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In the shadow of the Corona: 72 Ethiopian immigrants arrived in Israel Israel today


Jewish News

Upon arrival in Israel, immigrants were transferred to home isolation in the north of the country. • Since the outbreak of the crisis, 880 immigrants have arrived • "Time for mutual guarantee"

  • 72 Ethiopian immigrants came to Israel. "Time for Mutual Guarantee" // Photo: Jewish Agency

72 Ethiopian immigrants from Falashmura landed in Israel tonight (Tuesday) following the government's February decision to raise 400 community members. Immediately upon arrival, the immigrants were provided with a home-provided accommodation in a dedicated hostel prepared for them in the northern part of the Jewish Agency and the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption. During the days when they will be housed in solitary confinement, they will be accompanied by staff members who will assist them as needed and then integrate as is customary in absorption centers in the country.

Immigration to Israel continues these days with a comprehensive adherence to the Ministry of Health's directives and authorized bodies in Israel. Since the outbreak of the crisis in early March and to date, the Jewish Agency has been assisted by some 880 immigrants from dozens of countries, including the US, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, France, the UK, Ukraine, Australia and the immigrants who arrived from Ethiopia tonight.

The process of immigration to Israel is a long and ongoing process, and many immigrants who arrived in March already sold their homes and resigned from their jobs before the crisis began. About 100 immigrants from all over the world decided to pause their immigration during this period and postpone it until the situation became clear. At this time of year, immigration to Israel is mainly based on the arrival of individuals and families, and not on the group flights organized in the summer.

Following the crisis, the Jewish Agency, in cooperation with the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, and in coordination with the Ministry of Health, is conducting a special and comprehensive emergency procedure for the arrival of immigrants in the near future and their safe absorption in Israel, in accordance with the full instructions of the competent authorities. According to the procedure, every immigrant is required to sign before his immigration to the place where he will be staying in domestic isolation as soon as he arrives in Israel, and undertake to follow the Ministry of Health's procedures.

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The Jewish Agency operates an International Situation Room in Jerusalem staffed by various language-speaking professionals who accompany each immigrant even before his arrival in accordance with the full guidelines of the Israeli Ministry of Health and the competent authorities in Israel, answering hundreds of inquiries from around the world every day. Ahead of the immigration, the Jewish Agency also produced training videos for immigrants in various languages ​​with the Ministry of Health guidelines and each immigrant accompanied and personally guided before his arrival by the agency's professionals. During the isolation period, immigrants receive escort from the Jewish Agency, mainly from afar, together with the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption and Absorption Authorities, to assist as needed.

According to the Jewish Agency, another 200 immigrants are expected to arrive around the world by the time of the Seder.

Chairman of the Jewish Agency Yitzhak Herzog: "It is time for mutual guarantee and social solidarity in Israel, in the Jewish people and throughout the world. We work to help Jewish communities around the world, employ technological means to continue ongoing activities in areas that cannot be operated on the ground and, of course, continue to immigrate to the State of Israel, with our concern, first and foremost, for public peace in Israel and around the world. "

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-03-24

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