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[Police Press Conference] Rarely closed road police in Tsim Sha Tsui on Christmas Eve


[17:33] Li Guihua said that the number of burglary cases last year and January to November this year was 1,428 and 2056 this year; there were 133 robberies last year and 170 this year; 113 robberies last year and this year 163 cases; 797 in the car last year, 1110 this year; 402 cases of car theft last year, this year


Written by: Peng Kaixin, Zhu Yashuang, Kong Fanxu, Lu Ningmin, Chen Haoran

2019-12-23 15:30

Last updated: 2019-12-23 17:41

[17:33] Li Guihua said that the number of burglary cases last year and January to November this year was 1,428 and 2056 this year; there were 133 robberies last year and 170 this year; 113 robberies last year and this year There were 163 cases; there were 797 in-the-vehicle theft last year, and 1110 this year; there were 402 cases of car theft last year and 572 this year.

Mentioned that there was a robbery in October, and the suspect was arrested after fleeing to Taiwan. Li Guihua pointed out that the related cases were not investigated by O. However, he pointed out that the mutual legal assistance of Hong Kong and Taiwan and the transfer of fugitives require a legal basis. Evidence transfer must be handled in the above-mentioned manner. However, Hong Kong has always had intelligence interactions with other places, such as point-to-point or through Interpol.

[1734] Li Guihua said that the number of crimes last year and this year from January to November, burglary recorded 1,428 cases, this year there are 2056 cases; last year, there were 133 robbery cases, this year 170 cases; last year there were 113 robbery cases, this year 163 cases There were 797 car thefts last year and 1110 this year; there were 402 car thefts last year and 572 this year.

Mentioned that there was a robbery in October, and the suspect was arrested after fleeing to Taiwan. Li Guihua pointed out that the related cases were not investigated by O. However, he pointed out that the mutual legal assistance of Hong Kong and Taiwan and the transfer of fugitives require a legal basis. Evidence transfer must be handled in the above-mentioned manner. However, Hong Kong has always had intelligence interactions with other places, such as point-to-point or through Interpol.

[1735] There have been many cases of firearms seized recently. The firearms perform well. Whether Hong Kong has become a paradise for smuggling firearms, whether there is someone with a gun and a police officer will take the initiative to explain when the public asks the identity of the police to reduce the occurrence of police scams. Li Guihua said that the police should be concerned about the issue of gun flow. In the past, the inflow of firearms was older, and the conditions of the firearms were poor. Recently, the inflow of firearms is quite high in appearance and performance. The Organized Crime and Triad Investigation Bureau has found in previous examples that there are three ways for the inflow of firearms, including split mailing to Hong Kong, being carried in by people, and being hidden in other goods. The police maintains close liaison with other law enforcement agencies, hoping to crack down on misdeeds, and also to liaise with foreign law enforcement agencies, hoping to intercept the inflow of firearms from the source.

Li Guihua said that the police are also concerned that after the relevant firearms are used, they will cause trouble to the police, so when dealing with problems, the most important thing is to strengthen interception and intelligence collection.

He was asked if there was new evidence that money from the Spark Alliance was a criminal gain. The Chief Superintendent of the Police Public Relations Division, Guo Jiayu, said that there were no supplements to the case after two or three days. In the past few days after the arrest, there were a lot of fake news on the Internet to discredit the police, saying that the police had no evidence. Guo said that the police enforced the evidence and sought the advice of the Department of Justice, but some people have produced fake news and news in the past. I hope the public will pay attention to it. More reports and police releases to assist police enforcement.

[17:19] When asked about the two-day robbery, why was there a large number of riots in the evening, but there were opportunities in the daytime? It was due to the police's daily work or the intentional intention. The Chief Superintendent of the Police Public Relations Division, Jiajia Guo, emphasized that maintaining law and order and detecting crimes is a police duty, and deliberate incidents are absolutely wrong. During the past six months, the police went to work around the clock to cope with a large number of violent incidents, including arson and road blocking. Some citizens still condone violence and obstruct police work. Therefore, they must deploy sufficient manpower to cope with it. They are disappointed. Therefore, it is inevitable to transfer the daily police value arrangements. I believe that when a thug is not in the police force, he may rob. However, near the end of the year, outside of the centralized management of violent demonstrations, citizens can rest assured that the police will not let go of their daily work, will not neglect, will flexibly deploy manpower and resources, and appropriately deploy police forces based on intelligence to ensure that the same robes are safe. , Can respond to the current robbery and crime situation.

