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US presidential election: the very tight Trump-Biden match


Donald Trump won Florida, one of the key states in this hotly contested election.In the United States, the game is as close as ever between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden. The final result of this 2020 presidential election will not be known for sure for long hours. Live: LIVE - 2020 US presidential election: very close results, no blue wave for Biden During this last hour, Donald Trump has garnered several important victories. First of them: the Republican r

In the United States, the game is as close as ever between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden.

The final result of this 2020 presidential election will not be known for sure for long hours.

Live: LIVE - 2020 US presidential election: very close results, no blue wave for Biden

During this last hour, Donald Trump has garnered several important victories.

First of them: the Republican retains Florida and its 29 voters.

The current president is given a winner in Montana, Iowa and Ohio.

His opponent would win Hawaii and Minnesota.

Biden spoke

“Today, we are on track to win the election,” said

Joe Biden.

"Keep the faith, we will win!"

launched the former vice president in front of supporters gathered in "drive-in" in his stronghold of Wilmington, in Delaware.

He admitted, however, that

"we would have to wait until every vote was counted



Read also: US presidential election 2020: update on an election night that promises to be very tight

At the same time, Donald Trump tweeted, predicting

"a great victory"

and accusing Democrats of trying to


the election.

"We will not let him,"

warned the outgoing president, who plans to address the Americans later in the evening.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2020-11-04

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