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A sexual encounter, a hammer and a corpse in a suitcase


On the day of the 2018 Lottery, a lifeless body was found in a house in Zaragoza. The police reconstructed the history of that man following a contact application

300 kilometers from there, in Madrid, a father had been in suspense for a week because he had not heard from his son for a whole day.

Jorge Villa, a 48-year-old transporter from Madrid, had to have arrived that night from Barcelona with the belongings of a move that took place on December 14.

The disappearance of the son and the discovery of the suitcase came together.

It was his remains that were on that balcony on the floor of Via Verde street in Zaragoza.

It was the police officers who removed the padlock and the plastic


that wrapped the suitcase.

They had been alerted by the tenant of the house, which was rented, and that he said that a former roommate had left it there and suspected that it contained something cloudy.

When it was opened he was present and could not believe that he had shared an apartment with a corpse for several days.

That colleague was Jonathan Berreondo, a 28-year-old Guatemalan asylum seeker, petite and with broken speech.

The agents took him to the police station to take a statement and begin to unravel the history of that body.

There the clues began, and the story started with a date through the Wapo application, a network of gay encounters.

On December 14, Jorge Villa sent a message.

In this



he called himself Mario.

She wanted an appointment to maintain relations with a boy and she wanted a stop in Zaragoza before continuing on her way to Madrid.

The one who responded to his message was Jonathan.

100 euros for the meeting.

He opened the door for her, they went into the back room, the one with the double bed and the nightstand.

From there the confusing story of the attacker begins.

"Okay, I'm going to tell you what really happened."

It was the phrase that the young man snapped at the policemen after hours of an interrogation full of incongruities.

“He was hurting me so I pushed him away and his head hit the table, I hit him a few more times on the head and left.

When I returned I realized that he was dead, "he said.

The base of the victim's skull was shattered and hammer marks were evident.

The agents prepared to keep scratching until they came up with a more credible account.

Then Emilio, The Cordovan, entered the scene.

Emilio is a construction worker who emigrated from his town in Córdoba to work in Zaragoza.

He also hired Jonathan's sexual services from time to time, whom he also saw in his flat on Via Verde Street.

Was he also Jorge's murderer?

In a second version of what happened in that house that Saturday in December, Jonathan tells that he was in a room with Jorge, and Emilio in another, waiting his turn.

He says that when Jorge started hurting him and screamed, Emilio entered the room, shook him off and killed him to protect him.

A new twist that the agents ruled out.

Jonathan was arrested and entered prison, where he has remained until this week, when he has left to be tried in the Provincial Court of Zaragoza with a popular jury.

According to the reconstruction of the instruction, while they were having sex, Jonathan repeatedly hit Jorge on the head with a hammer that he had bought the day before, until he was killed.

Then he put it in the suitcase and, since he could not lower all that weight himself from a room without an elevator, he left it on the balcony waiting for a better solution.

Meanwhile, he cleaned everything with bleach and painted the room in which everything had happened.

Later, she took a bus to spend a few days in Bilbao with her boyfriend.

In those days, Jonathan simulated mobile conversations between him and the victim, but the Spanish used in some expressions put the agents on alert.

A Madrilenian would not speak like that.

The forensic report reveals countless wounds throughout the skull.

“Was it a sado in which something went wrong?”, The prosecution attorney, José Luis Melguizo, ventured to ask the defendant.

He denied it.

"I don't do sado."

A statement that does not square with what the defendant's best friend declared, a transsexual woman named Leti, who days before had manipulated the suitcase with her hands because Jonathan had already shown her doubts about what it might contain.

“He told me to go to his house, that he felt it smelled bad, that he didn't know what was in there.

At the most, I thought that some dead animal could have left him, but I didn't see blood, ”Leti explained before the judge.

Something else was discovered in the drill.

Jonathan had been prosecuted for another homicide in his home country.

In a succession of events that remains unclear, a man from his town was murdered just after mass.

They cut off his penis.

The member appeared in Jonathan's mouth, who was found bound in his home.

The judge prosecuted Jonathan and his father, considering that the penis scene had been set up to mislead the agents.

Finally, he was acquitted of that accusation, but before the sentence was confirmed he left Guatemala and ended up in Zaragoza.

The so-called crime of the suitcase has come to an end this Monday with the sentence.

The popular jury has unanimously found Jonathan guilty.

Six hours were enough for the jurors to decide that the defendant's version had no credibility.

Source: elparis

All news articles on 2020-11-10

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