Senior Police Superintendent Li Guihua of the Organized Crime and Triad Investigation Division added that the crime occurred for two reasons, one is social ethics and the other is opportunity. Police reminded that the root cause of the problem is that a series of recent violent incidents bear great responsibility. In terms of recent robbery cases, the number of robbery cases from January to November this year increased by 28% compared to the same period last year, about one every three days in previous years, and the next day this year; street robberies increased by 44%; theft in cars increased by 39.3%; theft Cars rose by 40%. According to previous studies, these cases are related to the social atmosphere, and the prisoners see everyone's connivance and are unconscious of the crime.

He was asked if Christmas Eve would resurrect the situation of driving out citizens and tear gas. Huang Zhiwei, deputy commander of the Yau Tsim Police District, said that if there is no damage, police officers do not need to enter the mall to operate.

[17:12] In the past few months, police and civilians continued to scold. Some police officers used tadpoles to describe the demonstrators. The Hong Kong and Taiwan "Tai Chi" interviewed a police and public relations officer, saying "turn back,甴 Going from the front is good for life? ”Guo Jiazhen said that he had not seen the relevant clips, but thought that it was not ideal to label anyone with any nickname or word. In the past six months, everyone has different emotions and the police will make Emotional management, Christmas is a universal jubilant day. I hope everyone can have more respect and politeness. I believe that police-civilian relations can be eased as conflicts decrease, and the police will do more police-civilian work in the future.

During the rally in Central yesterday, police officers fired warning shots. Jiang Yongxiang said that after a mob attacked the police, he fled into the innocent crowd, hoping to use the crowd to cover it. Criticism was the most selfish and despicable act. It was clearly seen from the live broadcast that some people demolished the flag in the General Assembly Hall. The police only I thought of law enforcement, but some thugs deliberately provoked the incident and pushed the police, causing confusion. "Why would a national assembly be demolished in a peaceful rally? Why would they push the police?" Jiang said that a police officer was attacked, kicked, and kicked. The police officer fell and fell. Someone surrounded the police officer. He felt life threatened or had the opportunity to cause serious injuries. He had no choice but to protect himself and his robes. He emphasized that the gun was aimed at the crowd. It is purely misunderstanding.

[16:46] Huang Zhiwei, deputy commander of the Yau Tsim Police District, said that the police will not close Tsim Sha Tsui on December 24 and 31 this year. This is different from previous arrangements, emphasizing that due to information, "road closure is more important than road closure." "There is a problem", after a comprehensive risk assessment, it was decided not to close the road. As for out-of-towns, will illegal gatherings be involved? Huang said that the police did not do Christmas Eve for the first time. "Everyone drags men and women out to enjoy the festival. Thanks for the holiday. Is it a matter of doing something? Hope everyone believes me."

A clip on the Internet showed that a police officer had made a move inside Yoho Mall in Yuen Long and slammed a man. Jiang Yongxiang, Senior Superintendent (Media Liaison and Communications) of the Police Public Relations Section, said that at about 8.30 pm on Saturday, the police received a report that someone had damaged the store and ransacked at the scene. During this, a man approached the police head-on. Do not give way and cause collisions. Jiang said that in the past, there have been too many cases of mutual indifference, which led to many unsatisfactory things. I hope everyone "be more polite and less provocative."

Some media are concerned that when the police investigated a shooting case at Tsui Ping Garden in Tai Po last Friday, they used police batons to hit reporters' hands and video recording equipment several times. Jiang Yongxiang said that someone fired a shot that night, because of the need for a larger blockade on the security level, "Sometimes I know everyone, some people fire, and the stalk is gone. What about Xie Zhong? I really understand it. The police later found a long rifle and more than 200 rounds of ammunition. Did the people who did not leave regret it? If someone used the gun, how much damage would it cause? I urge everyone to hear the gun. Sound, leave, for your safety. "

Jiang Xu pointed out that the police would make the blockade a little larger for the sake of safety. For example, at the beginning of the year, the Sham Shui Po MTR station fired a case. The blockade was once 100 to 200 meters away. Jiang also said that there were people watching and not cooperating that night, hoping that it was not the same party who wanted to create chaotic robbers. Some people were unwilling to leave at the scene. It was a reach. The police only hoped to push everyone a little further. According to police officers, at that time, Some reporters did not cooperate well enough to retreat far enough, so they hit his cellphone with a baton and signaled him to leave. No harm was caused at that time.


[16:23] The Chief Superintendent of the Public Relations Division of the Police, Guo Jiayu, said that the anti-revision demonstrations continued for six months, and the number of crimes continued to rise, including burglary, robbery and arson. There have been many suspected armed robbery cases this month. Yesterday It happened late and today. The police do not rule out that some people are robbed by fire while they are busy. The most worrying thing is the public's awareness of law, deliberately assisting criminals due to thug behavior, and obstructing police officers to enforce the law. Citizens are urged to target the police, creating hatred, and even netizens are using fake news to rumour that today ’s robbery was caused by shopkeepers for “er insurance” in order to downplay crimes and make false claims true.

