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Comment Mulled wine with a shot of trust


It is good that the city of Erding is daring to hold the Christmas market. Whether it works is mainly up to us. But it would be even more normal in the pandemic, says editor-in-chief Hans Moritz in his comment on the weekend.

It is good that the city of Erding is daring to hold the Christmas market.

Whether it works is mainly up to us. But it would be even more normal in the pandemic, says editor-in-chief Hans Moritz in his comment on the weekend.

The city of Erding is doing everything to ensure that there is a Christmas market this year.

In view of the corona numbers that have risen sharply in the district in the past few days, one does not really want to believe in it.

And the magic of the booth is far from certain.

Nevertheless, it is correct that Mayor Max Gotz “wants to set an example that one can celebrate again even in times of the pandemic”.

Of course it won't be a Christmas market as we know it.

When that happens, he'll be part of the much-cited new normal.

Whether it takes place, whether it doesn't have to be canceled, is also up to the citizens themselves. The Volksfest committee serves, as it were, mulled wine with a shot, an advance of faith.

It is now up to us how much normality we can regain - through caution and adherence to the AHA rules: keep your distance, observe hygiene, wear an everyday mask.

Many infections can be traced back to negligence - family celebrations and parties that are too big and sprawling, for example.

That may have been tolerable in summer.

But now people are moving back into their homes, the Covid-19 virus spreads more easily in poorly ventilated rooms.

Brave, but also correct, is the attempt to at least prepare the tower blowing and the New Year's Eve laser show on Christmas Eve.

Both take place in the open air.

It is time that after a completely messed up year in a state of emergency pandemic, there are again opportunities to get together - as I said: by far.

Erding also grabs a notch: It was a shame that there was no to-go festival like the “Summer in Munich”.

The number of infections was lower back then.

One should have tried it.

There is still a possibility to give the Earthen a little (new) normalcy back.

The shopping Sundays have all been canceled this year.

It would send a strong signal to retailers to add one or two more and to override the rule that there must be a historical, cultural or social occasion.

This year was so crazy that the government of Upper Bavaria can safely turn a blind eye.

Of course, everything has to be subordinate to one goal in the effort to return to the tried and tested: There must not be a second lockdown - not in the economy and certainly not in schools.


Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-10-11

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