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"You touched the hearts of everyone you met along the way": Res. Maj. Maor Lavi, who fell in battle in the Gaza Strip | Israel Hayom


Highlights: "You touched the hearts of everyone you met along the way": Res. Maj. Maor Lavi, who fell in battle in the Gaza Strip. Lavi z"l, 33, from Susya was a soldier in the 450th Battalion of the Bislach Brigade. He was interviewed yesterday on Reshet Bet in an attempt to return a kidnapped menorah he found in Gaza to its owner. His wife sobbed and eulogized her lover with a broken heart: "My Maor, my beloved"

Lavi z"l, 33, from Susya was a soldier in the 450th Battalion of the Bislach Brigade and fell in battle today • His friend eulogized him: "You were all light, a soldier of Klal Yisrael, the salt of the earth. You were a man of truth with golden hands and a heart of gold."

Photo: Yoni Rikner

Hundreds of family members, soldiers, friends and civilians accompanied Sergeant Major (res.) Maor Lavi, who fell in battle in the Gaza Strip on his last journey Tuesday night, at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl.Lavi, 33, from Susya, a soldier in the 450th Battalion of the Bislach Brigade, was interviewed yesterday on Reshet Bet in an attempt to return a kidnapped menorah he found in Gaza to its owner. He was survived by his wife and three daughters.

Sgt. (Res.) Maor Lavi z"l, photo: courtesy of the family

Inbar, Maor's wife, sobbed and eulogized her lover with a broken heart: "My Maor, my beloved. Everything you touched was a blessing. You were light, perfect in everything. A perfect father to our daughters, the most perfect husband I could ask for. You always took care of everyone, in your special way you touched the hearts of everyone you met along the way. You left home with Simchat Torah to defend the people and the land. You knew there was no more important war." She added: "I promise you to look after the girls you loved more than anything. We have no regret, only endless pain and a deep abyss. Now that you're next to G-d, turn tables there so that we'll have a good time here. Send us troops. It's so dark for us now. I love you with all my heart."

Sergeant Major (Res.) Maor Lavi z"l, Photo: Haim Goldberg Flash 90

Maor's brother, Rabbi Yaakov Lavi said: "A heroic and beloved brother of ours. As a youngest son we enjoyed you every minute. There is no place where you have been and have not left your mark. You always knew that the army was a mission. You were imbued with purpose. Your friends said you entered Gaza with a big light on your face. Dear Maor, now that you are next to G-d, ask G-d to illuminate the way for the people of Israel, so that we may emerge from darkness into its light. We say goodbye with pain and pride."

Maor Lavie's post in which he tried to return a menorah he found in Gaza to its owner, photo: from Facebook

Maor's friends, Yogev Baruch and Binyamin Elimelech, eulogized him: "We did everything together, an amazing guy. You knew how to do everything. You were the best, Maor. Brother you were and brother stay. You had a huge bright smile, with an aura around you. You are righteous. The best person in the world. There are no people like you. We will remember you always."

The funeral of Maor Lavi, photo: Haim Goldberg Flash 90

Aharon, Maor's friend, said: "Maor the hero, you were all Light. You were a soldier of Klal Yisrael, the salt of the earth. You were a man of truth with golden hands and a heart of gold. Only in our small community is this the third fallen. You have fallen in the battle between light and darkness, but light will triumph over darkness."

Colonel Yaron Boim eulogized on behalf of the IDF: "Maor, you reported for reserve duty after being called to the flag on Simchat Torah. You participated in the fighting in Operation Protective Edge. Your friends say you were fighter number one. Humble, volunteering everywhere and at every opportunity. You received an award of appreciation as a brigade excellence for your work in the reserves. Maor's legacy will be a guiding light for the fighters."

The funeral of Maj. (Res.) Maor Lavi z"l, photo: Haim Goldberg Flash 90

Leizer Heiman, deputy director of United Hatzalah, said: "Maor was a volunteer with all his heart. He was a symbol and example of dedication to saving lives. You were loved by everyone, multi-tasking, volunteered both in the police and firefighting. You did with all your heart. We felt like we were standing next to a holy man. We're proud of you, we've won you. You left a big void in your heart and you will be greatly missed."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-12-26

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