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Sergeant Major Yakir Hechster fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip: "Came from a family of immigrants who immigrated out of love for the people and the country" | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Sergeant Major Yakir Hechster fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip: "Came from a family of immigrants who immigrated out of love for the people and the country" In the battle in which he fell, Sergeant Major (res.) David Schwartz z"l was also killed and a reserve soldier in the battalion was seriously wounded. "Once again death came up in our window, and again a black morning," says Amnon Bezeq, who was the teacher of both.

Hexter, 26, served as a soldier in the 8291st Engineer Battalion, the "Half Fire" Division • In the battle in which he fell, Sergeant Major (res.) David Schwartz z"l was also killed and a reserve soldier in the battalion was seriously wounded

This morning, the names of four IDF fighters who fell in battle in the southern and central Gaza Strip were allowed to be published. Among the fallen was reserve sergeant Yakir Hekster, 26, from Jerusalem. Hekster, who fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip, served as a soldier in the 8291st Engineer Battalion, the 551st Half Fire Formation.

In the battle in which Hechster fell, Sergeant Major (res.) David Schwartz z"l was also killed and a reserve soldier in the 8219th Engineer Battalion, the "Half Fire" Division (551) was also seriously wounded.

Amnon Bezeq, who was the teacher of both, Schwartz and Hechster, wrote on Facebook: "Once again death came up in our window, and again a black morning. Among those who fell yesterday were two of my dear and beloved students, David Schwartz and Yakir Hechster."

David Schwartz and Yakir Hechster with teacher Amnon Bezeq, Photo: None

Bezeq spoke about the character traits of the late Hechster and Schwartz, and about the common path they walked together from their school days. "Yakir and David had a lot in common. They are both gentle, with a heart of gold, lovers of Torah, spreading light and goodness around them, talented and wise, humble and humble, loved by all their friends. Both continued in the footsteps of their forefathers and studied like them at Yeshiva Har Etzion, along with many members of their families. They both studied together in my class, served together in engineering, went on a mech course together (pictured, from the graduation ceremony, Yakir on the right and David on the left). Yakir witnessed David's wedding. At the end of their studies in the yeshiva they went to study at the university, and remained connected to Torah and the yeshiva. Both went to the defense of the people and the land at the beginning of the war, and both fell together for the sanctity of God, the people and the land. Why would I eat both of you one day?"

"David came from deeply rooted Israeli families. He was very fond of Divrei Torah for the weekly Torah portion, and even published a booklet with words of Torah that he made sure to write every week. Before every holiday, David would call to greet on a happy holiday or a happy new year, or simply come to visit. Together with his dear wife Meital Tavdla, whom he married in a Corona wedding in the yard of her family home, he established his home in Rehovot, a house of Torah, science and lots of love."

"Yakir came from a family of immigrants who, out of love for the people and the country, immigrated to Israel, together with many members of their family. A serious student who always sought to whitewash everything to the end, with infinite gentleness. Always with a slight smile on his face, welcoming the whole person. Since he left the yeshiva we met from time to time at the Horev synagogue in Jerusalem, near my mother's house, and he was always interested in detail about what was happening at the yeshiva, and when I told him his eyes would light up. Dear David, in your life and death you have not parted. I loved you guys so much. May your memory be blessed."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2024-01-09

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