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Elections in the United States: the female resistance that makes Donald Trump reel


In 2016 they did not know this man who mistreats them every time he can. Now, it seems, they already know him and are willing to turn their backs on him.

John carlin

11/02/2020 6:00 AM

  • Clarí

  • World

Updated 11/02/2020 6:00 AM

In the rest of the world, a

concept a bit foreign in this very self-absorbed country,

the main news is the coronavirus.

Here is the Donald Trump virus.

After a week in Pennsylvania, a state that experts say will be decisive in the outcome of the presidential elections, where both Trump and his rival Joseph Biden

will celebrate the last acts of their campaigns

this Monday, I arrived by car with my friend Lenny to the relative peace of New York.

On the way we listened to the radio as usual.

We heard this recording.

“Martha, hurry up.



Let's go!


You have a minute!

Wait a minute, Martha!

They don't want to hear this, Martha.

Go ahead.

Go Go.

Fast fast fast!

Go ahead!

Let's go!"

It was Trump at an election rally in Arizona.

Martha is Martha McSally, a senator from her Republican party who will suffer not to lose her seat in Tuesday's elections.

So he was given the rare opportunity

to share the stage with Trump.

But when the time came, Trump couldn't contain himself.

He couldn't make a small sacrifice for his own party.

He could not show the most elementary courtesy to a woman

who has been his faithful ally in Washington and who, by the way, once rose to the rank of colonel in the air force, having been the first woman in United States history to enter in combat as a pilot of a war plane.

For Trump, irrelevant.

At the singular and unbearable notion of not being for a moment the only center of attention, he

humiliated her


In front of the 15,000 people present at the Arizona event, and the millions more on radio and television, she yells at her that no one is interested in what she is going to say, that she was giving her a maximum minute,

that she leave quickly

, quickly so that the people can listen (for almost an hour and a half, it turned out) to him, the sun king, the orange god that the faithful had come to praise.

We listened to the recording and Lenny told me, "And then he is surprised that women are not going to vote for him!"

It is true.

Everything indicates - the polls, the infinite analyzes, the interviews that the media have already done with half citizens -

that women are going to overthrow Trump

, that Biden is going to win the elections thanks to the vote of women, specifically white women, 53 percent of whom voted for him in 2016.

So they had the excuse of ignorance.

Well up to a point, because by now everyone had heard

of the unspeakable rudeness

he once uttered before the cameras when he boasted of his gifts as a seducer.

But now there is no room for doubt.

They have been able to see and hear and read his tweets, every day, for four years, and they know what he is like.

"I'm ashamed"

How is it?

I asked several women I met in my hotel, in a bar, and on the street at my last stop in Pennsylvania, the town of Scranton, how they viewed Trump.

I limited myself to white women from the urban middle class

, since among black women - people with better taste, of course - only four percent voted for Trump last time.

Here are three of the responses I received, all typical.

“He is a horrible person.

I am ashamed

, speaking with you, a foreigner, that you are president of my country ”.

"If you choose a clown what you are going to have is a circus."

“That man is a pig.

It's rubbish.

The purest garbage ”.

I could go on, but it would be more of the same.

Trump's wife, former Slovenian model Melania, does what she can, poor woman.

She appeared in another Pennsylvania city four days ago dressed in what appeared to be the uniform of a Soviet Army sergeant to speak

"as mother and wife"

and declare that "Donald" had to remain in the White House "so that he can finish what that started ”and prevent“ socialism ”from destroying the country.

Melania's great rival, Trump's daughter Ivanka (they hate each other, they say), also made an election appearance this week but chose a less sophisticated route to try to convince women that her dad was her man.

Nothing complicated, no socialism and such, the slender Ivanka decided that the best way to communicate with the midwives who came to hear her in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin,

would be to talk about desserts, specifically ice cream.

"The people of this state eat 21 million gallons of ice cream every year," Ivanka began, amid grateful smiles and applause of civic pride.


When my kids found out about this they said they wanted to move to this city! "

(Hysterical laughter, more applause.) "So the Kushner family (your husband's name) may come to live in Milwaukee!"

(The audience stands up, as if Ivanka has scored the winning goal in the world cup final.)

Yes, this is the level


He will have convinced the unconditional trumperas, many of them stuck in a vision of the world of the fifties, but difficult that his gastronomic arguments would have made much of a dent in those that have made the passage to the 21st century, for example the ones I see through my window Now walking the streets of New York

On the way here, in New Jersey, we spoke with a university professor who told us that it

was women who were promoting Trump's defeat

, that among other things thousands of them had been knocking on doors in his state in favor of Biden.

Yes. Women are leading the resistance to Trump, it is clear.

And Trump knows it.

In a speech a couple of weeks ago, he exhibited his despair at this ineluctable reality.

“Middle-class women,” he exclaimed, “please I want you to like me!



But, once again, he couldn't control himself.

He screwed up.

He was impatient, he didn't have time, he had other things to do, and then he added:


But… look, I don't have much time to pretend to be nice


I'm in a hurry.

I have to go".

And he left.

And a few days later the result of a

New York Times

poll was published

that indicated that 56 percent of white women had a "very unfavorable" opinion of him.

And that is why he is going to lose the elections.

And that's why the Democratic vice presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, is going to work in the White House for the next four years and the absurd and misogynistic Donald Trump is not.

Look also

Goodbye President Trump

Elections in the US: Donald Trump's political program, an epic hoax

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2020-11-02

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