday.

The text calls on the UN secretary-general to appoint a special coordinator to monitor and verify the shipment of humanitarian aid to Gaza, which has been subjected to constant bombardment after the start of the war between Israel and Hamas on October 7.

The U.N. Security Council on Friday passed a resolution to boost the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, after a week of intense negotiations.

The initiative, presented by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), had to be rewritten several times over objections from the United States, which has veto power in the body.

The vote was 13-0 with the United States and Russia abstaining.

A Palestinian woman prepares food outside her home in southern Gaza on December 22. Mohammed Abed / AFP - Getty Images

Earlier, the U.S. had vetoed a Russian amendment that would have restored the call for a cessation of hostilities. That vote was 10 in favor, the United States against, and four abstentions.

The text calls on the UN secretary-general to appoint a special coordinator to monitor and verify the shipment of humanitarian aid to Gaza, which has been subjected to constant bombardment after the start of the war between Israel and Hamas on October 7.

With information from EFE and AP

Source: telemundo

All news articles on 2023-12-22

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