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Not Only Religious: The New Hit On The Web | Israel today


| Jewish cultureThree members of the Gaza envelope create videos in which they sting political figures, connecting the masses to this week's affair • Pure secularists also watched - and were enthusiastic From a video of Rappersha If you see them on the street, with long wigs, big domes and dangling tits, chances are you won't be able to guess what their hobby is, but enough to watch one video to understand tha...

Three members of the Gaza envelope create videos in which they sting political figures, connecting the masses to this week's affair • Pure secularists also watched - and were enthusiastic

  • From a video of Rappersha

If you see them on the street, with long wigs, big domes and dangling tits, chances are you won't be able to guess what their hobby is, but enough to watch one video to understand that they know what they're doing and also enjoy it: "Rapershah," three members of a Gaza-based singer's seat Rap on this week’s episode and advertisers on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. They shoot the lyrics at a fast pace, their movements are loose as well as the tongue - which sends political bites in every direction; Netanyahu, Bennett and Rafi Peretz, all have already suffered stings, and another hand is leaning. In just a few weeks, they became a hit on the net, and the hand is still slanted.

"At the end of the whole story is a pan and a laugh, and we try hard to make the content not go unnoticed," says Avior Freiman, 32, a third-grade teacher in elementary school and one of the members of the lineup, "but criticism we give and fun, especially in the political section ". "We have no political agenda," continues Abraham Rabinowitz, 31, who earns his living from a tour of Ethiopia, "and probably the three of us are far from each other on the political scale, so we laugh both right and left and look into reality." The third side of the lineup is David, their age.

Once a week, they meet on the porch to write the weekly rap section dealing with this week's episode and topical weekly affairs: the Corona, the political crisis, and, yes, Gantz's word. They perform the excerpts they wrote in front of a camera and distribute on their YouTube channel. They've been in the story for a few weeks, but only now have the long-awaited virality, with the latest songs on the Tzira-leper and Mount-constitutional affairs that scorched social networks and ran on Wattsap and Twitter, where it reached hundreds of thousands of viewers. "Last weekend, I received messages from friends from high school that I hadn't talked to in years," says Avraham, "after they received the video in their family's groups. There were also people from abroad who contacted, and even Guy Zohar shared the video to his followers on Twitter."

How did it all start?

Avior: "In every Purim, as good as our son in wine, we take out a speaker and a bit of heaven and start immediately. David, the boyfriend, has been running for a long time to do a rap on the affair, and after the last Purim that was successful, he wrote a first section of the Vickel-Pekodi affair, And since then we continue to put out a new section every week and get better. "

And what do your students say about the rap?

"I haven't received a formal response from them yet ... but a friend told me he heard his son, who is a student of mine, humming one of our passages ...".

Call the rappers' souls

The texts are written by Abraham and David, and sometimes Avior, who is in charge of performing with Abraham, gives a shrug. "Abraham is the master," says Avior, "he is a real lover of the field. I am less, but as the righteous man dies, he calls in his soul, now I start calling in the rappers' souls." "I don't want to disappoint the fan community," Avraham says with a smile, "but we spend a little time on it. Writing the section on Thursday, meeting Friday in the middle of cooking to film, and going online for Saturday." "Mostly, we are mostly looking for an hour of freedom from home in the midst of all the preparations," laughs Avior, "and makes it an ideology."

And you actually sit down and study the affair to prepare the weekly section?

Abraham: "This is our excuse for how we know what the affair was before Saturday."

Avior: "Thanks to our excerpts, people connect with the affair from different directions: Some people told me that because of them they know what to say at the Sabbath table, and some told me that because of them, they know what the news was this week."

Although rap usually includes abusive and obscene language, "rappersha", as it is called, maintains a clean language. Most of the time, at least: "Clean language is a red line for us," says Avior, "but this week was a borderline trial that we decided to give up only because we were sitting on the balcony with my wife and censor ... We do not come back to the question and do not come to repent but to enjoy. It also does good for people and if someone told me this week that he cried with excitement to see Jews with wigs doing rap, we're happy ... ".

And what are the plans for the future?

Abraham: "We are not politically associated, but I believe there will be a lot of laughs about the new government."

Avior: "We are coming to make happy and make the affair and Judaism easier and fun than usual and we will continue to do so. It started to gain momentum because of the Corona, but in the end, 'Rappersha' is our therapy, therapy ...".

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-05-20

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