Guo also stated that the police had enforced law enforcement in shopping malls in Sha Tin, Tsim Sha Tsui and Yuen Long over the past weekend, but ulterior motives accused the police of entering the shopping mall without any reason, reiterating that the police had seen shopping malls damaged in the past. The purpose of the police entering the shopping mall was We must prevent criminal damage and hurt the public. As for the rally in Central yesterday, Guo pointed out that someone with ulterior motives saw the presence of police officers, saying that the police interfered with the freedom of assembly and created opposition, emphasizing that the purpose of the police presence was to seize a destroyed national flag, but there were more than ten mobs. Taking the initiative to attack the police, more people deliberately pushed the police officers down with the intention of robbing the offenders. Guo also pointed out that the police detected an armed case last Friday. The suspect had fired a real gun with the intention to attack the police, but people with ulterior motives surrounded the police to hinder work.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, Guo said that some netizens advocate advocating others to commit illegal acts of violence, plan to block roads and destroy fires, set fire to the sacred trees in the malls, and expressly say that behaviors will affect the lives of elderly children. This month, there were at least three cases involving live ammunition or indigenous bombs. According to the investigation, some people planned to mix in crowded places for lethal force. They fired long guns at high altitudes and detonated bombs in crowded places. If the gangsters mixed with the crowd, they would be injured. The person can be any ordinary citizen, and the consequences are disastrous.

Police have arrested 52 people in the past week, including 46 men and 6 women, aged 15 to 53, for illegal assembly, possession of weapons of assault, disorderly conduct in public places and loitering. Police fired three tear gas bombs, three rubber bombs, six release pouches, and two sponge bombs last Friday; two rubber bombs were fired yesterday. Six police officers were injured in the past week, mainly due to entanglement with demonstrators during the actions in Central yesterday.

[16:20] Huang Zhiwei, deputy commander of the Yau Tsim Police District, said that a notice of no objection was issued in the Tsim Sha Tsui parade tomorrow (24th), but for public safety reasons, the police requested that the procession start time and route be changed as soon as possible. The cancellation of the application was considered responsible by the police, but the police found that there was a call on the Internet to continue the procession. The police warned that this was an illegal assembly. Past experience has shown that it will develop into a scene of violence. If this scene occurs, the police will immediately enforce the law.

On the other hand, the police expect that many citizens and tourists will come out to celebrate, mainly in Canton Road and Salisbury Road. Police deployment this year will be different from previous years. Except for Kowloon Park Drive tomorrow night, the area around Tsim Sha Tsui will not Roads are closed, and police officers will not be on the waterfront in large numbers. In the event of an emergency, the police will quickly close the road and deploy personnel. Public transport will be adjusted at any time according to the situation. The police appealed to the public in Tsim Sha Tsui tomorrow night to pay attention to the news and latest information issued by the police. If there is an emergency, avoid going to relevant places. In places where a large number of people gather, the police have a broadcast system on the scene to immediately send messages to the public. The public is requested to follow the instructions as much as possible. If there are police officers nearby, they must obey the police instructions.

In the past few days, police and civilian clashes have reappeared. Yesterday (22nd), a "Symbol of Uyghur Human Rights" was launched in Edinburgh Square, Central. The rally started at 3:30 pm and was calm at first. The hall abandoned the national flag on the ground, the police arrived to subdue many people, and a fierce clash broke out with the rally. Police once fired pepper spray and drew guns. The scene was chaotic. The police then stepped up their reinforcements and raised a black flag. They warned that tear gas would be released. The rally organizer announced the end of the rally.

On the evening of Friday (20th), police and civilian clashes also occurred in Tai Po. Before the incident, a man was suspected to be in uniform by two plainclothes policemen. Because the plainclothes policemen were masked and did not show their credentials, some people in the market questioned their identities. Citizens confronted the riot police, and some people were suspected of firing at the police during the chaos. After the incident, the police said that during the arrest operation in Dapu, the male suspect shot at the police. That night, "One Brother" Deng Bingqiang also came to the scene to learn about the shooting. The police subsequently seized an AR-15 rifle, P80 An 18-year-old man was arrested with a pistol and 255 rounds of bullets.

Chief Superintendent Guo Jiayu, Police Public Relations Division, Jiang Yongxiang, Senior Superintendent (Media Liaison and Communications), Police Public Relations Division, Li Guihua, Senior Superintendent, Organized Crime and Triad Investigation Division, Wang Weixun, Senior Superintendent of Operations, Deputy Chief of Yau Tsim Police District Commander Huang Zhiwei and Chief Inspector Xiao Yikun of the Implementation and Control Unit of the Hong Kong Island Regional Transport Department will meet with the press this afternoon.

Police Press Conference News Madman 01 Video

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2019-12-23

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